Name one redpill Sup Forums hasn't accepted yet
Name one redpill Sup Forums hasn't accepted yet
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That nothing will change until white men organize and are willing to take the lives of shit skin children.
redpills are a crutch for the weak minded
Geez, slow down. Killing children wouldn’t accomplish anything. It would only make white nationalists Hollywood villains. We need to unify and teach people about race. We need to show them the importance of race and to get people to love their own race, like they would their extended family.
blacks can be integrated into modern western society
that being said the major qualifier is it takes a lot of work, we already tried it, almost got there, and white leftists successfully undermined it, and I dont think we should try again because the effort ended up being disasterous.
Capitalism is evil
Blacks lack the IQ and objective thinking skills to ever be integrated into society. Even the "smart" ones are all about "their" people and the gibs.
As for OP's question.. anime is degenerate.
>Yes, I know, they are sort of dorky and even SJWish at times. But technology has ideological load, as Michael Anissimov put it (in an article I can’t find), and it just so happens that transhuman techs are perfectly in line with Alt Right, NRx, Identitarian, and even White Nationalist agendas.
>Raising IQs via genetic editing will arrest the dysgenic trends increasingly affected all peoples on the planet. Degenerating into a global idiocracy serves absolutely no-one’s interest: Not of Europeans, nor Asians, nor Africans.
>Automation will (hopefully) redistribute resources from the NAM-pandering welfare systems of today to something more fair and equitable. It will also probably help even the gap between indigenous and immigrant fertility rates in Europe and the US.
>Radical life extension will help preserve White majorities in Europe. The reason that they are declining isn’t just a matter of birth rates, but also of death rates; Europeans are simply much older than your typical immigrant “youth.” Plummeting mortality and morbidity rates – apart from their general desirability – will from an ethnic perspective overwhelmingly benefit Whites and help Europeans maintain majorities in their historic homelands.
>Ultimately, this is the future, and ideologies that fail to grapple and engage with it will fall by the wayside.
Damn. Apparently you are right. See
That doesn't even make sense you fucking mongoloid.
mexico is white
19 captchas to post this ffs
Traps are gay.
Christianity is a Jewish psyop
flat earth
That Traditionalist Christian absolute monarchy is the only way.
The white race will never be strong again unless it removes itself from the shackles of Judaism lite (aka Christianity).
Conservative jews aren’t that bad.
They’re basically us but when liberals get mad at them they go with the “Jewish” defense.
See Bebe deporting africans
>anime is degenerate
How? It is promoting good values unlike Hollywood garbage
t. blue-pilled faggot
The Jews are God's chosen race, and fighting against them is an effort in futility. Proof is in history and their many successes against overwhelming odds.
your moms tight ass.
You can't win by fighting the last war. We're coming to the end of democracy as technology concentrates power into fewer hands again. Popular support or numbers aren't going to matter, but only a relatively small number of individuals with exceptional talent and will.
>Name one redpill Sup Forums hasn't accepted yet
We are all being gangstalked.
China is the real threat.
staying on Sup Forums where the kike mods have complete control and can spam at will is irrefutable proof that pol is shit and the people here have no will to change anything en masse and are no different than the women they call sheep, happilly scorning logic and reason to fit in with the communities they value with an irrational attachment. their inability to organize a simple exodus in large numbers to somewhere other than here is complete proof that their efforts against (((them))) are futile and any women who would follow them only follow to slavery or death by the defeat of these ignoble leaders incapable of one of the most simplistic tasks.
>We are all being gangstalked.
because of fabricated evidence.
None of us were ever told, and we were tried in absentia, with our enemies speaking for us, and no way to represent ourselves.
100% this
I never said equally, i just said can be integrated. Dogs and cats flourish in western society, doesnt mean they are equals.
niggers never advanced more than here during segregation
Think about it, guys...
We are causing HUGE change on the world stage...
And it seems like everyone ignores us.
why is that?
this is the way but it wont work unfortunately the world is too divisive and men haven't become bigger than a womanly tit for tat in terms of philosophic understanding between cultures, I know it seems like other cultures have inferior philosophy but nonetheless if all of the men of the world actually found a way to come together and secure peace it would. That wont happen. So it shall be pic related.
Aryan is not a biological race, but a spiritual one.
It's the pharisees, not all Jews.
Jews are based
Jordan Peterson is a cuck. Individualism will get you nowhere (it's just egocentrism). Collectivism is natural and good
death is a built-in design flaw in all social, economic, and political systems and until we build systems that recognize and fully integrate this fact we will forever be working towards our inevitable collapse and rebuilding, continuously forever
Christianity is true.
The Bible is inerrant.
The Jews were and still are God's chosen people and have a place in eschatology.
Hitler did some things wrong.
