The trad revolution started here. She will be remembered through song and sculpture. Right wing thots on suicide watch.
The trad revolution started here. She will be remembered through song and sculpture. Right wing thots on suicide watch
Other urls found in this thread:
link to her patreon?
Why do you virgins care what these dumb holes think or say
If you would watch the video you would know that she removed her youtube and patreon because "It's a system that takes advantage of the kindness in men and their instinct to protect and care for women."
because she’s fucking hot, bro. but not intimidatingly hot. Like I would definitely think about approaching her in my head if I saw her irl. And she’s like totally trad. So just wtf is your deal, commie? You leftypol or share lie or summin?
You know exactly why virgins care about these girls and she says that in the video and she is quitting and telling men to stop giving money to these women and save the money for a future wife and kids.
Jesus fucking Christ, how do you sit through this shit? 12 minutes of complaining and white woman problems. She’ll be back in a week too btw
The age old story of a used up whore...
>I had been sucking dicks for a decade
>been fucked by a ton of niggers in Ireland
>I am old now, need a MAN who will scoop me up as a "good ol` fashioned "traditional" girl
So what did she do?
>moved back to parents` house at the age of 29
>no husband
>no money
>feet hurt
She thinks her future hubby will not know about all these anal gangbangs in Ireland...
She left it all behind. It is "nuked"
>le still have my 10% reproductive health
>she thinks her future hubby will not know about these gangbangs
she doesn’t care if he knows. there will always be some cuck who will pretend it’s okay and treat her like his queen. women know this
damn right, all this blah blah blah, she'll miss the shekels and come a running back, like " oh I just had to speak out about this _______" fill in the blank
>>le still have my 10% reproductive health
this is a meme now
>le' 10% reproductive health
>It doesn't matter how you pitch it, being on youtube is not trad. I'm not interested in being a camgirl in any way shape or form.
every e-rostie in existence just got BTFOd for all eternity
>Advertising my content in exchange for money is disingenuous. I'm exploiting men's good nature and their desire to support and look after women. Those donations should be placed in a savings account for your future wife and children.
I disagree. It's pretty clear that niggers are the niggers of the world.
It's also a crock of bullshit because she's still cashing in on the only currency that matters to women: attention.
>I'm not like those other girls
>I'm DEEP and philosophical
>I'm a woman, but I believe strongly in men's rights!
>I'm traditional, because I tell you how traditional I am!
A whore can be a whore in body or mind, and the currency doesn't matter, but she's fucking retarded because a dishonest whore is just bad advertising.
>natural nigger repellent
If she quits social media altogether, this argument won’t hold up, but I do agree. This is why I don’t understand all the shilling for Lauren Rose. Real Trad women aren’t desperate for attention. Unlike rose, I think this one is being honest
Valid point. Black-pilled as hell, but valid.
>listening to a woman without the possibility of getting in her pants
short rundown because I'm not going to waste 13 minutes on watching a female babble
My thoughts exactly
Typical 20 something white girl goes on a foreign cock tour, gets used up and depleted on the cock carousel and is now having that "I'm almost 30 and a single whore" crisis these sorts go through, and so now she's going to shut down her attention whore outlet youtube channel to go hunt down a beta provider, may the Lord have mercy on his soul.
She got dumped, moved back to leafville and spat the dummy out. She'll be back.
Does she honestly say she got gang banged?
She called out Jordan Peterson for dodging the JQ and is apparently going full fash
I wish her well locking down the beta provider that we all know she'll be able to find in short order.
Glowing nigger gtfo my board
Based on the reaction in this thread if I were her I'd just keep making videos on YouTube and really brag about the betabux to make more butt hurt sperging. Lady you tried to do the honorable thing but you're just catering to the lowest tier males by appeasing them. At least if you keep making videos you will make them cry.
