Why is Hitler considered right wing?

Why is Hitler considered right wing?

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He loved his people...basically what it boils down too. Nationalism is hated by the soy side of the political spectrum.

i have no idea senpai


embracing hierarchy is so fundamentally right wing that some left wing economic policies and populist branding to appeal to strong common men is nowhere near enough to call nazis left wing.

Each side says he is the other, because they both wish to distance themselves from him. That you hear the "Hitler and the Nazis were right wing" version more often is because the media is left wing.
The left wing say he is right wing because of militarism, some traditional social policies, and nationalism. The first and last of these are not really even right-wing, but can be passed off that way in today's political atmosphere.
The right-wing will say Hitler and the Nazis were left-wing because of their economic policies, and some of their progressive social policies.

In reality, they were a Third Position, neither really left, or right.


Thanks y'all

Nazi's were literal radical centrist. A literal marriage between nationalism and socialism.
Ancaps and Libertarians are actually more right wing, as they believe in absolute private property rights.

They were a 3rd position and didn't adhere to the false left-right dichotomy.