Case closed. Nothing more to see here.
Case closed. Nothing more to see here.
>see this on the news
>come to Sup Forums to look for discussion
1 thread 0 replies. Classic.
So why the fuck was this aerospace engineer selling ammunition as a fucking "hobby"? Jesus Christ, I don't even know how to begin thinking about it.
>Haig is an aerospace engineer
>Paddock worked for Lockheed
>almond status: activated
>g-guys we found someone to blame!
This is absurd.
What was the motive?
The law is you can't sell armor piercing ammunition. you can possess it or make it but you can't sell it I think
>need a federal license to manufacture AP rounds
Good thing the NRA is fighting for our 2A, amirite? Also buy Super Beets
He should have gotten a lawyer and contacted ATF the morning of the shooting. Selfish cunt will get what he deserves, impeding an investigation of terrorism in America is an unacceptible violation of the law.
Wrong. Armor piercing rifle rounds can be sold and are in big way illegal. Only handgun rounds. Most rifle calibers will defeat soft armor, and many will defeat ceramics.
Well then if the rounds they found were 5.56mm as is exempt from that law, and he has a good lawyer he'll walk. I mean they're not blaming this guy for the shootings, they're just thinking they caught him selling illegal ammo.
Lizard people always give it away with the mouths desu
855 for example is everywhere.
This guy did nothing wrong unless he was a conspirator.
I've got boxes of armor piercing ammo. Where did you get the idea it's illegal to sell?
so yeah like I said, he's probably going to walk if his lawyer is worth a shit because if he was selling rifle rounds that are not illegal under us code then he did nothing wrong.
>Haig Reloaded Ammunition as a hobby
>Also sells surplus Ammo as a side business
>Paddock shows up to buy some surplus ammo
>Haig finds a random box in his workspace to put Paddock's purchase in.
>Unbeknownst to him there are two of his old reloads in the box.
>Paddock goes to vegas and shoots up the place.
>FBI finds the box with Haig's name and address on it.
>They also find the reloads.
>Finally someone we can crucify over this shooting!
Also: Neither the surplus tracer rounds paddock purchased or either of the two hand loads paddock had were used in the shooting.
I googled about it, I was wondering why this guy got popped and they claimed it was for illegal armor piercing ammunition so I looked up the laws regarding armor piercing ammo and it's apparently illegal to sell handgun ammo that is armor piercing. But if it was rifle ammo then it'd be legal and the state has no case.
> it's apparently illegal to sell handgun ammo that is armor piercing. But if it was rifle ammo then it'd be legal
That is technically true, but the ATF is really bad at defining handgun ammunition vs rifle ammunition.
From the ATF's website:
>A projectile or projectile core which may be used in a handgun and which is constructed entirely (excluding the presence of traces of other substances) from one or a combination of tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper, or depleted uranium;
The "may be used in a handgun" part is a problem because there are a lot of rifle calibers that people ave made handguns for. Pic is a .50 BMG handgun. The ATF tried to ban a type of surplus 5.56 cartridge a few years ago under Obama using this definition, but it was defeated.
The SHARE act H.R. 3668 currently in congress has a provision to rectify this definition, but currently it is a legal gray area
so they'll arrest him, try him, and his lawyer will discuss the actual law and jurors will realize they're rifle cartriges so the law excludes them.
I dunno, I think he's going to walk and he should.
Another issue for this case is the fact that Haig manufactured the ammunition. It is legal to resale ammunition made by a licensed manufacturer, but in order to sell any ammunition you made, you must have the appropriate license.
Hopefully you're right. They're just trying to look like they are doing something.