Wouldn't that dumb cunt be more traditional if she stayed in Europe, where whites are traditionally from? God damn these people are idiots
There was another video, since taken down, where she wakes up drunk next to four seven foot tall African refugees and with a greased potato lodged in her ass hole.
Literally a jew. What the fuck is wrong with you Sup Forums?
Wow, I'm surprised she articulated that. I know some of them have to be self aware enough to know their doing that, but I doubt they'd ever say it.
I have no doubt she's a disgusting whore but I just wanna know if she went from whore to tradthot to now wanting to be truly trad, which is still impossible but I know the beta love that nonsense.
I have no idea who this girl is but it sounds like she figured it out, and not a day too early. Hopefully she can find a man before her eggs expire next summer.
thanks bruh, Sup Forums betas will always fall for these tradroasties. fuck them, if they were actually traditional they would be married with children and not making jewtube videos
are you the same swede that spams/creates krautgate and IBS threads?
your dedication is admirable but you have a serious problem my man, you're deeply obsessed with e-celebs
Just based on her self awareness and sensitivity in that video I doubt (hope) she was a raging fuck hole useless whore mouth. But maybe she was.
Fugly kike whore
13minutes to say why you're leaving? bitch leave already
9/10 would read
You niggers truly don't understand women. She is just following a trend. When she was 20, being a whore was cool and now being "trad" is the thing to be. She's still a whore though and the nose ring is an outward sign of her inner whoredom
Well that was a massive waste of time
The purity tests for everyone on the far right is a divide and conquer tactic. Don't get tricked, you know what they are like.
baby rabies
realizing being a foreigner sucks
Don't know who this is, but good for her for having principles and sticking to them.
>Why I'm leaving YouTube
>17k subscribers
People with more subs than that will just disappear, not announce like it's a big deal
Baby rabies with some slow ass canadian local hick that will totally buy her "just finding myself" bullshit.
The new issue is good too
Literally who?
i owe you 13.5 minutes of my life, sven. i will pay, i promise.
>because she’s fucking hot
The only notable thing about her is how average looking she is. Apparently Yank women are even uglier than ours if your standards are that low.
I like this alt right women's magazine meme
Too late, used goods are used... not interested what an ex whore and a wanna be life subscription has to say...
>Andy "Six Million Morski" Warski
Jesus christ I love this board
A++ top quality post
The redpill is realising that IT DOESN'T MATTER.
Some fucking faggot will pick her up and won't care. It goes like this: 1) Either he's too dumb to give a fuck about her past and is a "normie" in the sense that he doesn't care about white womyn being nigged or her being a cumdumpster in the past or 2) Some literal FAGGOT in the closet will get with her KNOWING FULL WELL that she was a whore, and enter some sort of cuckold relationship with her wherein he pretends its "natural bro"
Either way, she will find some poor sap to sponge from. Because the condition of all men (with small exceptions such as those who are self-aware, etc) they're conditioned to be this way from birth
She knows this like all women know this, thats why they whore around. They know some faggot will pick up the pieces later on.
If men stopped being this way and went back to dishing out backhands occasionally, this would never happen and both would unironically be happier for it.
You can see examples in this thread. People saying "I JUST WANT TO FUCK HER SHES SO HOT BRO I WANT TO WORSHIP HER"... they're not joking! They would send her money if she asked, just because.
These people are the problem
Their weak and pathetic fathers raised them to be the same
Didn't start here, sorry. Not everything stsrts on Sup Forums.
>this thread
No matter what women do Sup Forums will sperg and complain about it
This makes the r9k/incel theory even more valid.
You better, the guy has been spamming it in all threads barely even mentioning women for the last few days non-stop. Finally someone is giving him attention.
Don't tell Sup Forumsspergs that, they'll have a breakdown. Many are on the verge of checking out already.
Just checking in to say I was the first person to post this dumb bitches videos on Sup Forums. I called it right from the start that thirsty betas would start worshipping her and I was proved correct.
