Michelle Obama loves white boys
Michelle Obama loves white boys
She can’t resist the BWC
That's not Michelle, that's their daughter. They were in the White House fke 8 years, how do you fuck this up?
Blak boiz get the fat trailer trash while we get the elites of their race top kek
Day of the fryer soon.
Meh it’s almost 3 AM and I’ve been up since 6 AM yesterday. Mistakes happen.
She must like Neanderthals with rhesus monkey blood and and k9 and horse hair that's dead and thin. She like rubbing SPF 2million on him before he go out in the sun come on guys don't judge her love for this dissolving sub human come on now that's not right. She took him all the way from the caucus mountains and let him and his family destroy the world from top to bottom. This is love right here. She like dead Asians. That's what Caucasian means. She want her man pale skinned with melanoma and calcified pineal gland that believe he is superior because Europeans created Jesus and told him that he come from a pale skin blonde recessive blue eyed Caucasoid that look like a fag and like little girls and like to murder people throughout his bible. She like her man to look st her as if she's nothing and he's everything while her skin is beautiful her eyes are not recessive and she has the original blood type and hr has monkey and dog blood type. This is love. She let him steal her land. Now him and his Caucasian people have stole all our land and think america is home to them. You can be a native to america Mr and Mrs white people and anybody else that ain't us. You can be born here which makes you natives but you're not from here your're not aboriginal copper colored Americans with kinky hair and penny colored skin that absorbs the sun. Let her love her dog ape man in peace. Praise pale skinned melanoma Caucasian imaginary Jesus aka Caesar Borje or whatever that fag name is. Bitch
Your low effort is why your thread is trash. C'est la vie I suppose.
>Writing a novel on Sup Forums
it is a money repatriation scheme BY WHITES!
>Their kids will only be 1/3 black
>Her grandkids will be about 7% black
BLEACHED. How can black bois even compete?
That's actually not Obama's daughter. Obama never had children because he's infertile. And Mitchell's real name is Michael and he is a man.
>Being this new
Are u sure that's not her gay best friend? She's ugly as fuck, and she's a nigger. Either way it's disgusting.
Straight to the jungle fever folder
Of course she does. Her dad presents as white. Most girls go for some variation on their father's archetype. Obama is literally one of the least black men on the fucking planet, and his daughter wasn't raised to be attracted to niggers.
>tfw can't have michelle obama gf because she would be taller than me
>tfw being manlet
I hate this. I hope i pass until im 21
pls, kill yourself
this ugly sheboon is a low iq subhuman
prob he's jewish
I would impregnate her as many times as possible.
google "afro4k.com"
That can't be Michelle. There's no penis on her.
>No penis.
No fap.
Fakeapp this with whichever daughter is in OP's pic.
found the nigger
No shit is that a robot me? lol
She's cute but I see too much of ombama in her face.
Just imagine banging away in missionary and hearing this in your head:
"Uhhh... the situation is critical. Uhhh... the time for action is now. We can just stand by uhhh... and allow Putin and his goons to continue uhhh... with these manipulative and subversive activities."
Between your moms legs
Inferiority complex lel
Has science gone too far?
>he didn't deepfake obama on this gif
dey eat da poo poo?
Is this shopped?
Weak chin, skinny jeans, this is ether her gay best friend or Brenda fraiser hit the Lazarus machine
She is ugly too. I'd say what they have in common is money.
they have the same hairline lol
How can they ever recover?
No it's real Obama is a cuckold she tapes these for him to jack off to.
gib malia gf
>so much salt
But how is he going to pay the toll if he burnt the coal
didn't know matt murdoch had the jungle fever
Wow all the black women in this webm sure look like prime real estate for MY COCK! THESE COCOA BITCHES ARE GETTING COLONIZED FUCK YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
oh, imagine the nigger butthurt after watchign this
She wants to have babies that aren't monkeys and have IQ's above 100. Can't blame her.
You'd be much happier if you just admitted to your friends and family that you love cock.
always got the impression that obama got swept up in something he couldn't control, probably would have had a happy life otherwise
Is that why you're so bitter? You won't tell your family?
bumping this thread because ya butthurt
Black hoe getting her shitter torn up by chad
> get the fuck outa my car
I was replying to the other nigger.
I know how IDs work, thanks.
So much like her daddy.
Well, she has two boys for parents.
Maybe she is a boy to?
If there are repeaters than we need to consider this.
"White".. that's a Jew! Look at that fucking nose.
Obivous fake. Where's Michelle's dick?
She looks just like Barak. I mean EXACTLY like him.
>that knowing smile when she first licks it
I repeat!
Notice how she picked the white one.
They're 18+ right? Trump should smash both of them and never call. That would really stick it to Barry.
so they delete threads about not masturbating but they leave this shit up...?
Thats not a Chad. Thats a soyboy.
Well daredevil is blind, so color makes no difference.
This is loosely Sup Forums related. Your MGTOW no fap threads are not.
What the fuck, you faggots!?
This is Sup Forums, stop acting like Sup Forumstards!
She looks like a California Raisin
tech has gone too far
Just like her father
I thought all shills were progressive, leftypol, LGBTQK+? Wouldn't they pay women more?