Redpill me on the supposed Jew-Neanderthal connection. I was under the impression that the Neanderthals became extinct. Are we still fighting (((them))) today?
Redpill me on the supposed Jew-Neanderthal connection. I was under the impression that the Neanderthals became extinct...
a retarded theory
europeans are superior because of our neanderthal admixture.
What about Ben Shapiro, the intelligent Jew?
High neanderthal DNA leads to superiority, be you Jewish or white.
It's not retarded because there is compelling evidence for it, you fucking imbecile.
Does it? I have high neanderthal dna but I post on Sup Forums.
Jews are reptiles
I have a Neanderthal forehead, am I fucked?
Funny, those jews you included all have chins, which Neanderthals mostly lack (with some hybrid exceptions).
I study Neanderthals. I wrote a dissertation about them. Neanderthals were not jews. Neanderthals were also not NASCAR fans or alt-right.
A. Neanderthal, Esquire, would've simply killed and eaten them.
Also, Neanderthals domesticated the ancestors of Tibetan Mastiffs about 45,000 years ago, before modern humans reached the dogs' geographic distribution. Food for thought fucker.
I found another fucker! Even though you guys are so fucking small!
the point IS that Neanderthals were intelligent
Jews aren't actually reptiles you moron. Jews are not as evolved as normal people and they rely more on their reptile brain because they are underdeveloped.
sometimes it's really hard to tell the satire apart from the genuine material on this site
i wish Neanderthal wasn't genocided ;_; ;_;
and my conviction
>Redpill me on the supposed Jew-Neanderthal connection
it's bullshit. Everyone but sub saharan africans have neanderthal dna. it's what made us more intelligent than niggers
>Also, Neanderthals domesticated the ancestors of Tibetan Mastiffs about 45,000 years ago
and niggers never domesticated a single animal in the 45,000 years since.
thats literally not true, Neanderthals hung around europe
The only source of the alleged high Neanderthal DNA in current Jews may be that the current Jews have genetically nothing to do with the ancient Jews that the Romans had driven from Palestine ... Ashkenazi are the descendents of converts, their DNA shows it, only the male lineage somehow resembles Arabs, autosomally they are Europeanized though rather inbred due to cultural reasons.
In real Arabs (Semites) the H. neanderthalensis ancestry is lower due to their origins being partly Natufian (Basal Eurasian component). The highest Neanderthal ancestry may still be found in Europeans (though Asians are even higher in what you consider Denisovian ancestry, an offshoot of Neanderthals mixed with H. erectus). Oh btw, most likely Neanderthals were the origin of what anthropologists consider 'behavioural modernity'. They were smarter than H. sapiens but most likely lacking in group cooperation due to their lower population density. Frankly, the original H. sapiens that washed over from Africa was a rather weak and mentally dull pack hunter (simimlar to your current nigger). Interesting things only happened when these semi-morons hybridized with Neanderthals, creating the Cro-Magnon. Most likely the mixture of Neanderthal mental skills and H. sapiens group cohesion was the recipe to their success.
Oh and btw that 'big noses' argument you always do bicker about is horsecrap as Neanderthals had huge faces ... in relation to that their noses were just fine.
Jews have, on average, a lower cranial volume than white people. Larger brain is one important characteristic of Neanderthals.
jews have the highest % of neanderthal dna, that's why they are the most intelligent race.
this might be the case
Ben Shapiro is the archetypal jew: high verbal IQ, short stature, pro israel but against white nationalism
>there is compelling evidence for it
Genetics proof or gtfo.
It is not entirely true. This information is based on a too low sample size of people ... Neanderthal ancestry varies wildly between individuals (same in Europeans) and for the study providing this information they simply tested too few people, skewing the results. More recent research shows that the Neanderthal ancestry of Ashkenazi (which are heavily Europeanized compared to true Arabic Jews) is on average at the same levels as those of other Europeans.
No. Jews have more HomoSapiens admixture(I.e. subsaharan niggers).
He's Russian by ethnicity.
Jews don't have high verbal IQ. Just look at niggers and how they freestyle. That's just as high verbal IQ. Stop falling for Jewish lies.
Dopamine receptor gene DRD4 variant -7R. Looks like it comes from Neanderthals ...see link, they mention it in the discussion:
Literature on -7R variant is huge, go find it yourself, correlates with increased exploratory behaviour, higher creativity (if you got the right COMT variant in combination) but also with a risk for depression and addiction.
