Why would you want to live anywhere else?

Why would you want to live anywhere else?

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To get away from me

I don't want a spider to bite me in the dick while I'm sleeping and never wake up again. (regarding the aussie/nz factor) England is going full 1984. Wouldn't mind living in Canada, if it weren't for their PM.

christ i cant stand that french cut

the left hates trudeau here tho. hes popular among hot foreign woman exclusively

Care to elaborate on what Trudeau has done to invoke the ire of the left wingers in Canada?

>Would you move to America if you had the choice?
>Would you move to the Kingdom if you had the choice?
>Am I white/british enough to move back to my (main) ancestral homeland of England?

Yeah, maybe 80 years ago.

>Would you move to America if you had the choice?

I might if you were the America of the 50s and still had that Anglo solidarity of the Founding Fathers, which hasn't been the case for a long time. That's supposing that Britain is in its cucked to fuck form of the present day also. To give you a concrete answer: as things currently stand, no. I want my country to improve and I want to stay here and see to it that it does.

>Am I white/british enough to move back to my (main) ancestral homeland of England?

Fine by me.

Yes, but our government won't allow you back because you're a WASP. It's the same if I were to attempt to move to the US.

Exactly!! Please let him in:(

Yeah and also this, forgot to mention the fact that movement between WASPs to other Anglo colonies is nigh impossible without marrying a citizen, being exorbitantly rich or being a celebrity.

You're not black enough to cross our borders

should just be america.

only anglos with guns.


How rich?


Maybe the far left do, tell me fellow leaf, you feel like trudeau will get another term?

Multi millionaire

That shouldn't stop you from trying if you want to come back though. I'd look into it more, but for sure you would get passed up for a black as coal fresh off the boat Somalian or a returning ISIS fighter.

Dont act like Canada, Great Britain, Australia and America have anything in common. So far America has proven to be the only nation with a backbone out of the 4. Id live in the US in a heartbeat given the chance, as for uk and australia? No. I often think a shittier version of canada couldnt be possible, then i remember you faggots.

My girlfriend wants to be a doctor after we have 5+ kids and I am going to aim to make a lot either in business or studying law. I think it might be possible when I'm in my late 30s or 40s. Hopefully both America and England can return to their former glory. I think I would prefer to live in England though.
I sometimes dream about going to university in the UK too. I don't know if it would be the smartest thing for me right now but it is something I really want to do.

Mate it’s a sign of good luck when a spider bites you on the dick, have some respect.

I farted in the toilet for the fifth time today. Waifus in Canada make all the men retire to the bathroom to fart. But we must kiss a painting of trudeau that sits over the mantle, and ask him permission first. Its actually so sick. I love it.

I like the UK, for all its queues, chaos, and comedy.

These countries are almost finished. Let us obliterate some shithole and colonize.

I want to crack a niggers cock in half over my knee.

NZ has no poisonous animals except one super rare spider considered mythical. Safer animals than Sweden.

Build a fire with it, and then throw more dead niggers onto it. Invite the neighbors over.

I think your intentions are good and your heart is in the right place, but the UK is fucked, man. I've seen Muslims in uni here have mouth foaming rants about how Islam will conquer the west again whilst being surrounded by and abetted by groups of white British imbeciles acting like he's being a hilarious and epic bantzmaster. Chinese, Arabic and African people fucking everywhere, more than 12 of our cities have Muslim mayors, it's just a complete fucking mess. I understand the romanticism some Americans feel for the homeland, but, and sorry for the blackpill, it's fucking dead. You will always be welcome here and Brits are happy to see diaspora return but I give it a decade before shit really hits the fan.

>Anglosphere thread
Its been too long since I've seen one of these

It's 9 cities with muzzy mayors but point stands

Thanks for the obvious you fucking nigger.

i wouldnt, 70% of canadian immigrants get in through investing in business.


Take your meds

As far as I'm concerned Canada is just a sparsely populated, colder, left-leaning America.

Australia, New Zealand and The UK tend to share a common culture, and liberalism/1984ism.

I appreciate your honesty. You are certainly right about that last part, things will hit the fan one way or the other in a decade or so. I think the British will either wake up and expel the Arabs who refuse to get rid of their Muslim ways or lose their country and be forced to flee, along with some other countries like France, Germany and Sweden. It will be very interesting to say the least. I have hope that Britain will rise but only time will tell. You will always be welcome in America if you do lose your country, and hopefully we can build a new United Kingdom.