>a pill of reality-shattering knowledge
>specifically known for requiring strength of mind
>difficult to swallow
literally what are you talking about
so in other words, eternity is the goal of every system
Protestants and Catholics will wage war against each other in an American White ethnostate.
That they're wrong.
You are the bad guys.
The fact that the main reason why the West is so cucked is because medieval selection pressures caused Northwestern Europeans to be more universalist, less tribalist, and more prone to high levels of empathy and guilt.
You are responsible for yourself.
just because its better than its competitor doesnt by default make it good
That absolute monarchy is the only way
Some of you guys take this website too seriously.
>Women aren't the spawn of the devil trying to destroy everything built they're just acting in a way nature intended
>Men who can't handle their women are the true betas pretending to be alphas
19 walls
yeah but Sup Forums is too in love with it's European discourse to even consider how much China is fucking up everyone's shit and how much worse it's going to get. Aussies are the only ones even close to redpilled on it and they're still not treating it as priority number one.
It's funny; since my father's a Jew I know Judaism well. Thanks to that I was able to actually understand what Jesus was saying, and why rabbis hated him so much (he was and still is right, by the way). Then, I was able decipher through the kosher-Christ lies
>Turn the other cheek means don't resist
>Love thy enemy means don't get mad
The Abrahamic religions are based off of the Hebrew twisting of the Sumerian religion where they turn saviors into devils and prisons into "gardens"
China is a paper tiger poised to collapse under its own weight. How do I know this? Look at history for the past 5000 years
What is so bad about anime?
will never be a white ethnostate but pretending that happened catholics here are too cucked to fight and protestants are too ambivalent to fight
celebrities and e celebrities are cancer
islam is the only way
ANYTHING on how eastern europe borders should look like
Can't we just sterilize them instead? They can live the single meme life and prosper and be genetic dead ends. Everybody wins...
>will never be a white ethnostate
Don't be so quick to dismiss this, though it won't be a single ethnostate, but rather a collection of them. Also, American Catholics are pretty much Protestant; why do you think the RCC supports illegal immigration?
Everyone ignores us? Did you live under a rock for the last two years? The USA is the most spectated and cared about country in the world by far.
The "Jews" are not Eastern Europeans imposters as Christians liek you would have us believ.
what's wrong with killing kids?
Jews are Neanderthals.
Being gay isn't evil. I just don't get it really, why do you guys hate it so much?
Not a shill (apparently I have to say that) but there's nothing wrong with being gay.
>it's not natural
Have you ever owned two male dogs or better yet have a basic understanding of animals? Then you know animals don't give two fucks and put it in whatever.
>we're superior to animals
Yeah we are, so why can't we comprehend that some guys like dick and some girls enjoy pussy? Bondage, BDSM, exhibitionism, in public ect. yet a dude sticking it in a dude is absolutely disgusting.
>ruins traditional marriage
How? Because it's not specifically one man and one woman, who cares? They're two adults who just want to get married, it doesn't affect you so don't worry about it.
>The bible says it's bad
If that's your reason then I won't bother, you most likely won't care and just keep on keeping on. Don't bash other people for it though, the worst kinds of religious people are the Christians say you're going to hell for being into metal, the Muslims who'll kill you because you won't convert, the atheists who absolutely have to stop everything their doing and go on a rant when they find out someone is religious or the Hindus who bitch at you for eating cows (plus many others).
>gay pride parades and them shoving their sexuality into my face is unbearable
I'll agree with you there, though I have to say it's most likely the political climate. Everyone and their mother wants to be gay or support gays because it makes them look like a tolerant saint who can do no wrong. Fuck those people, if being gay wasn't put on this high fucking pedestal or demonized then it's probably be just like being straight, two guys or two girls going out and not wanting to shower themselves in sparkles and rainbows and be pretentious counts because "I'm gay and you can't stop me biggot!"
Anyway being gay isn't the true evil or undoing of mankind, it's just two adults being in a relationship.
meanwhile they quietly buy real estate all over the world, flood every market with tainted faulty goods and play the visa game better than poos. The best trick they pulled was not drawing attention to it. Also they have an actual army.
it should be, but it isn't. our systems are better now then they were 100 years ago, and those systems were naturally better than 1000 years ago, but plans must be made that are not locked into a single human lifetime. thinking only 3 or 4 or 5 generations ahead is not enough, but we dont have the technology or the systems to plan 100 generations or more in advance, we need a do over
I dont understand. Aint Sup Forums all about transhumanism?
Niggers were kangz
>That absolute monarchy is the only way
So, you like prima nocta?
t. Leaf faggotron
Tran (((Shuman))) is a false prophet.
To understand the fundamental philosophical error, you have to recognize that the difference between transhumanism and the alternative isn't having more advanced technology or not, but whether to keep using tools or to try and blend ourselves into them instead.