Neanders had full societies and communication. "Modern human" is actually regressive, look at foxp2 mutations in whites v blacks v Asians. Funny enough, the location of the allele in asians sits with its neander DNA (in whites it's a hybridization of shortening and location). Asians had the most solitude in crucial recombining times (and natural racism) that they retained more neander brain architecture, hence bell curve.
Seems like the mix then later evolutionary social-trials is important too.
Like did whitey's trials in the northern european perma-winter create the need for greater honesty and task-sharing?
Greater communal and social bonds?
Whereas the proto-jews with a similar starting mixture (including IQ) were able to develop their "anti-social" model of society in a warmer southern European or north African milieu? Where deceit won you greater resources for less struggle. And maintaining group integrity with manipulation rather than legitimate altruism, truthfulness and loyalty allowed both the protection of the group, while still being able to predate on the group. The parasite's strategy.
Then later when the two groups met. The jews mixture developed the nomad/gypsy/wanderer strategy because their tricks and parasitical nature soon revealed itself to the trusting goy mixture. Who drove them out. So they had to adapt to an existence of "being without a land". Building myths around it. That they were the eternal victim rather than the eternal parasite. Who is either purged or has to scram before the tar and feathers come out.
My guess is that extra frontal lobe capacity in the european skull shape comes from extra social/non-selfish functions.
Basically, those with the jew-mixture (and that skull shape) literally can't process thought in a non-selfish manner.
Because they're genetically anti-social (sociopathic). But they're good at faking it to curry favors and seize resources from trusting, but prosperous/resource-rich whitey.
I am highly interested in that study, care to provide a link?
Neanderthals had underdeveloped regions of the brain connected to verbal capabilities. I believe it was an evolutionary difference, but then again, i've never heard of that problem within the interspecies of Europeans.
youre thinking too blacks and white, by selective breeding over thousands of years we got what we wanted
>europeans are superior because of our neanderthal admixture.
CroMagnon you fucking kike.
Cromagnon's could not breed with Neanderthals, had superior intelligence, and were very close to modern day Danish according to recent DNA. They also domesticated dogs to hunt nocternal neanderkikes
Their brains appear to have been generally shifted towards visuo-spatial skills. Better adapted hunters but less capable in the social department maybe. Might even be that in general, they had similar social skills as humans but could only process handling social interactions with rather small numbers of people at once.
Oh please ... though it might be some good narrative for a B-horror movie festival.
Whites = Cro-Magnon
Kikes = Neanderthals
Niggers = Homo Erectus
This. It is no coincidence that sub-Saharan africans have no neanderthal dna and are the way they are.
>Whites = Cro-Magnon
>Kikes = Neanderthals
>Niggers = Homo Erectus
Just watch and learn pleb
All Europeans have 4-5% neanderthal dna
Tongue agility isn't verbal IQ though. Jews are unchallenged when it comes to sophistry
They really are a bunch of cavemen so it makes sense.
Sophistry is abstract lies, not wordplay. Any troll is a sophist, and some are also word artists.
We are not very good at fighting these disgusting apes. They just about own the world now!
Your point?
>Whites = Cro-Magnon
>Kikes = Neanderthals
>Niggers = Homo Erectus
read it pleb
That what is considered to be "high jewish verbal iq" is actually very pedestrian. You'll know this if you spend time in a majority-jewish community. They're dumb as rocks and they just spout and spew words that are even more base and meaningless than your favorite bible thumper.
Every non African has Neanderthal DNA. It's why non blacks are mostly light skinned. Asians, Europeans, Jews, Arabs and even Indians and native Americans. Aboriginal Australians don't though
>Whites = Cro-Magnon
>Kikes = Neanderthals
>Niggers = Homo Erectus
RED HAIR = NOT,, NOT from Neanderthals as previously (((thought)))
get rid off your kikes and shitskins
Where's proof that Jews have higher Neanderthal DNA?
Oh hey, it’s that guy who thinks DRD4-7R and MAO-A is responsible for the vast differences in the races. Why don’t you go back to watching anime or whatever it is you do and leave the real discussion to people who actually do science for a living?
>Whites = Cro-Magnon
>Kikes = Neanderthals
>Niggers = Homo Erectus
>Every non African has Neanderthal DNA.
read it pleb
>Whites = Cro-Magnon
>Kikes = Neanderthals
>Niggers = Homo Erectus
>Whites = Cro-Magnon
>Kikes = Neanderthals
>Niggers = Homo Erectus
That dude on your pic is literally a proto-Jew. Note the characteristically huge, wide mouth on a massive jaw. That mouth gave them the gift of speech, thus they became People of the Word.