In all seriousness, what the fuck is it going to take to kick off a genuine war in these countries. It's the only thing that's going to be the catalyst for any sort of worthwhile change.

>tfw bitten on the balls but never the dick
Feels bad.

Can one speak against mass immigration publicly without getting labeled a racist? Does it vary between the cities and the rural areas?

>In all seriousness, what the fuck is it going to take to kick off a genuine war in these countries. It's the only thing that's going to be the catalyst for any sort of worthwhile change.
yeah, we need violence to uncuck the Anglosphere. Hopefully it happens when the debt based fiat currency system collapses.

>You will always be welcome in America if you do lose your country

lol thank you man

It varies. I live in a liberal, student town which was a "remain" stronghold (thank God it accounts for jack shit) and I've overheard whites here saying things like "I feel like a stranger in my own country" verbatim. In the more conservative parts of the country you're around more sympathetic company and rest assured that there are plenty of Brits who want migration to just STOP like yesterday but there's still no such thing as free speech here and you can still be criminalized if the situation permits.

To focus more on cities vs rural areas, yeah, it's the same shit as everywhere in that regard. The cities are also where you will find the biggest concentrations of nonwhites, non-Britons. The British countryside is still in tact and surviving for the most part.


I forgot to ask, do you think I should forgot my dreams of attending university in the UK? Do you know any Americans who attended?

To have an actual culture.

But if the fiat currency system collapses the yuan will most probably become the global reserve currency; and that is just as bad if not worse of a situation.

Take Canada out and we can live in peace as brothers

Yeah I know a few. Good and upstanding Germanic stock Americans to boot, but I've no idea how they came here or what kind of scholarships they were able to procure. I also knew a girl for a while from the USA who lived here for a long time as she was in and out of universities but her family was upper middle and her dad had bosses here in the country that he worked for.

I don't think you should forget them and think the more conservative whites from out of the country we have entering Britain the better, I just don't know how feasible it would be for you to make it happen.

Glad to hear some people are still fighting the good fight.
People can say what they want about the burgers but it's absolutely mental to me that the government can jail you for something you said.

You wouldn’t want to go outside If you were born and raised in a sterilized room

In his last moments he finally became one with the potato in both mind and body.

Australia would become a shithole soon with no one wanting to do intense labor

Stop stop stop stop!
Your pathetic 3rd world countries are not as good as the states. Stop trying to take credit for the world the U.S. built.

Yeah I know man, it's shocking to me too.

>Swedecuck expressing concern over the dangers of never waking up.

Canada is going to break into smaller countries soon. There's literally no other way things can go.

Modern America has no cultural connection with any of your countries

When will Canada take the starpill?

if he legalizes weed this year he gets in again no question. were getting more immigrants whether we like it or not, desu life is better under trudeau than harper atleast

what about the cooks

Britain, but only because I have loyalty issues! I can't fucking stand what the uk has become!

Um, this leaf faggot kinda has a point! That said, the west DOES share common UK traits!

I strangely love that dipper flag.

Not all leafs are faggots bro. Alot of them are but not all.

You don't realize how wrong you are friend.


other than fiveeye? how about somewhere they refuse to let retards do anything they want
no such place exists
too bad for me eh


pretty badass. I still like the Canadian Dominion flag better tho senpai (pic somewhat related)

Okay, let me rephrase. Modern America has no cultural connection with any of their *modern countries

only if you let us hang your royalty

I thought left wingers world wide place virtue signaling and platitudes above all else?

Are you sure you aren't just with like minded people or is justin really turning people off so hard?

>Modern America has no cultural connection with any of their *modern countries
I think your definition of culture may be a little shallow. There's more to culture than muh festivals and what you can see. In addition, those little things that aren't really seen directly in a day to day fashion are the things that make you feel comfortable and at home.

It's why I can travel pretty much all across the south and be comfortable. I'll feel like I'm among my own people simply because we behave similarly enough. If you bump this phenomenon up a few levels into a less specific definition of culture, you'll see similar things. It's not as strong of a phenomenon, but it's there.

I think the best example of this cultural iceberg phenomenon is the WASP acronym. You can't just be White. You can't just be culturally Anglo Saxon. You can't just be faithfully Protestant. You have to be all three to be considered a WASP, because this is a phenomenon that is not limited to any one region or country. Thanks to papa bongistan, it's a global phenomenon.

ok gypsy whatever you say
