Each person is paid equally and fair.
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Capitalism: Greedy corporations control everything
Gee I wonder why communism is so popular now...
Google is more powerful than the american government.
Only one of these systems works.
>Each person is paid equally
So a doctor gets paid the same as a janitor? Why then would anyone want to be a doctor?
>and fair.
What is "fair"? Just enough money to survive?
>Capitalism: Greedy corporations control everything
And yet if the corporation is too greedy, no one buys their product and they go out of business.
>Gee I wonder why communism is so popular now...
Because you're too stupid to think for yourself.
Paid by who?
Who determines what is fair?
Communism seems great in THEORY.
Capitalism has been proven to work.
Both systems punish lazy faggots though. A fact that lazy faggots have yet to realize.
>What is "fair"? Just enough money to survive?
Why do you need more money than necessary for survival?
all fucking commies must fucking hang
>Why do you need more money than necessary for survival?
Because I earned it and it's MINE.
Who are you to determine what someone else "needs"?
What right do you have to steal from one person and gift that to another?
Communism is so stupid. In its system. There is no responsibility nor desire to achieve.
Capitalism has problems the worst of which is marginalization and concentration of wealth. But communism is just plain stupid in already capitalistic society. Because you have to create wealth to balance the inequality, which makes the government worthless while the wealthy flies elsewhere or gate communities. Communism is suicide for middle and lower classes.
The market. OP is just a sour faggot who can't accept his own worthlessness and intrinsic lack of value.
this. after today the Democratic party should be outlawed
>Because I earned
No, it's government who decides, what you earned.
>Who are you to determine what someone else "needs"?
Morally superior individual, of course.
So why would anyone work hard then?
Issues with communism.
1. The state requires infinite and unlimited power to enforce it.
2. Absolute communism leads to a massive and complicated bureaucracy through which everything must be processed to ensure equal distribution and allocation. This cause famine.
3. People will do whatever they need to do to get more than their fair share in a system of universal equality. They will game the system as hard as they can and then skirt around the system just to get more.
Communism isn't even great in theory.
Stop this stupid fucking meme.
Communism purports humans to be programmable robots.
See how well that's worked in Laos
>80% of population works in agriculture, one of the lowest annual incomes of any country in the world. 1/3 earn below $1.25 per day
>paid according to their ABILITIES and needs
obv a doctor is gonna get some incentive to make more than the 40y/o retard still workin at w/e grocery they come up with
>No, it's government who decides, what you earned.
No, they don't. I decide what I earn.
It's not the government's place nor right to take what is mine from me.
>Morally superior individual, of course.
You're not though. You can't be moral and a thief.
you FOOLS!
ANARCHY is the answer.
Communism is inevitable. Both the left and the right are realizing that capitalism is failing us. If the right gets their way, they will realize that they didn't actually fix anything. It's only a matter of time.
Cool my job is to watch anime for 8 hours a day and occasionally masturbate. I deserve that everyone else gives me my fair share.
I don't believe communism is the answer
but we need a system that rewards curing an illness over one that rewards treating it, if that makes since
The lack of incentive to work”? Why would you think communism has a “lack of incentive to work”? If anything, the fact that there isn't a capitalist behind you focused only on profit but rather you're working to help your community gives me more of an incentive to work.
… unless you don't give a damn about your community and like being a wage slave is that you? If that is the case, I can see why you would think there is no “incentive to work” in communism.
because you get paid according to your abilities user
The answer to this question really doesn't matter. Humans will always want more than just the minimum required to survive. There will always be humans who aren't content with "just enough". That's why communism will always fail. That's why it always requires a brutal authoritarian government to keep those down who want more than the government has decided they "need". This is a fundamental completely unchangeable human truth.
>I decide what I earn.
You cannot do this, it's unfair to other people.
>It's not the government's place nor right to take what is mine from me.
But it is not yours.
>You're not though.
I am, because my ideology is morally flawless.
you already do
All communists should be executed, unironically.
Joe McCarthy was right.
>working to help your community
No you're not.
define fair
Bait. You know to do to these threads, boys.
The communist incentive to work: Gunpoint, no choice
Capitalist incentive to work: Do something to improve your life, or starve to death, your choice.
So no equality then?
>Why would you think communism has a “lack of incentive to work”?
Why work extremely hard to become a doctor when you'll be treated no better than a janitor?
> If anything, the fact that there isn't a capitalist behind you focused only on profit but rather you're working to help your community gives me more of an incentive to work.
Why would they have an incentive when they have no connection to the people they're working on/with? No heritage, no history, no culture, no people...nothing...
They'd all be soulless automatons.
> unless you don't give a damn about your community
I give a damn about my people, my people's heritage, history and traditions. All things Communists would destroy.
I don't give a damn about non-Whites and anti-Whites that believe we're equal and that I must work harder so they don't have to work hard at all.
>and like being a wage slave is that you?
And yet the harder I'd work under Communism I'd not get more out of it. If I worked 80 hours I'd get paid the same amount as the person who worked 10 hours.
The worst form of tyranny is trying to make unequal things equal.