>Whites = Cro-Magnon
>Kikes = Neanderthals
>Niggers = Homo Erectus
Black Sun
Wolves vs. Vampires
>Whites = Cro-Magnon
>Kikes = Neanderthals
>Niggers = Homo Erectus
Kek, if you say so...
Are you reading yet, plebian phoney?
>That what is considered to be "high jewish verbal iq" is actually very pedestrian. You'll know this if you spend time in a majority-jewish community. They're dumb as rocks and they just spout and spew words that are even more base and meaningless than your favorite bible thumper.
Yeah it's not about "verbal IQ". It's simply due to their more prominent jaws and wider mouths. They are better talkers, but their words don't have to make sense.
I assume you've never engaged one in debate? They don't make any sense at all. It's very easy.
They just have the media. So there lies are orginized and repeat more
They have more than just the media.
Guys. You have it backwards. Neanders are whites. Kikes are Neolithic farmers.
Neanders ARE intelligence.
Sick of this ignorance. Read modern genetic studies. Preferably from Russia and China.
Been trying to tell them but ome simply do not want to listen. The funny thing ... this is not facts that are pushed by (((them))). They mostly ignore this stuff as it would be a good starting point for a genetically justified superiority of Europeans. Really have to dig into the research to get this stuff together in your head...
The info is out there. Mostly hidden in genetic studies. Genetic drift does a lot to hide it as well. Evidence is mounting though - which is why Wikipedia added a "proto-human/neander" (really a late Heidelberg). Also - they've proven the recombination of foxp2 allele happened around 70kya (depending on region). This was the birth of the paleolithic (basically, the oil eaters). Northerners had very little of this admixture - from scandanavia to the altai mountains. We are them. 99.7% except for the dirty whore mitochondrial eve in the woodpile.
>tfw I got the Neanderthal face but not the skull shape to balance it out
the chins, eye sockets and noses don't seem to match that skull very well.
Just swinging by real quick to say that everything I've seen about neaderthals and Jews is misinformation. All Eurasians are descended in part from Neanderthals. We whites have a minimum of 4% Neanderthal ancestry - probably significantly more. It's why we have larger brains than nigs, for example (Neanderthals were smarter than Homo Sapiens). The only variety of Jews that show higher intelligence your common shitskins are the Ashkenazi Jews (German/Jewish mix). Why should anyone attribute their high intelligence to their Jewish ancestry rather than their German ancestry, when Germans have higher intelligence than non-Ashkenazi Jews?
Asians and Africans probably have a degree of mixture with other hominids as well. Blacks are basically just Homo Eructus mixed with Homo Sapiens. Disregard Jews=Neanderthal posters. They're dumb, liars, or misguided.
That is more or less the point. Think the typical facial shape of kikes is not even due to some ancient snippets of Neanderthal DNA but most likely a secondary effect of accumulating certain genetic variants due to the relative inbreeding within their population. Just look at the Spanish branch of the Habsburgs and how their faces were affected by being inbred...
There isnt a jew-neanderthal connection.
Jews are very strong linguistically and weak physically. Neanderthals were very weak linguistically and very strong physically.
Neanderthals interbred with humans, and left dormant in our DNA what is known as high functioning autism. HFA in humans was pretty low until the post industrial era, why? Because it wasnt until goddamn video games and being able to survive without competancy were HFA people able to be successful.
Neanderthals are autistic, at least, they are the reason for the amount of autism in the modern age.
Also true. I do personally have the theory that the Neanderthal genes leading to autism may actually be beneficial if you get them in the right combination with other gene variants ... may make you a bit introverted but generally smarter. Autism may only be the consequence of 'bad luck' in the genetic roulette that sexual reproduction is ...
Glad you agree. My entire family is autistic in different degrees, one having helped build the first american satelite to go into space, and another in college for moleculor biology but unfortunately unable to speak and relies on nodding yes and no. We want our family studied to help prove that autism is a genetic thing.
Btw dunno if you are also referring to this article here but it shows definite selection had been going on in Europeans concerning FOXP2 target sites in the genome (for those not into this stuff, FOXP2 is a transcription factor, a 'switch' for other genes so to speak)
Damn, that is interesting! I am in mol bio too and quite likely have Asperger's (it was never diagnosed but looking back I did show most of the symptoms as a child). My parents are both 'normies' but have a tendency for depression (same as my brother). Think I might be homozygotous for certain alleles and considering my severe episodes of depression in the past as well as the addictive behaviour (barely controlled drinker and heavy smoker) it might actually be tied to genes in the dopaminergic system.
