The United States of America is in debt $20 Trillion.
The United States of America is in debt $20 Trillion
Yeah. Trump is gonna end the FED and erase all the debt which isn't even a real thing.
Thanks obama
I'm just waiting for the corruption to reach critical mass and the dissolution of the US to begin.
Thats some fucked up Greece tier shit they got into!
And a space base on the moon would cost like 1 trillion or below. Yet still no base. I swear they are just being stupid shadow governments on purpose.
How do yah expect us ta maintain the coyrrent standaad of living if there is no debt goy? When goyim have moah money they woyk less; if they woyk less how do yah expect ta buy all youah goytoys cheap? Think of debt as motavation to woyk.
And that's before the infrastructure bill.
No the black budget is for underground bases.
Come collect on it. I'm waiting.
It's gunna be $21T in 2 months.
goberment shutdown in 1 week
debt ceiling showdown in march
America is fucked.
Federal government will be unable to pay all bills sooner than expected, due to new tax law
It's also the size of the deficits that Trump is running. $1 trillion + a year and rising
to who?
Who cares, it's monopoly money anyway
over half is to the US citizens dead and dyeing
then a huge chunk to china .
we print the fucking money the world runs on, its not real money, it literally has no value, everyone pretends its wroth something and everyone uses it to keep it worth something, we're in debt to ourselves, money is an illusion, stfu
That's only if the deep state gets control of the drones so they can bomb these stupid rednecks
It's interest to the kikes, for the money they print for us. For example, my country of only 4.5 million people feeds around 140 million globally with our agricultural output, but still, we are in fucking debt. How much more productive does a country need to be to escape it?
Kill the fucking kikes user. And their children. All of them. Hitler was right.
become kike and ???profit
Canada doesn't have drones lmao
>spectrum blocks your girlfriend's ass
what do?
Thanks, Obama.
$20 trillion
>1x gdp
$500,000 house
>10x your gdp
I'm a libertarian, but even I know 20 trillion is nothing. Get some perspective. Invest.
Damn, I kill the daily national debt thread 100% of the time.
Obama still has the codes to the drone army
thank god
he got the high debt score so he should still have the drone codes, it's only fair
Trump is hitting the high debt score.
Not-uh, Obama's was way higher.
>become kike
>use usury & subversion to gain control of international financial infrastructure
>print everyone's money
>charge for the service
>refuse to be audited
>start wars
>accuse goyim who wake up of being 'aunty semantic'
>rub hands together
>fulfil prophecy written by cave-dwelling goatfucker
>profit continuously
there are more than 9 living rothschild descendants.
lol, no we're not.
it's way more than that
our clowns are really good at hiding debt
it's been estimated that 25-50% of US debt is hidden
i meant to say 12.5-25% is hidden
name them
Good. You owe someone $20, they have you at their mercy. owe someone $20 trillion, you have them at your mercy. The world cannot afford for the American government to collapse.
There is more than just one family in control of international finance, but they're the big one. People think the East & West India Companies just up & evaporated...
who holds most US debt?
Fucking kek
How can anyone take such a cuck of a country seriously
the debt is real. it happens when the government spends more than it takes in taxes. cut spending. the debt as a percentage of gpd ain't too bad but i am real tired of federal government expansion because it comes at a cost and empowers both the fed and anyone buying our debt (CHINA)
No, you're retarded.
If a country has 0 dollars and there's a central bank. If that bank loans the US 1 dollar. The US owes back 1.02. There's only 1 DOLLAR IN CIRCULATION THOUGH so the debt never gets paid.
Debt is fake.
I probably do.
uh, actually the fed prints money to close the gap between money taken in and money spent. the debt gets added to next year's budget and more money is printed by the fed as needed. as long as our debt is outgrowing the gdp you don't catch up without raising taxes or cutting gibs. debt is not fake.
Debt is mind control.
It'll reach 30 trillion
Nothing will happen
>the debt is real. it happens when the government spends more than it takes in taxes. cut spending.
No. You think of debt like its a credit card, its not. The debt is government bonds. Investment to give the government a buffer on spending. The fact is, 1/3rd of that debt is owned BY THE GOVERNMENT. Another 1/3 is owned by Americans.
>Yet still no base.
You really think they'd let the public know about a moon base?