Absolute proof the Democrats concocted a fake intelligence dossier to spy on a Presidential Candidate, and subsequently, a President of the United States, with full knowledge of bureaucrats of its falsehood.
The entire Mueller investigation has no foundation now.
Every charge can be dismissed on false allegation.
The intensity and knowledge of high level officials of this so-called "investigation" reveal the 'deep-state' involvement.
The purpose to overthrow a duly elected President of the United States.
This is treason.
Treason is executable.
When are the hangings?
Should Shareblue shills be complicit in this crime?
Memo. Executions? Civil War?
Other urls found in this thread:
I was spied on also.
All traitors should hang. We have their ip addresses. Just ask kim.com or snowden. Military is 99.99% team trump...except the military traps.
Treason charges are already in the works.
Shills going nuts today. Absolutely nuts.
You need to ask yourselves whether you want to hang too.
Literal Tokyo Rose's
Complicit and knowledge, fucking hang.
If this comes to violence they should be the one to fire the first shot. Don’t be a retard like Mcveigh and blow up some building and discredit your movement.
>dnc fighting tooth and nail
>major pillar of russia conspiracyland BTFO
>more memos coming
>all these resignations
>all these shills backpedaling and moving goalposts and spamming at an unusually high rate
>msm yelling about sky falling even though the memo is supposed to be nothing
the beginning is near
I hope this is real, these pieces of shit were given nearly unlimited funds, some of them have gone too far, soviet russia had nothing on what is happening now. tracking IP's using back doors. cuckerberg doesn't cover his cameras for no reason, he knows what they can do with ease. the only problem i see is that it is an international situation involving agents in many countries. the agenda is far and wide. these people want to make the white ethnicity a minority in all of western civilization and replace us. we have been deemed the enemy. they keep close tabs on many of us.
White isn't an ethnicity. You're a Jew.
An ethnic group, or an ethnicity, is a category of people who identify with each other based on similarities such as common ancestry, language, society, culture or nation.[1][2] Ethnicity is usually an inherited status based on the society in which one lives. Membership of an ethnic group tends to be defined by a shared cultural heritage, ancestry, origin myth, history, homeland, language or dialect, symbolic systems such as religion, mythology and ritual, cuisine, dressing style, art, and physical appearance.
white European ethnicities you fucking retard.
I mean it's one thing to throw an election, but another completely to try to build an over-arching collectivist government through successive elections over a long period of time. That's bad etiquette.
Replacing white people is only 1 step to their plan.
Gas the bikes! Race tour now!
Agreed, prosecute drump for this crimes!
>Should Shareblue shills be complicit in this crime?
McVeigh was the only one with the balls to stand up to the government. He was fully justified and there hasnt been a ruby ridge or waco since. McVeigh won on our behalf and is a hero
>why can't we just execute people who are investigating my guy?????
this is why nobody likes you op
>He was fully justified
oh yeah blowing up innocent government employees and a daycare sure is justified, dumb fuck
Dont get excited.
I already scored the Hang Man job.
just lock em up with some Diesel Therapy
Burning alive and killing innocent women and children at both Waco and Ruby Ridge. Eye for an eye. Who else was he supposed to target? Dumb fuck.
>Muh Trump 4D chess will save the west.
Get real with yourself. This memo is just a tiny drop compared to the real crimes of our nation.
>1965 imigration
>Social Security
>Literally anything else since 1914
But no, no this fucking memo is the most important thing right now.
Fuck off Boomer.
Blowing up a no name building full of unarmed people and kids is literally what sandbuggers do on a daily basis.
While I agree a building that was housing FBI would of been a more appropriate target given his ideology and motivations; The Alfred P Murrah building was a regional ATF headquarters, the very same regional ATF with deployed agents on the ground in Waco. In fact the ATF was nearly as guilty as the FBI when it come to Ruby Ridge and a complicit active combatant in the Waco siege.
Also this is just assuming McVeigh wasn't just another FBI intrapment stooge like The Boston bombers, Omar Mateen, or Paddock.
OK, let's Put aside the veracity of the memo for a sec and indulge in this hypothetical.
If someone were to rape your daughter right in front of you, get arrested, and then be released because the police didn't read him his Miranda rights? Or would you say fuck that, I know this guy is a criminal and he is going to pay for it.
The Trump investigation is a little like that in the respect that a technicality is not going to make the record of his crimes go away, nor is it a reason to stop the investigation. The investigation has its basis in facts that are a part of the public record: The connection Trump, his family members, and his political allies have to Russia; the collaboration between the campaign and the Russians during the election; Trump's reluctance to oppose Russia or Putin in any way; sharing secret intel with an hostile nation; attempting to remove sanctions against Russia on the first day in office; firing Comey and attempting to fire Mueller and others to obstruct an investigation, etc. etc. These things don't go away because of a memo.
And that's how things are if we accept that this memo is truthful and presents all of the info in context - which I suspect we will all find out it doesn't within a few days.
Use your common sense: if Trump were innocent, he wouldn't be going through all of this nonsense to end the investigation. It's that simple.
no he's actually correct. Did you know that Irish and Italians were once considered not white? Learn your history.
Shareblue and all their agents are complicit and guilty of high treason. Every single one of them should face the death penalty. I’m not even joking. These are very serious crimes against our giver and against the American people
This. McVeigh was a gov goon, but I truly think he was one who snapped and wasn't set up.
>When are the hangings?
After the left riots and order breaks down. Always let your enemies have the first strike in a cultural war.
>if Trump were innocent, he wouldn't be going through all of this nonsense to end the investigation.
If the Steele dossier was substantial, the FBI wouldn't have concealed information about it from the FISA courts.
Ehhh that's too far a stretch. They're white. Most have celt blood heritage, which is white. What you're talking about just class warfare. Look up the draft riots for a good instance of it. The irish and blacks were both undesirables, but the fuckin irish kicked the blacks out of Manhattan.
>Treason charges are already in the works.
[Citation needed] I want to believe.
Shut the fuck up, it's over, it was a sham orchestrated by charlatans.