Google definitions are retard tier, everyone should stop using them and go with searx.me instead.
There's a certain threshold of intelligence that is required for me to actually respond to you
>You cannot do this, it's unfair to other people.
If they don't like it, they can work harder and keep their own money too.
>But it is not yours.
Of course it is. It's mine based on my actions.
>I am, because my ideology is morally flawless.
It can't be morally flawless because it oppresses other people.
You have a weird definition of 'fair'
>Work 40 hours a week
>Get half a loaf of bread
>Work 20 hours a week
>Get half a loaf of bread
>Work 0 hours a week
>Get half a loaf of bread
>Be the guy that hands out bread
>Get all the bread you want forever
>Publically owned
so by the government? Someone fill me in here, my economics is a bit shabby.
But wouldnt "publically owned" mean owned by the government, so just everything nationalised? Nobody would think that the public would have access to it right? I mean if a business or home (property) is owned by public, someone could just walk in a take it like some objectionist Ayn Rand dystopia.
Please enlighten me
is according to their abilities
or according to their needs
there is a were big difference
>Right wing
Leaving people alone is not right wing.
Definition fail.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
>you're working to help your community
>soccer moms
>cranky old people
>teenagers fuckin shit up
>black people niggin
>people asking retarded questions and getting mad at the retarded answer
I don't like capitalism, but this reminds me of why I vowed to never help another person again
In THEORY it means legit publically owned. But in reality some figurehead aleays controls the assests and pulls the strings.
this picture is supposed to make socialism look bad but it's literally my dream to legally beat up those who disagree with my opinion
>Each person is paid equally and fair.
but that's a lie
further more, it seems disingenious or naive to assume that there would be no structural elite government holding all of this property, because who would enforce this communist system? You would need to prevent democracy and have a one party state to avoid this communist system from disappearing right? Why would Karl Marx be so naive to think people would just roam around like cows in a field, totally free with no government, everyone MAGICALLY Sharing the exact same amount of stuff. What a ridiculous ideal imo. or am i missing something?
> my people's heritage, history and traditions
Heritage is a comfort blanket. It's something you can wrap yourself up in and feel better than you are. Seriously m8 it's the 21st century not the 1st century BC.
>Why work extremely hard to become a doctor when you'll be treated no better than a janitor?
To advance the interest of the community and by extension yourself.
sure, but i dont see how anyone would believe that the "public" would share it. How can the public share anything?! even here in NZ, a public park is maintained by the council, which receives money from taxes to upkeep it. Thats a decent form of socialism. But to assume that the public would all share the land, and rivers, and roads, and business together without huge chaos and power struggles is naive that im surprised marxism and communism is given the light of day, especially in a somewhat enlightened 20th century Europe.
Wew lad, blown the fuck out.
>unless you don't give a damn about your community and like being a wage slave
>Implying that its as black and white as this
I dont want to be a wage slave (thats for retarded people) and I don't give a fuck about my community either (not in its current socially liberal state).
>What a ridiculous ideal imo. or am i missing something?
Gee, its almost like an ideal cooked up to alleviate the plight of the 'working man' as dreamed up by a man who literally never worked a day in his life in any capacity.
>Heritage is a comfort blanket.
Heritage is a compass...showing you where you've been and where you're going.
>It's something you can wrap yourself up in and feel better than you are.
Whites are better than you Jews. That's why you want to destroy the White race's heritage.
>Seriously m8 it's the 21st century not the 1st century BC.
Current year arguments don't work here, Schlomo.
>To advance the interest of the community and by extension yourself.
A community I have no connection to and no incentive to better. Face it, the only reason things got done in attempted Communist societies is because if people dissented, you killed them. That's why all attempted Communist societies were murderous and oppressive.
>Gunpoint, no choice
No.People enjoy doing something, no one does nothing forever, the incentive is that you can spend more time doing more fun things than work 8–10–12 hours a day for a corporate crap head. In addition to this you're advancing the interests of your community and yourself.
That's exactly it. That's why anarcho communists are possibly the most retarded people on the planet. At least normal commies admit they'd need a government to enforce their shit. Anarcho communists just think we can all live in harmony without borders and governments. Somehow too stupid to realize governments and borders would almost immediately form without some sort of ruling body with the required authority to stop it... which is a government. Their entire ideology is a paradox and fundamentally impossible.
Flag checks out.
Why are the western cucks so in love with communism? Are they really that desperate to be skave to the government?
yes its insanely naive and retarded, hence why I have always felt that marx etc had other motives for their suppourt of it
Why do you or anyone else determine how much I should have?
They believe in basically a "state of innocence" which itself is based on lies about the state of the Indians in the USA (they were genocide each other and not at all unified long before anyone got here) that implies that without governments and unjust social mores they will live in a peaceful Utopian setting. Which will never come because the strong barbarians will just purge the weak to monopolize the resources, and the first purged will be the communists because all of them are just pencil pushers and weaklings.
>Why are the western cucks so in love with communism?
Western Colleges are infiltrated with Jews and Communists and therefore indoctrinate the students.
