You can range-ban one of these

I choose Canada.

Other urls found in this thread:

But I’m already range banned from /tv

I rarely see India anymore. What happened?

He chose.

I like Indians, Leaflets can go and stay go

Too man poo jokes probably

They hide under meme flags

They all died of dysentery.

>poos want vegana and bobs
>cucks want to be Aussies

I would like to ban Ontario only. The rest of the leafs can stay. The poos are just poos. God bless them.

>Indian has a life expectancy of around 28

they all have Canadian flags now.

Fuck Canada. At least India gave us Rogan Josh and Naan bread.

>Not knowing that India is mostly rangebanned
Posts/comments from IPs belonging to the two most popular ISPs aren't allowed.

>Argentina is white

designated memeflag caste

They’re both the same

Why not both?

they probably dont even know english

wh*Toids sure are full of themselves.

Same here. Gook moot is a faggot.

Thank You user.
Free chicken Tikka Masala from my side when you come to India

curry beeef for me pls streetshitter

lel they can't even use the toilet, who gave those cunts a nuclear submarine..?

but we need indians on Sup Forums. indians actually get offended by posts and it's great to see. it's like a freakshow you just can't pay for

That is just trick question - if you ban Indians, you automatically ban all Canadians.

I loved watching you lose the Falklands War. It was fun.

And I loved watching your country burn.

Trees grow back, you getting BTFO by cuckbongs lasts forever

Your country isn't getting any less brown.


Stay away from my island cunt

So according to this they are mostly rangebanned

Why? Is Jewmoot racist? Bring our street shitting boys back!

What'cha talkin 'bout?

It's old news m8

Most of the people in here don't use those ISPs

Fuck canada and fuck socialism

Canada no question. This is like voting between killing a guy you hate and a guy you like to playfully mess with. If it wasn't for Alaska I'd have advocated for glassing that frozen chink infested shithole years ago.

Leafs because Indians hide before saying something stupid here.

Some ISPs are banned.
I'm unironicaly banned from Sup Forums for past few months.

It's news to me

That was sad... It was like watching a puppy stick its tongue to the fan.

Don't you feel stupid now:

>I rarely see India anymore. What happened?
They got their loos.

fuck you. poo in loos can go fucm themselves. sage d&c shills

Is this actually real? kek

haha, nice try Sanjay.

you jealous, wh*Tey?

Do you use them?

I have an excellent toilet.

Poo's are actually dark-skinned social-conservative nationalist chads, have nothing against them
Leafs must be gassed though. On Sup Forums 90% of them are picrelated crudely LARPing as nazis, "nazi" standing for how canadian normies see it - anyone more right-wing/conservative than a liberal. Leafs, living in the marxist doublething anti-natural shithole that is cuckanada, cannot comprehend how people can seriously hate fags, jews, minorities, etc, so they think Sup Forums is a joke/game where the more of a radical bigot you are, the more cool guy points you get. That creates most of their shitposting here, the other type of sp being when they get curious if other people are "actually nazis", so leafs normiepost to see them getting a reaction by many anons. Again, having no experience with non-braindead people, canadians assume anons are all being ironic/edgy and continue tardposting.
God hates leafs.

well most canadians are breaking the law on here anyways thanks to our human rights code, wouldnt be surprised if canada got range banned.

There's no WiFi in designated shitting streets.

this happened

They all moved to Canada and Britain now

Knowing English isn't a sign of literacy. Look at Sup Forums

>nz pretending to be aus
holy fucking cringe

that’s a tough one

Facility with the English language is absolutely a sign of literacy, and /Pol is unironically one of the smartest boards.

>Pol is unironically one of the smartest boards.

that's not saying much 2bh

Is he OK?

t. 88 IQ leaf

>muh IQ
proving my point

Do they have head transplants in India?

>Pol is unironically one of the smartest boards

Leafs are uppity degenerate stains who need to be removed from existence.


>Do they have head transplants in India?
It is known.

>Wanting to ban shitposters and poo in loos
Y tho?

It was the only picture of a toilet I had on hand, we don't fetishize amenities like our indian friends.
..and 90% of you cunts can't tell the difference between the flags anyway

i agree with the first part
we really are
Newfoundland is pretty chill thats about it

Nice rant can I read more of this on your faggot tiger and space blog there Ivan the shareable?

We may have found a cure for autism.

Just rangeban Ontario. Everywhere else actually makes good posts

they were given toilettes, they been praying to them

Oh hello, Pajeet.


w8 what