Take your antidepressants.
Take your antidepressants
>ignore the jews
Most SSRIs perform about 1~2% better than a placebo. Changes to diet and activity level are around 40000% more effective than a placebo. The best method is to take a walk IN NATURE for 15 minutes a day. a place with no squares, no pixels, no screens and no fences. Just for 15 minutes a day.
Or don't believe me.
You're an idiot
This may apply to all the weaboos
But to real clinical depression cases or even bipolar this cannot apply
I knew you would come.
Clearly he needs a higher dose.
I know neurologists who take SSRIs because they think it helps them, so I can't really expect laymen to keep up with the times. The world has truly failed.
Lmao! Does he seriously push anti-depressants?
Chemically induced depression can be corrected (cured) through the natural bio-chemicals found in foods. Processed foods are stripped of these natural medicines. Likewise, allergic-like reactions to certain compounds will fuck with your body's normal functions, triggering shit like depression and oodles of other mental illnesses.
And I knew you posted all those anti-child threads.
Dress like a girl.
>tfw you can cure schizophrenia by letting the crazy person rimjob you
The reason SSRIs have such bad efficacy is that they are overprescribed. If they were given only to those who would benefit from them then it would be clear they do something. Whether what they do is helpful is another matter.
>it wall make
come on man
A 15 minute walk with nature each day will help counter depression. The vitamin D from the sun and the bio-chemicals secreted from plants that are inhaled into the lungs are directly absorbed into the bloodstream.
Mental illness triggered due to genetic vulnerabilities can be treated, but you have to figure out what environmental factor(s) are causing the symptoms. The walk would be part of any legitimate working treatment.
This is fucking retarded
You cannot cure depression yourself, you can only be cured by other people. If you have a depressed friend, you should drag him around everywhere even if he hates it, otherwise he'll stay depressed forever.
I have talked to about 10 people who cured their depression, and heard the stories of 55 other people who had their cured their depression
Every, single, one, every single one became normal once a girl in the hospital or work, or some place else started hitting on them and they started dating. The only exception I know was one guy with a loving family, he cured his depression by picking up woodcarving.
And yet everywhere I look, every book I read, every psychologist I talk to, they all say "nobody else can help you, only you can help yourself". What a bunch of rubbish
>And I knew you posted all those anti-child threads.
>for me goy
That's not true.
the study is named "Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors versus placebo in patients with major depressive disorder. A systematic review with meta-analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis" and none of the links pass the spam filter.
even in major depression they don't really outperform other drugs, like caffeine or st johns wort
I understand not wanting to attack Jews in public, because it means ending your career, or any kind of public life, but pretending they aren't a problem is just disingenuous. I can't get behind this kind of guy. He is a zionist, and he is flat out misleading people. The things he addresses are simply symptoms, but he deliberately ignores the disease, Zionism.
REMINDER. Culture is freedom, this is a cultural movement, movements like this have power, we dont need political power,trump wants a white christian america like we do. DONT GIVE UP HOPE
>every psychologist I talk to
there's your problem buckeroo
when you've been here as long as I have, you too will grow to hate the eternal swede
No you FOOL, the disease is COLLECTIVISM!
Communities and societies are for FOOLS like you, when truly the height of humanity is crying into a camera in your room like Our Savior Peterson
cyr you faggot shill
>in all fields
>>in all fields
Look ive come from your idealist standpoint
You simply havent been surrounded by REAL mentally ill people
Ive been exposed and I really think to myself yes there are ways to heal them but the energy required to put into and invest into one person is really less than ideal in a realistic world
These drugs apart from lobbying and multinational powers still do something for people who in realistic conditions cannot realy be helped
I do not disagree that all these 'depressed' millenials will fucking surely gain something out of a 15 min walk in nature, i simply debate the other side youre obviously not exposed to and these drugs are the most convenient way to treat, not cure, an otherwise less than ideal illness..its a quick, easy, and sure way for a broken person to function in society..this is why the drugs still have such a market..
"sage" only goes in one scoop as per the global rule 7b
I have worked as a drug defence lawyer and in a psych ward, don't let the location or the formality of text throw you off. not everyone is a sheep.
Yes. I actually do research and experimentation on myself for a unknown chronic illness of unknown origin that causes permanent sleepiness and significantly impairs cognition. I've managed to successfully treat it through diet and exercise. It can be induced in under 15 minutes and lasts for about 4 days. I've concluded it is some sort of weird unidentified reaction, cross between an allergic response and a mild auto-immunity.
