Why do Conservatives hate poor people so much?
Why do Conservatives hate poor people so much?
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I hate everyone
They're all hypocrites. Pretend to be Christian then shit all over the needy
Yup. Also they pretend to care about muh fetuses but will let the kid starve after its born because "muh handouts r bad".
Because people should be smart enough to look out for themselves.
In nature if you're retarded you die, in America if you're retarded you get section 8 housing and welfare.
>not handing out things to poor people means you hate them
i hate canadians
that's who i hate
I thought Murka was great again? Great countries try to operate through a form of cruel selection in mockery of Nature? How much money do wild animals pay for food?
You should be smart enough to have a big black 11" cock, Rapepublican
Why is op such a maple nigger faggot?
They pay with their work (hunting/forging) lol. If they don't work for their food they die.
So your okay with kids living in slums and starving but your not okay with abortion?
Conservatives pay more taxes and donate more to charity than liberals (as a percent of income and even more so in real dollars and conservatives also earn more). Liberals just want to vote for even more squeezing of the conservative working class while they laze around.
i wish you'd put a bullet in your head for every word you just tried to put in my mouth
Free markets don't create slums. Jews and niggers create slums.
They’d actually rather make them not-poor instead of keeping them impoverished inorder to endlessly farm them for votes.
Sage this faggot leaf shit
why do niggers hate niggers
pic related
How is that not their parents fault? I have 2 kids and I'd do anything to keep them fed and safe. If Yolanda would put down the 40 and crack pipe, she could too.
Conservatives have a backwards way of thinking; what may be conservative now may be considered liberal in the future.
Nonetheless,conservatives are people who don't fully understand the concept of conservatism or the Bible.
Do tell me what nice peaceful places Detroit, Chiraq, and East St.Louis are mr. Ghy
Because more often than not you have to be a real piece of shit to be poor beyond past say the age of 25 or so. Being rich takes an element of luck, but not being poor is a matter of simply keeping the nose in the ground and putting in sweat equity
Yeah some get dealt better hands than others, but there is nothing institutionally keeping a single person from making a decent living
>Why do Conservatives hate poor people so much?
Why do Liberals hate White people so much?
It’s like how Ancoms don’t understand the concept of economics and how not to starve to death.
I dont recall Jesus telling the Temple or the King they should start taxing everyone that works and spend that money on those that dont work
Conservatives care about those who can't help themselves. Otherwise, work hard and do your best, faggot.
Spoken like a failure of a parent. Your kids are going to be close minded and jobless in the future, way to go dipshit.
Republicans hating the poor is a meme argument at best.
Democrats conspire to keep people in the welfare system so they can buy the poor vote. Also they immigrate poor people with the promise of citizenship so they make the middle class pay for their voter base. The burden of the social programs to feed cloth house and even just talk to the immigrants they use to support them is much greater than any stupid tax break given any Republican president.
I agree, if those six month old kids can’t fend for themselves, fuck em.
>close minded
Good. No problem there. At least they won't have purple hair and claim to be polyamorphoussexual
lol no.
your point only proves republicans are hypocritical.
You must’ve missed that passage where Jesus and his diciples threw molotovs at a bakery that wouldn’t make a gay wedding cake.
Liberals accuse Conservatives of everything they themselves are guilty of. Conservatives hate education, conservatives hate science, conservatives hate the environment, conservatives want to rob from the middle class and give to the rich, conservatives want to establish a police state, etc
They're so blatant about it it's really quite funny
"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."
This argument, like every other argument except "fetuses aren't humans so there's nothing ethically wrong with killing them", is moronic
"You don't want a socialist welfare state, yet you also don't want to murder babies? hhaha wow you're so hypocritical"
how do people say this stuff with a straight face
>implying anyone doesn't
Meet them. I know poor fucks who won't kick out people who haven't paid rent in years and generally mooch and people who have the entire first floor unlivable due to having so much shit (and 9 dogs).
Poorfags should unironically be gassed or enslaved.
This is why National Socialism is unironically the greatest form of national government and always will be. A society predicated on ethnic solidarity, where governments work for the people and not the other way around. NSDAP Germany funded the conception of children between German families with loans that increased the more children you had and didn't need to be paid back. Whites have lost their sense of community. Your race is an extension of your family, and since the family has been undermined so severely in Jewmerica and the JewK everyone is walking around under the spell of nihilistic hedonism and self-aggrandizement.
Then why do hunter-gatherers have more leisure time than industrialists?
Is that riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?
Them being stable should be your goal. If that purple hair shit happens you correct their mistake. But being a closed minded shithead won't make them stable, if anything they'll end up on /pol like their dumbass dad.
No, you're probably just retarded
>how do people say this stuff with a straight face
marxists aren't people
What's wrong with browsing Sup Forums
Liberals hate independent people, it's just that white people are better at it then most.
Liberals love poor people. Just look at Chicago and Detroit if you don't believe me.
They don't and the idea that they do is an absolute myth. Virtually every study ever done of hunter/gatherer societies has shown them spending at least 40 hours a week on activities essential to survival - gathering food, repairing clothing and shelter, and so on. Adding another 10-20 hours to that workweek is very common and this is groups in generally pleasant environments. Groups living in hostile environments (Eskimos, for example) spent the vast majority of their time on survival activities and have very little free time.
george carlin was a terrible hack. he'd say typical "woke" normie shit and everyone thought it was incredibly profound
That’s if you were a rich man In Jesus’ day it was almost certainly because you were a higher ranking secular government or religious official who lied, killed, stole, and oppressed in order to obtain and keep their position.
