Which nations in europe have the strongest hate boner for each other? Is it the romanian-hungarian one? Or the polish-german one?
Which nations in europe have the strongest hate boner for each other? Is it the romanian-hungarian one...
Bulgarian - everyone
everyone vs spain
We and hohol scum.
Germany and Poland seem to have an ongoing beef
Poland and Turkey.
I was on the r/europe (inb4 plebbit spam, i was banned for telling a churka to vacuum up his parents) and it showed that Turkey was the most notorious anti-Poland shitposter.
They really go at it here too.
Still butthurt about 1683 it seems
Historically there is bad blood between Portugal and Spain. The Portuguese used to hate Spain. I don't know how it is now.
The Balkans vs Albania
Their relationship has been on again off again.
At one point, Spain peacefully owned Portugal through a personal union (broke off during the 80 years war).
it works like this. if you are a libertarian portuguese, you hate spain. if you are a fascist, you like spain. thats how the relationship works.
Bullshit, turks don't give a fuck about Poland. Their nemesis is greece/armenia.
True, Greeks hate Turks and Turks hate Greeks.
gypsies are just butthurt about the only white people in Romania are Szekelys
>turks don't give a fuck about Greece
Yeah I bet you know, 52% Turk, faggot.
>t. illiterate
Greeks vs Greeks. Noone, no Turks, no Slavs, no Nazis have killed more Greeks than Greeks themselves. And we've been breddy good at it too, since we've been doing it for millenia!
>t. Mehmet Abdul Mohammed Pasha
> memeflag faggot
>saying shit about each others flag
I dont get it, you guys both fly the same flag
Probably Serbia and Bosnia. They literally killed eachother
>i was banned for telling a churka to vacuum up his parents
Nice job
Poland A vs. Poland B
I consider myself to be a top level shitposter.
Poland vs Poland.