I highly doubt I'm the only person that has a mental illness triggered in this way. I've a sister with bi-polar disorder who I'm going to have try out my treatment regiment to see if it alleviates her symptoms.
Interesting. Reading now.
But I can tell you this: the extreme insomnia I got from SSRIs was not a placebo effect.
clean your father
Wellbutrin was one of the biggest mistakes I ever made
It put me so high on cloud fucking nine the first week that literally EVERYTHING afterwards just seems so much shittier
you have low sodium levels, do you live on easymac and diuretics?
>SSRIs might have statistically significant effects on depressive symptoms, but all trials were at high risk of bias and the clinical significance seems questionable. SSRIs significantly increase the risk of both serious and non-serious adverse events. The potential small beneficial effects seem to be outweighed by harmful effects.
Doesn't seem to be the same as what you're saying, especially the first sentence.
To be clear, it's not as if SSRIs do nothing. They definitely have strong effects, ask anyone who has experience with them.
Depression is just level zero willpower. Many people start their adult lives there and major problems can throw you back there. Most people will just naturally get stronger and move on. Claiming it's a mental disorder and taking actual personality altering drugs is a sign of different problem altogether.
Strong side effects, yes, but on a clinical depression scale the average score is unchanged. Please research the term "methodology"
Sort yourself out, goyim. Andf just what is this white identity nonsense?
Remember to betray your race and and marry a whored-up jew like daddy Peterson.
keep taking antidepressants.
lost all respect for him
>Clean your room and slay your dragons so you can pay gibs to all the rapefugees
This is what Petersoncucks actually want to do
This is gold.
>marry a whored-up jew like daddy Peterson.
Wash my balls goyim
It is mold(s) or mycotoxin(s) and maybe something else. I haven't tested out citric acid. Did you know that is produced by genetically modified mold? There is nothing citric about it.
Lol... easymac.
>muh SSRIs
>These psychiatric drugs (some of them) have a beneficial effect in the short term, but they are definitely harmful in the long term, and probably all of them cause permanent brain damage.
If you don't know who Peter Gotzsche is, I recommend you read his book, "Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime".
i get more depressed when i take a walk in nature
he is seriously unhinged. I don't know how so many kids adore him.
Lazy Nigger Syndrome?
Well if it always looks like this outside I'm not surprised.
No I'm more interested in the way he picks apart progressive assholes and fucking slaughters their stupid fucking sacred cows with precise focused logic. The neo-marxist postmodern guttersluts fucking HATE him and how he exposes them for the charlatans they are.
Yet again an American city is being torn apart by black rioters.
- Jordan B. Peterson
>i get more depressed when i take a walk in nature
You need to retrain your brain, you have negative reactions burnt into your cerebral cortex. It's easy to change. You probably don't believe that but it is and you wont, though you could, at no cost at all. Too bad. It's a simple thing to do.
nothing can distract from the fact i'm walking alone because i don't know anyone
couldnt agree more :)
Well you got caught by the gays
Well how would you say..
Well buckos don't you panic
By the light of the night
It'll all seem alright eh
I'll give you a messianic derived polemic
I'm just a sweet transvestite
From Toronto, Canada.
Your anti peterson shilling is becoming nauseating swedefag. Shouldn't you be doing something productive with your time? Like you know, protecting your women from being raped by the foreign horde?
The hell is he crying for? I like JP but crying like a little bitch over anything is not a
part of any definition of being a man.
>i don't know anyone
but they are individually rioting so its ok
>you have negative reactions burnt into your cerebral cortex
>It's easy to change
>You probably don't believe that but it is and you wont, though you could, at no cost at all
>It's a simple thing to do.
I really want to believe that you're just a troll and that we don't share this board with people as stupid as you. I'm ok with sharing this board with as obvious a troll as you, but, if you genuinely believe that statement, you need to just off yourself. At the very least, don't breed.
