Liberals at it Again

> Mixed race Neo

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keanu is mixed race and the wachowskis not being involved is probably a good thing. if we have a nigger neo will we have a cracker morpheus?

They're gonna do this shit to all movies LOLOLOLOL

North Korea nuke us now...

Michael B Jordan is a good actor


isn't keanu already mixed?

No he's white lmao

At this point Frodo and Gandalf are going to be niggers

>Wachowskis, literal trannies, are not progressive enough to be involved with this (((reboot)))
Let that sink in


Fuck that...he's shit, and everybody knows it. He's a magic minority place holder that got his place because of his shit skin. I wouldn't wipe my ass with his work cause I don't want to be dirty.

>Mostly because Reeves said just last month that he would only do a fourth Matrix movie if the Wachowskis were involved, and it looks like they may not be.
At least read it if you are going to link. They want Reeves but he don't want them so they went with a brother. He wont do it with out the Wachos because he knows it will be blue pilled.

When will we reach the point where the reboot and the original movie are in theaters at the same time? 5 years? Less?

Movie's gonna flop big time

Just a matter of time before they start burning books.

I can't see Kianu as anything other that John Wick now anyway so it's fine.

>implying they didn't sex change just to keep their jobs directing AAA films.
let that sink in.

a)wachowskis got weird after one turned tranny
b) 2 and 3 were so nonsensical that it cant help but be an improvement. I'll overlook the race thing if they make the goddamn plot make sense and flow logically.

>Advanced Google AI has determined the most common unifying factor of strength within the alt-right movement: the "red pill".
They're going right for the juggular. Man ur battelstations!! It's gonna be a hell of a shitstorm

Yo string, where's wallace?

No. All minority heroes. All white villains.

matrix was shit after the first one

he's asian and white. looking at him, he looks mostly... maybe 3/4 white, but you can see his eyes arent european if you look close.

Oy he's right ya kno. It's for duh shekels.

He is part asian, only 25% or something though so it isn't obvious

woops, meant to reply to this guy

Because Hollywood has been creatively bankrupt for about 20 years now.

They're going to remake every movie with a white male actor starring.

They're pointing a gun to their own head while lecturing us that we're bigots.

Let them pull the trigger. I havent paid for a movie ticket, or every bought a BluRay, or paid for a DVD in years. I've bought maybe 2 movies in the last couple of years.

Boycott the fuck out of these shit reboots. Don't watch them, especially paying to watch them.


machines are the villains.

and if we're talking IN the matrix, based on raw population even the agents should appear +65% white.

Probably just an expensive ploy to reclaim the "red pill" term. I believe the movie is less the 20 years old, I don't think Hollywood is THAT desperate to revive old shit just yet, they're just wanting to do leftist control by coopting an "alt right" movie

they'll undoubtedly change the pill colors

neo was originally supposed to be played by will smith

if you want to read one of the earliest red pills on the internet try to search for the analysis this one vnn forum member wrote of the matrix reloaded and revolutions back in like 2003

yeah he's lebanese but i think that don't Satisfy the kikes master yet

Dark City did much better in executing some of the themes from the Matrix

Yet another reboot that nobody asked for. I wouldn't go see this shitty cashgrab even if the cast was 100% white

haha why


>tfw The Matrix is almost 20 years old now.

and it had jennifer connelly

every fucking time

>Advanced Google AI has determined the most common unifying factor of strength within the alt-right movement: the "red pill".
>They're going right for the juggular.



Can someone say with a straight face that it is not obvious right now that they're going through every movie from the 80's and 90's etc. with white actors and replacing them with non white or mixed race actors? How many more examples do you need, before it becomes obvious that this is a clear agenda to do this.

Also on top of that, fairly sure that the matrix has a pretty multiethnic cast to begin with which makes it ridiculous. Including in the movie many of the leaders, and people in leadership positions, are black or mixed.

Let's go through the cast from the original matrix movies and see if we can find le white supremacy.
>morpheus - black
>oracle - mixed, then turns black in the sequals
>seraph - asian
>link - black
>dozer - black
>tank - black
>apoc - mixed
>zee - black
>commander locke - mixed
>mauser - black
>niobe - black/mixed
>rama-kandra and his kids - indian
>the keymaker - asian
>ghost - asian
>mifune - samoan
And i'm not even at matrix 3 yet, and i've missed quite a few already.
I mean how many non white people do they need in the fucking cast.