Humans are evil and lazy by nature. Any attempt to save them from themselves is futile.
Fuck my community, I like the fact I have 3 cars and a house that I worked for. I can give a shit if some low skilled leech on the other side of town doesn't have a pot to piss in.
>No.People enjoy doing something
Yeah, each other. Also drugs. The first is free, the later is affordable, given no incentive to actually do something else a huge portion of the population would do nothing else. But these people deserve 'fairness' and 'equality' and get the same resources as the doctor who is so benevolent they took it upon themselves to learn medicine just for the smiles on people's faces.
Medicine is not fun. Its incredibly useful, but its isn't fun to learn, its extremely stressful to practice. The number of people who will willingly enter the field simply because they want to is miniscule. Even smaller is the number with the actual talent to do so, and then you'll overwork all of them to sustain the above morons until they're basically walking corpses because its 'fair' and the doctor has no right to decide who they treat or not, their services are a public commodity naturally.
Go read animal farm and see what happens to the horse.
>Mexicans are evil and lazy by nature
it seems so disingenious too. Like, Marx knew by riling up the working class (which is obviously the bulk of society back then) giving them pipe dreams of being all free and equally in charge of everything, he could push his revolution, but how could the people be so gullible. And if there were no borders or government, a neighbouring nation that has bigger resources would just invade and take it.
And thats another thing, how would there be a military in a communist paradise? there cant be right, as theres no government to enforce that unless the public all magically appears together in the same area and agreed to create a military and use it to protect themselves from outside threats (therefore creating a border)
my head hurts guys. Am i thinking this out correctly? Why the fuck can such a retarded pipe dream utopian fantasy ideology be so popular and rolled out in dozens of countries?
Is it because anyone who disagreed with these madmen were killed?
Gees, what a doozy communism is
>paid equally and fair
You fucking idiots don't even know what those words mean, yet you want us to hand over complete control of our lives to you? Get cocked.
Authoritarianism would help with that.
>would I rather live in South Korea or North Korea
What kind of low tier bait is this?
Why equal? Fairness is a social construct. Even among apes, the 1% ends up with 50% of females and resources.
>Paid according to ability and needs
Doesn't sound fair to me
>Why would you think communism has a “lack of incentive to work”?
Because it is, you fucking faggot?
I live in a country where communism infected all areas of life. Public sector is still enormous, people that work there are lazy and inept fucks, yet still get paid for it. Dream job is working for a state, because your paycheck is secure and you don't have to work (except if you're a doctor, policeman etc).
Because of that the private sector is overtaxed and the government keeps taking out loans because there aren't enough private owned businesses.
Communists are not human, you deserve to die.
How many doctors would there be if it paid the same as a janitor, like 10 in the entire country? Sounds nice in theory but people don't do shit "for the greater good".
>Each person is paid equally and fair.
Unfortunately never happens. Why.
>How many doctors would there be if it paid the same as a janitor, like 10 in the entire country? Sounds nice in theory but people don't do shit "for the greater good".
In order for there to be doctors in such a communist state, the state would have to force people at gunpoint to become doctors and remain doctors.
That's exactly what happened when people attempted Communism!
>current year
>pathological altruism
>implying that all work is of equal value
>implying that there is any sort of objective method for determining the value of labor
Fucking BTFO
Yes even if the "no border no government communist utopia" didn't immediately collapse, they'd quickly be conquered by a militaristic neighbor. Even if the entire world somehow just magically lost all borders and all governments at the same time and the communist utopia was establish, some group of people somewhere in the world would militarize. Then they'd start conquering. Then others would militarize to defend themselves. It's like that cliche thing in movies and video games where someone wants to end all human conflict and then the villain says it's a naive wish because conflict is a fundamental human trait. It's cliche, but it's true.
All commies just want to basically make a system that lets them be neets all day so they can do autistic research about their philosophy to feel "enlightened". Communists funny enough hate the working class, how many of them shop at thrift shops, frequent dive bars, lack luxuries like smartphones, laptops, designer cloths, etc. None, and if you compare them to the commies from the 1920's in Russia they don't compare at all, those were hardened men working 14 hours a day in coal mines for nothing, these guys wallow about "surplus value" when they don't even cut coupons.
you get paid doing shit people either don't want to do, or better yet cannot do. That's life, its ugly but it is reality. We all have to suck somebodys dick.
Oh they do but not under communism because they are under the greatest evil, people become doctors when they have a need to either make money, gain prestige, or help their SMALL community. Communism turns them into a human robot that has to help everyone for nothing, defeats the purpose.
why do americans always say "can give" or "could give"? sounds weird. But I agree with your premise, in fact I'd love for there to be no welfare at all and no free healthcare. Let the dregs be cleaned up by natural selection.
Not even bait, m8. Mexicans are universally known for being two things: lazy illegals, and violent drug criminals.
>except if you are born in a military family then you get paid alot, and get you abuse the system.
>except if you are born as the son of the "president" and you yourself will enjoy benifits and things that nobody in the country will, because EQUALITY and fair, inside communism that breaks down social classes by creating OTHER social classes