I've never listened to such a self absorbed thot, and that's saying something. Never forget she's a former SJW, she's simply found another personal to try on for a while. Guaranteed if the poor soy boy she ends marrying is a lefty, she'll be right back on the libtard train. Women have no views of integrity of their own, they only adopt temporarily what us expedient or leech off the personality nd interests of whatever man they happen to be fucking.
I regret ever giving her exposure here. She'll be back, these narcissistic cunts ALWAYS come back. Once they've experienced Jewtube validation, they never kick the habit
Fucking bint
The money has dried up. Simple as that. All other excuses are bs. Even Naked Ape had to get a real job and he bitched about it to his subs.
She has been in a long term relationship for years now, you can quicly find that out by just skimming her content. You of all people should know that if you are THE ONE who posted her here. But then again you are just another buhhurt incel, so no loss here. Moan some more.
Yeah, I know that. Where did I say she wasn't? Betas were complimenting her constantly on YT and on the Peterson subreddit and she always mentioned she had a bf. Didn't stop them of course.
Also, fuck you
At least she admits she's taking advantage of lonely betas and is finally feeling guilty about it.
she just got dumped, that's why she left Ireland
Top kek
she started as a collectivist on the left and finished as a collectivist on the right. she learnt nothing. such a loser.
Such an idiot. Why would you post her here in the first place? I hope she keeps getting betabux. You are weak and you need to be culled. If white sharia ever happens you better bet that I will be getting a harem while people like you are the rest of this thread will be doing my dirty work.
good price for an e-celeb rag tho
Sargoys coalburning mother will be sad.
you made this in MSPaint tho? P-Shop BTFO AGAIN! Who knew?
No longer easy to take advantage of men while not in a relationship.
>now being "trad" is the thing to be
You should get off Sup Forums and interact with the real world sometime
Not true.
She did content,and people donated.
She was fair enough to say she feels bad about taking money for something that she feels doesn't need to be compensated,and she stopped.
Why do you incels hate woman so much?
Petmybone > Southern
That's exactly what I just said you dumbass. She feels guilty that she's been taking advantage of beta virgins.
The tradthot meme is one of the most effective ways to keep the alt-right irrelevant.
Is the alt-right a private club or a social movement? If the latter, it needs to grow. For a social movement to grow effectively, it needs to offer salvation.
That's why Christianity spread. That's why progressivism spread. Jesus didn't thot patrol. Leftists don't kick people out for formerly being conservative or Christian.
But by all means, keep sperging. Keep telling young people that if they aren't already perfect exemplars of your ideology they aren't welcome. Us non-racist reasonable people will just keep pointing and laughing.
Was gonna reply to the post above you.
Can Sellner even compete?
The best pictures show her being a womanlet
Ideally some of the edgiest guys could thot patrol ( like daily stormer) while the rest are more welcoming
do you see kindness in that? I see mental illness. I've seen this on Ashton Birdie stream. The dudes were posting paid comments and demanding she only responds to them. BECAUSE THEY PAID.
I mean, I'm sure some people just want to support the message, but most donators are just creeps who think the girl will give them attention all of the sudden.
Isn't this moldy locks?
ll is this real or memes?
This is peak r9k philosophy.You've created a value no one else holds and placed it on something it doesnt belong on dude.
Naw yours are definitely uglier. He's just got low standards. But we don't many lookers either in most of the country
You have absolutely no argument other than muh feelings.Nice sperg out
His post made perfect sense. What specifically don't you agree with?
She jumped on the JBP 'sort yourself out' bandwagon pretty early. I'm surprised many more haven't followed, the sheer numbers of desperate beta males following Peterson are ripe for exploitation.
She's a total narcissist. Every video it's "me me me me me me me"
Women speaking makes them a whore to a lot of ppl here.
He didn't actually SAY anything. He was replying to someone that doesn't exist
Literally who
wow, I love e-thots now
the fall of their rule over us will be remembered throughout history, all hail the thot slayer