>Michael Jordan is a good actor

kek, michael jordan as neo? fucking hilarious



>wachowskis out
>still pushing diversity trash


I'll be sayng "no the original" for the ret of my life.
Unless we have a film burning/mass deleting of degenerate and useless remakes movies.

cultural appropriation if i ever saw it

>Tranny siblings rebooting their only successful movie
Why can't they just kill them self's'.

Can't wait for a waterworld reboot.

>wachowskis not involved
ummmm. transphobic much????? is alt-right taking over hollywood?????

Evil. That would subvert the message with massive confusion. Good luck generation Z, massive disappointment already, has no chance.

it's gonna be about the young morpheus
morpheus was black iirc


he's not. that's just what the hollywood jew wants you to believe. he is among a few other select negroes like the star wars negro who get to star in all their big movies while calling everyone racist.


>buy 5 male boy
that ID

>implying Reeves didn't want to slam the Wachowskis boi pussies
He's a known tranny fucker after all

of course the villain in Matrix (Smith) is a professional white businessman in a suit

jeeezus christ that guy is dressed like a lady

Not to mention all the agents and the architect are white men.

How much money do they have to lose before they
give up on this bullshit. I literally have not spent any money on movies in years, with the exception of Blade Runner. Maybe spent $40 total on movies in the last 5 years.

even if they think this would in any way undermine our positions, how will they make people watch it?

>Matrix reboot
but why

blessed be, praise unto him

He's also a quarter Asian. But I guess Asians are pretty much White to liberals and Kikes anyway, so I get your point.

Not getting it, either. The Matrix trilogy already is as perfect as it is/can be.

This isn't about anything rational like money, this is about taking something and claiming it in the name of ideological dominance in order to control culture, giving people no other recourse than to accept and agree to their narrative. This is why you are seeing tons of butchered reboots one after another.

jewwood is creatively bankrupt and reboots/sequels/remakes are all they know

>Matrix reboot with a non Keanu protag
Time to genocide the humans.

>Implying it can be subverted more
Bernie supporters don't even understand what a blue pill is

>Implying Smith is not the hero
You never read the prophecy did you? Neo is a human that takes the fall for Smith as Smith awakens consciousness within humanity to bring peace between chaos and order.

Neo is literally given his superpowers by a higher power he doesn't understand that uses him to impregnate(destroy) smith.

"God" uses a dumb human(Neo) to upgrade Smith and wipe the Matrix/create consciousness in order to checkmate order and chaos into an awkward peace.

Smith is like Satan: he gets the whole world killed but he is the whole world and he realizes why he doesn't like it at the end of the movie.

Neo was mixed race to begin with

>Ayo hol up yall, iz you sayin we wuz the one n sheit?

They will never replicate the atmosphere of the first movie.

What are the film outlets that compete with Hollywood?

I mean compete viably, because random "art students" with a few thousand bucks budget don't matter. What are the major outlets that are rivalling Hollywood and hopefully don't have such shitty politics?

>not involving the trannie duo
Isn't that transphobic?

So, Matrix with Transgender Niggers?!

Pass. Next.

>Ayo Morpheus hol up

>Movie's gonna flop big time
there can be only one... wait.. fuck it, that still works


Anime is beating them in cartoons

Africa and India(not joking, they have quality meme tier B-list films already) will beat them by 2024 at this rate

White people use jews to take over the world and then wonder why their content goes to shit when they are done using that which used them.

>What if everything they told you was a lie, what if blacks have an average IQ of 80

>boycott X
>Yo dawg we wuz the 1 n sheit

im convinced the jews just want whites to explode and start cleansing so they can bring in martial law and their jew world order with UN troops

>lets make another matrix movie
>but we already did 3 wont it be kinda boring?
>we'll make neo a nigger

This is a good idea

sheeit pham, ayo finna follw dat rabbit n shieet yo dawg

>tfw you slowly watch your culture getting destroyed by mindvirus and there's nothing you can do about it

Yes there is. Their rigged system is crumbling into void. It's only a matter of time until we can have culture and great movies again.

I forgot middle earth was an all white wonderland. Only the savage troops from the south had some color.
Lol that is unimaginable now.

There's a thread discussing what you can do about it right now

Memes create reality through imagination converted to memetic form

Make memes soldier


Keanu Charles Reeves
Born September 2, 1964 (age 53)
Beirut, Lebanon

Not if you don't beat the jewish artificial intelligence cianigger demons with your memes

Start memeing boy

>missing the ´G’ and the ´R’


His name backwards is almost Jordan B Peterson

KEK is truly running amok


anything that white people enjoy or relate to is taken and destroyed eventually