Why did they start the spying on October 21st? That was only 2 weeks before the election. Why not do it before?
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That's when the elite Russian hackers backdoored the mainframe and rerouted the main impulse with a G4 mainliner trojan, resulting in a complete depolarization of every voting machine in the country.
Internal polls looked bad and the October surprised (pussy gate) failed.
They thought the dossier although interesting was full of stuff that would be very difficult the prove.
It was when the press demonstrated how much you could find out about Manafort's activities they applied for FISA.
My theory is when Trump made the joke about how Russia should get Hilary’s emails or something it gave the democrats an idea, insurance policy if you like.
They where already spying, October is when they started to cover their asses in case of a worse case scenario of trump winning
Their previous three attempts to get a warrant were denied. However, FBI was allowing FusionGPS to surveill Trump in early 2016 (up to April 18) and the Brits (GCHQ) had been spying on the Trump campaign since November 2015. The urgency for the October warrant was due to their need to retroactively justify those (illegal) wiretaps.
They didn't seriously see him as a threat until late in the game. Far too late for them to do anything real to stop it, only impede him in the future.
>impyling they werent spying before FISA allowed it
>the Brits (GCHQ) had been spying on the Trump campaign since November 2015.
Kek I forgot about the five eyes friendship party.
High probability this is genuine.
Hannigan resigned unexpected immediately Frump elected
Hannigan gave an unprecedented media interview (no previous GCHQ head) ridiculing any suggestion GCHQ had been involved.
Revealed to be a lie...
Anyway, this doc is in the wild now. ...
MSM reported in April 2017 that the FBI had obtained a FISA warrant for page "last summer," but the memo says it was October. What gives?
I can't fucking believe these people, or anybody for that matter, actually think Donald Trump is a god damn spy.
It says in the memo: they had to renew the authorization every 90 days and Comey requested 3 authorizations that were approved. 2 weeks before the election because they thought for sure Hillary was going to win ,and this was just a safety measure, just in case Trump did win, they hoped they could find enough dirt on Trump to impeach. Obamas holdovers did everything they could to fuck Trump right after the election. Remember all the leaks right around the time of the inauguration? The reason they didn't do it before, was because they were positive Hillary was going to win, because of all the rigging they they did, and how MSM reported fake polls. They didn't rig it enough.
>Why did they start the spying on October 21st? That was only 2 weeks before the election. Why not do it before?
because they believed their own bs that hillary was so far ahead she could not lose. the penny dropped she was in real trouble and too low energy to campaign at trumps level.
What makes you think they weren't spying before? Or that Carter Page is the only person they spied on? The only reason we know about the Carter Page FISA warrant is because someone at the FBI/DOJ leaked it to the press.
They was already spying. Looking for anything. The worst thing he has done in his whole life was say something about grabbing pussy. Most men wouldn't have fared so well.
This. This is the actual answer. They'd been doing it all along. They decided they needed to create a plausible trail that would lead investigators away from their actual spying and towards more benign stuff.
One day we may learn the truth. But rest assured they had backup plans for their backup plans, and multiple layers of plausible deniability. Anyone remember the "secret russian server"? That shit was a sham planted by an operative. They did tons worse than what was in the memo.
why did Obama say they knew russians were interfering but they chose not to mention it or do anything about it?
It's why all they have is the Russian tinfoil hat conspiracy theories. If President Trump would have a speeding ticket, they would be all over it in the news and say he wrecked and killed a hooker like a kennedy. He is squeaky clean and doesn't have anything to blackmail with, thats why they are so fucking crazy.
They need those stories in the press. It's the only way they can make their snooping appear legitimate. They NEED people to believe it or else they'll know the spying was for political purposes. The media is complicit too. They are pushing this russia trash to bail out obama and company.
wasn't there something with the pussygrab tape being released as bait during the campaign to prove collusion on the dems
>The media is complicit too.
complicit? they are far more than complicit user
They did start it before. They went to FISC on the 21st because they knew Trump was going to win. They needed legal cover for what they'd been doing illegally for years.
The Russia shit is a coverup job by the Obama admin. They have been spying on Trump for years.
The spying began long before Oct.
>Implying they weren't doing it before they got it blessed off.
dont forget fusionGPS were also indirectly collaborating with CIA>NSA spooks in the conducting of said ops/surveillance.
BTW Did you see that Brennan got a MSNBC gig today too. Deep St to Media Shill ties run deep
brennan is muslim brotherhood/>mossad spy don't forget user