If you have time check out his Roe Jogan interview with Harvey Winklestien (the professor at acorn black college that was taken hostage) Peterson just talks over everyone saying his same almost religious like doctrine. He doesnt even listen to Roe Jogan when he totally misses the point on something cause he was too stoned to follow. (cringey worth the watch alone) He just nods and uses it as a springing board to promote his audting program and books. Now the interesting part is when it came to talking about Jews and the old testement you can sense Peterson at this point becomes cautious and lowers his social hierchy towards weinstien (who isnt even a theologist or relegious) despite Peterson having the most authourity on the subject, he is very aware of weinstien and looks towards him for social ques of safety as he enters the subject matter and draws conclusions. Always pusing briefly to see if Weinstien objects. No one was aware of it. It was subtle. Maybe Im delusional but I think I know what I saw. Its was very different behaviour coming from a guy who talked over 2 other people for 2 hours having no issue with making sweeping statements about the human condition and what "Truth" is. Check it out.
>The best method is to take a walk IN NATURE for 15 minutes a day.
I'm not trying to validate or invalidate your post, but this anecdotally has helped my depression quite a lot. It gets you thinking about natural beauty and why it might be worth it to live just to see that natural beauty.
How many layers of self interest are you on?
Wash some of my balls, goy.
I don't get the point you're trying to make.
Citric acid is also produced by humans and just about every other respiring organism, you dingus. Citric Acid Cycle, nukka.
>protecting your women from being raped by the foreign horde?
Actually, I'm a radical individualist. Therefore I do not engage in any kind of collective identity, and so I am solely responsible for the protection of me, not anyone else. Disagree with me and you're a collectivist.
Sorry. What I am saying is. JP basically accepts that the Jews are gods chosen people. He basically encompasses the mentality that the christian is a servant of the jews and he is just updating all the lingo to get same results. He treats Weinstien with a ton of respect when the subject of the Jewsish people casually enters the conversation. He didnt seem to have the same respect when weinstien was sharing his expertise on issues. You see what I am saying? He views Weinstien as more authorative in that arena simply based on ethncity/blood despite it being established that weinstien has no expertise on religion. Basically jewish privlege. JP believes and honors jewish privellage.
you could be allergic to tinea. that would involve bleaching your bathroom, and applying talc powder to socks.
another problem could be your tap water having hundreds of ingredients, but hey that makes me a conspiracy theorist even more than what I've already indicated here. oh well!
> (OP)
>Chemically induced depression can be corrected (cured) through the natural bio-chemicals found in foods.
No it can't, are you retarded? You realize that 'internet learning' isn't the same as studying something, right?
Go to school, study some chemistry -- if you're smart enough, take some biochemistry in 3rd or 4th year. Until then, just shut the fuck up.
Biochemistry really isn't any more complicated than chemistry, and you don't have to have a very deep understanding of chemistry to approach biochemistry at an undergrad level.
Bit of a leap?
Maybe he didn't want to say anything remotely offensive, and was being sensitive about it?
Really though. How have people become so fucking stupid and lazy.
He said antidepressants help some people immensely and others not at all.
SSRI's fucked with my long term memory and my dick. Have been off them for years and still the same. Therapy was pretty effective though. Mixed bag on recommending
I was depressed for weeks after my transplant surgery and almost dying experience, when I got out of the hospital I laid in bed for weeks without touching social my media, tv, games, anything.
I just thought what the fuck is the point of it all. Doctor got me a therapist and they gave me paxil, for free days nothing happened but the longer I was on it the easier the day was and since then I've been fine ever since.
Depression medication is helpful off you ask me.
check out this soyman's daughter tho
>I have talked to about 10 people who cured their depression, and heard the stories of 55 other people who had their cured their depression
>Every, single, one, every single one became normal once a girl in the hospital or work, or some place else started hitting on them and they started dating
Lmao this isn't fucking clinical depression you retard this is /r9k/ tier "wahhh le tfw no gf I'm totally depressed guys xDD"
soyman's daughter is hottt
>goes to events to answer softball questions
>refuses to go on any real events to be asked any hard questions
Feels redundant, route 4 is already the Peterson route.
don't clean all of your room
sweep a few problems under the rug and forget they exist
NO, fix your diet. Increase Iodine intake you mooks.
Because he is contemplating the fall of the west. Very frustrating.
Okay, is a cute.
>But to real clinical depression cases or even bipolar this cannot apply
Out of million 1st world castrated bugmen who claim to suffer from "depression" there is maybe 1 man with real sickness that needs medication, and maybe even less. There was no "depression" in the world when majority of population lived close to nature and worked physical labor. But keep taking your drugs goy.