Jesus’ beloved uncle Joseph of Aramathea was a successful merchant so it’s not as if he was adverse towards commerce.
We dont hate poor people.
We just dont think democrat-run cities should be turned into factories that make them.
Fucking leaf.
Because people are poor for a reason. We shouldn’t be forced to pay for your poor life decisions or subsidize your laziness.
I don't. I actually want them to do something about their situation and have the opportunity to do so. Democrats, meanwhile, want to keep them poor and dependent.
George Carlin seemed intelligent to me when I was 13-15 years old. How could any adult take that idiot seriously. He's the stereotypical "fuck the system maaaaan" shill. He was also a millionaire lecturing the masses on how stupid they are how bad America sucks maaaaan. He became rich and famous spouting middle school level rebellion, in America, while at the same time whining about how much America sucks.
That sure is a whole lot of not an argument, soyboy.
You realize you are on Sup Forums too right? Are you saying you are close minded?
Ever noticed how ugly poor people are?
On certain issues yes. Wish I wasn't on /pol cause this place is a disease.
Yeah it's weird, when you say things people like they pay you money to say more of it.
Considering he was saying the same things from the beginning to the end, I'd say money didn't change him at all. Even though he got a little more politically based instead of just morally toward the end.
Did you want him to instead start shilling for capitalism and the government because he was making money?
>killing of human prohibited, both before and after birth
>but nobody will give you free shit, both before and after birth, because why the fuck should somebody give you free shit?
You wont be able to find flaw in that.
Liberals don't understand that you don't owe anyone anything unless they did something to deserve it first. For some reason they believe they are entitled to your labor because they exist. They're honestly the most selfish people in the world doing everything they can to pretend they're not selfish.
Yes, because they don't take care of themselves.
Why do I have to have kids if I'm poor why can't I abort?
>Inb4 don't have sex and be a virgin like me
If there's A, B, and C are in a room, and A and B vote that C should give them money, liberals call that equality
They smell.
T. Every retarded liberal teenager ever
Says the retarded lefty who has no idea what he's talking about and has literally been indoctrinated to be leftwing his entire life
Your comment proves you're a moron
So you're unable to prove the image wrong then I take it?
False premise.
You need to frame your argument such as follows to ever be taken seriously
>Start With a Hook. Start your introduction with a sentence that gets the reader interested in the topic. ...
>Include Background. Providing readers with background on the topic allows them to better understand the issue being presented. ... provide reason and evidence along with citations
>State Your Thesis. The thesis is the essence of an argument.
They hate people who can't take responsibility for their failings.
Reminder that poverty could be eradicated but it's a built-in feature of capitalism.
The amounts of damage control and non-arguments by pro-conservatives in this thread ia hilarious.
You guys suck and you're too dumb to understand why. God has not blessed america.
>if you're not a capitalist, you're a filthy commie!
Sure thing, buddy.
>If you think that it is not OK to murder humans before an arbitrarily defined moment of their life and also not OK to murder humans, then that makes you a hypocrite unless you're willing to shower them with gibs.
Leftist fucking logic.
>Why do Conservatives hate poor people so much?
Conservatives are the only ones with any compassion whatsoever for poor people, because they are the only ones barrier on the way of measures intended to keep poor people permanently poor.
then what are you?
people bitch and moan about how crooked and stupid politicians are, but trust giving them more money and power.
Why does George Carlin have a cult following of annoying preteens?
give me literally one source faggot. pro-tip, you can't
>I fucking hate people, i won't hive 'em my money.
>That'll teach 'em
No she couldn't. She has a low iq. She is not human and will never achieve human capabilities.
this desu
Whatever i personally believe doesn't affect the flaws of capitalism.
Hahahhaha tough luck faggot! You pushed the wrong buttons this time!!!
>[Insert Infograph Here]
>esoteric quote
>Why do I have to have kids if I'm poor why can't I abort?
>Why can't I kill people to improve my financial situation?
>be brainlet
>come to Sup Forums
>get triggered by honest opinions
>know in your heart it must be wrong because you are always right
>see studies proving you wrong
>i-it must be baised
>more studies
>it must be fake
>more studies
>i-i'm sure there are plenty of studies proving my world view
>go to soyboyscience.com
>desperately look for article confirming your beliefs
>ha this article says most studies prove those racists wrong!
>don't actually look at the studies
>happily return to Sup Forums only to get btfo with no actual proof
>call other people brainlets
I only know this is exactly what you did because I did the same once.
George Carlin is dead.
>This is why National Socialism is unironically the greatest form of national government and always will be.
Only the greatest at destroying their nation.
>being on Sup Forums where people unironically argue for pedophile rights is close minded
Projection the post.
I don't hate poor people but a lot of their situation comes from them acting like total potato tier tards which is why I can't take them seriously.
well you want either regulations and/or sharing so I kinda had to narrow it down for you
The argument leveled by Geoge Carlson in your post is him trying to highlight a contradiction that isn't there, he just fundamentally doesn't get what conservatives argument is grounded in. Through no intervention the fetus would continue to live and grow and be a full born child, to take active steps to stop it would to be killing it with intent, own ie murder. A person cannot consent to being murdered but they consent to living with their choice and by making them. It's called real life.
Conservative and don't hate the poor, what they hate is stealing and the people who argue for it to be used to help the poor. Ie socialism takes from those who have and give to those who have not by putting a gun to your head and forcing you give up your property you made fair and sauqe.
>evaluating ideologies based on how well nations that adopts it does in wars
Weakbait just go back to your usual websites. Baiting retard nazilarpers is a bad strategy.
>In America
What memes have you fallen for?