What happened to the American spirit of ferocity, victory, and spirit?
What happened to the American spirit of ferocity, victory, and spirit?
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Unironically, it's the Jews.
You retards voted for a tiny penis, 5 time draft dodger who grifted money from the widows of fallen servicemen, and has to be golfcarted around Italy on his fat ass.
That’s what happened.
You're an idiot. If you think the strength of America has waned because of anything because of Trump, you're stupid, have no political thought in your brain, nor any understanding of history.
short answer:
long answer:
>kill for the kikes: the speech
Too bad the movie didnt have a scene at the end where Patton realized the war was mostly bullshit.
Would you support an antizionist American political party, financially?
It did actually
It wasn't "kill for the kikes."
It was kill for your country because your country demands it, and stand up for your culture.
The one that made him look like a raving warmonger, old and impotent because he couldn't kill anymore and wise Bradley had to take him to task like a child? Thats not really what I had in mind.
What do you think this means?
>a slave whispered, all glory is fleeting
That is exactly a warning message.
Somehow I think standing up for my culture isn't exactly what you had in mind. pic related.
Aggressive warmongering really doesn't fit the American spirit well. It might work for others but not here. There's to big a clash between the founding ideals and imperialist adventurism.
Sounds like a generic soft anti war message of the times. This being at the height of the Vietnam anti war protests.
We're fucking vicious when it comes to the media, politics, and generally everything.
We've succeeded in making the US look like a joke.
Mankind is a naturally determined, spirited race.
what's your point?
It's not. It's a reminder that conquerors eventually become complacent and rotten, and become susceptible to overthrow.
Who's talking about aggressive war-mongering? The Axis powers attacked the US. We retaliated with divinely driven brutality. Your pacifist and strange inbetween philosophy of an active support for white identity combined with this faggotry of "i'll never, ever, ever, ever, ever fire a bullet on my enemy" makes no sense.
Get your ideology straight.
And yet he is leagues better than what we would have got with Hillary.
This is what has happened.
Trump is better than any president since Nixon, including Reagan.
You lost your greatest adversary when it got dissolved in 1991.
No need to be ferocious any more.
Nothing to say against the Islamic State or Islamic extremism in general, which exists as an active and direct threat against the US and the West? Who gives a shit about the USSR???
>kill for your country because (((your country))) demands it
Ok, Shlomo
>the sugar jew
>ww1 and ww2
>feminist nazis
>open borders
>silicon valley
>economic warfare
>democracy shilling
>esoteric doomposting
>the south and the north should have seperated a long time ago
>let your country get invaded and conquered by invaders
ok shlomo
Patton grew up not more than 2 miles away from me. Awesome! Love it.
>He still thinks ww2 was the good war
The United States had no business involving itself in the European war. We were in no way neutral before dec 1941 and the official beginnings of hostilities and as the real Patton stated clearly we did win very much.
We embargoed Japan and froze all their American assets. Also supported the Allies with vast amounts of support. We were basically in the war against the Axis already, just being too pussy to send troops.
Do you seriously believe Germany would have invaded NA if they won the war? Do you really believe that shit? There would be a fucking gun behind every blade of grass, nobody would think to do that.
100% this. JewSA poked Japan in the chest until they slugged you in the mouth. Then you pulled out a knife when you couldn't beat them in a fistfight.
Anybody on this board who still thinks we fought on the right side of World War II is a full on retard. No excuses.