Depression could likely be easily confused with boredum or a lack of interest in "life things" that is typical for people with asperger's
Great post
Heres pasta of the same thing from an occultish perspective:
>Vampires are nocturnal
>Werewolves turn at night under a full moon
>In the other 14 nights, vampires come out and kill the werewolves in human form
>Only under a moonlit night can the werewolves hunt the vampires
>so the full Moon could be the "black sun"
>During an eclipse, day turns to night, so nocturnal vampires think it's night and come out to hunt
>But it's actually day, so werewolves ambush and slaughter them
>The Black Sun is a symbol of triumph against the vampire menace
Now replace "Vampire" with "Neanderthal Jew", and "Werewolf" with "White Cro-Magnon who domesticated wolves".
Yes, and afaik this is also the reason for the type of ADHD tied to Asperger's. Simple boredom and drifting off. Happens to me still if I do dull work in the lab ... can be rather annoying sometimes. On the other hand, the ability to slip into hyperfocus makes up for it but I never managed to get into this state of mind willingly ... it simply happens or not, it is a fickle thing. Btw reminds me that I have to go to the lab now, my cells need a good splitting lest they overgrow.
Where is the evidence that Neanderthals were cannibalistic?
Everything I've seen has shown they were culturally advanced, buried their dead, made musical instruments etc.
Also saying a Scottish myth gives meaning to the idea of Cro Magnids joining with wolves to kill Neanderthals is especially retarded given the fact that Scotland has one of the highest concentrations of Neanderthal DNA in Europe.
Please stop LARPing, people will actually believe you. Go back to your garage you call a “lab” and stay there.
All of the most intelligent peoples of humanity being Whites, East Asians and Jews have significantly more neanderthal DNA then sub Saharan blacks. East Asian have the most. Let that sink in.
Jews in isolated communities, who do all the girls want to marry? Who do all the parents want their daughters to marry? The rabbi's son. And who is the highest IQ in Jew village? Probably the rabbi or his family. So jews, over thousands of years have selected for the smartest most scholarly breeders.
Add into that some blood sacrifices, to intice out the psychopaths. If a kid doesn't like killing the chickens on Purim or whatever, he's not psychopathic, but if he does, maybe on passover after his bar mitzva they show him how to bleed a gentile child...
The act of kidnapping and killing children in a host country is good training for running a ring of spies, wetworks
Actually, the garage next to the institute is where I spend much of my time as the rest of the building is a non-smoking area and I do desperately need my kicks in between work. But don't worry, I won't take long today, just quickly taking care of cell culture ... I'll be back.
All I do is lift 200lb pieces of plate glass and program a machine(CNC) to make shapes out of those giant pieces of plate glass
I never passed 9th grade and its survivable money in Kentucky
Great doc
Aboriginals have the highest dna of both neanderthals and denisovans. All this idiotic jewish neanderthal shit exposes you either as a schizo or a low intelligence IDIOT
>What about Ben Shapiro, the intelligent Jew?
He talks and thinks very quickly, and is very confident in himself. The constant dogwhistling is another huge part of his appeal.
The problem is that he is largely ignorant about the actual positions of the left and has filled his head with all kinds of misinformation or cherry-picked/outdated statistics.
This means he can retort very quickly with something that sounds decisive and authoritative - and makes his opponent look stupid - but if you actually look into what he's saying you'd see it's bullshit. Perfect if all you want is a clip for your LIBERALS GETTING TRIGGERED AND OWNED compilation #37.
It's like flooding the zone, where you just throw out too many things to possibly explain why they're all wrong.
It's grifter style fast talking coupled with a frustrating combination of condescending ignorance also he's an egregious hypocrite.
Well, that is frankly an impressive achievement! Kek's blessing upon you and godspeed!
Please shut up, LARP
Why are you talking to yourself absuively
>white man goes to geneticist
>says he's depressed
>says life seems harsh and cruel
>says he feels all alone in a threatening world where the genetic destiny of the race is vague and uncertain
>geneticist says "Treatment is simple. Master race was discovered in Paglicci Italy. Extract DNA and use CRISPR."
>white man bursts into tears
>says "But doctor....I am Paglicci"
I'm drunk.
most interesting thread on pol for a week, shame there is a lack of info/interest
they turned on living their dead out of food shortages which where common in the ice age.
though they didn't kill them just for their meat like seen in various tribes of sub sahara africans (still today)
>that image at the bottom right
>when you reconstruct neanderthal to resemble a chimp but he still looks pretty chill so you make him look like darth maul and give him a constantly raised lip so you can sell your ebin nocturnal monster theory better
This guys page is a complete joke
Yeah, you're fighting everyone with a neanderthalish skull shape. Look around. That will work out great.