For instance, transhumanists are obsessed with "uploading", killing themselves and then using computers to simulate their minds, potentially at higher speed. They think this will create beings that have a competitive advantage over those who don't do this. However, the competition won't be baseline humans, but AIs serving the interests of baseline humans.
AIs won't function better for having bits of human mixed in them. Simulating a human brain is an extremely inefficient use of computer resources, which won't be remotely competitive with AIs designed for maximum efficiency rather than emulating a kludgy biological system. The humans who keep their AIs separate from themselves and merely give them commands will be the ones who have the advantage, and on top of that, they won't have to kill themselves or throw away who they are.
Transhumanism is just another kind of weird fetish. The people who do it won't be the lords of outer space, but equivalent of that guy who tried to made himself look like a tiger with tattoos and plastic surgery.
More of a threat to you than to us, though usurping Western kikes from international finance is an overall good thing
>"promoting good values"
Okay retard
Ethno-States will never happen in any major countries. Still possible in smaller countries.
genetic and cybernetic modification are coming, but "transhumanists" are too faggy to be allowed to live
That Christianity was invented by the Jews to subvert western civilization by forcing people to police the mundane aspects of each other's lives, distracting them from nationalism. The most important things in life are your family and your country, not living the way some dead kike on a stick lived. High-ranking Nazi officials knew this and tried unsuccessfully to remove the church from Germany.
When Jews discuss theology, they usually discuss morality as independent from god. Jews don't debate the existence of god with one another because it literally doesn't matter, and they don't believe in heaven or hell because doing the right thing out of fear is not truly moral. They want you to think you need Christianity to be moral so they can keep using Christianity to undermine western nationalism.
While it's true that many fedora-tippers are bluepilled as fuck, the "fedora-tipper" criticism is partly a Jewish invention intended to discredit people who have rightfully distanced themselves from (((Semitic religions))). They want you to consider anyone who is anti-Christianity to be a neckbeard fedora-tipper so you continue to follow the cuck religion.
It's almost a blackpill, it's so hard to accept. People have been raised a certain way and they find it very hard to distance themselves from what has been their religion since birth, their parents' religion, and their parents' parents' religion.
>That nothing will change until white men organize and are willing to take the lives of shit skin children.
Woah I though this site was just a meme
i dont think anyone has a problem with fags as long as they keep their perversion private and there is no adoption or children involved in any way
most of the hate for faggots comes from the fact that that shit is shoved down everyones throats 24/7, wherever you look theres some faggot normalisation propaganda and it gets fucking disgusting
just keep it to yourself and no one will mind
Fo sho
the blackpill
Sup Forums turns into a cringey little pussy in the face of actual reality and will whine about hitler to drive away the scary monsters
its autistic and socially inept. Im not saying its the worst thing you can do but its not healthy to be a western male watching anime
Nothing, so long as they are Muslim.
>For instance, transhumanists are obsessed with "uploading", killing themselves and then using computers to simulate their minds, potentially at higher speed. They think this will create beings that have a competitive advantage over those who don't do this. However, the competition won't be baseline humans, but AIs serving the interests of baseline humans.
Google the Moravec Transfer
Go suck some greasy cunts meatballs and enjoy your side of faggotoni Luigi.
Christianity is Jewish and following any Abrahamic religion makes you a moron
"shitskins" and whites need to find common ground and work with that. Killing minorities is just going to capitalize more on white guilt, the true enemy of white man (besides jews).
You still have time to repent user, actually maybe read the bible and see what Jesus was about and what he did to expose the talmudic jews, to imply that christianity or better yet jesus’ life is in anyway a jewish trick is a fassad thrown up by people who don’t actually do their research.
I agree, if people didn't make it such a big fucking deal it's just be normals and no one would care. You should be able to believe whatever you want as long as it doesn't fuck with other people.
>though usurping Western kikes from international finance is an overall good thing
see faggots? This is what refusing a redpill looks like. QED
definitely flat earth. Simple mathematics can show anyone that N.A.S.A is lying through their teeth
space is fake
It's illegal to attempt to fly over the south pole because it's the edge of the world based on the flat earth map. The UN flag depicts the flat earth with the north pole in the middle and the south pole as the outer rim.
world population is a huge bubble waiting to collapse
>Christianity is Jewish
this has been disproved ad nauseum if you wanna believe this then go ahead I don't care anymore
well its possible that it happens but the borders will remain the same as now. whites arent going to both retreat and establish their own new country. It will be one or the other if it comes to that is what I meant.
Regardless Id rather this whole country go into flames and everyone die a nasty, horrible death than ever give any piece of refuse shitskin an inch of clay. Its all ours, legal as can be, and any intrusion is nothing short of invasion and should be eradicted with violent force.