These cats are disappointed with you you, pol. For giving up on pizzagate. Why did you give it up?? You know you were right. The jews won that one, unless of course it isn't over?
I think it was likely to have been fueled more by the whole election. Without all the happenings, it gets kind of boring. Also everyone involved in pizzagate caught on to the whole thing and probably took extra measures to cover it up.
Wtf why??
They didn't exactly win. They got away with this shit for centuries, but pizzagate opened a lot of people's eyes on the elite's lifestyle and depravation. It's hard to tear them a new one without hard evidence - I mean actually catching them red handed - doing satanic sacrificies or fucking a kid. Best case scenario it would be several high ranking Rothschilds getting caught.
Podesta, Soros & Co. are too low in their hierarchy. They'd just doom and condemn them, but the thing would keep on going.
Yeah so let's just let children continue to be raped?
>it isn't over
Fine but I better get a gf at the end of this.
A CUTE gf.
I honestly don't care.
>down the street from city hall
Why am I not surprised. Surely the white sauce isn't sick, old canadian pedophile jizz can it?
Pizzagate is just another log on the fire of hate. There is little to be done about it until collapse occurs.
I get so much joy when I report these threads
Fuck Madeline McCain hahaha
>the pizza is gud tho
>pizzagate discord ykfuyd
What kind of meat is it?
Why you fucks were already murdered and are raping literal robots. We are long passed records god's chosen robot kikes
Cup my balls in your ass conspiracy redditard
Thats it. Just like that. Easy does it.
This is an 18+ board, son.
Fun sized hahahaha
>unless of course it isn't over?
pol has reams of intelligence waiting for events to progress to that level. When the first pedophilia allegation hits the dems, we're going to bury them
Fuck your ass, Jimmy. Moloch commands you to get a Brazilian wax.
>being this delusional
Keep twirling around in your computer chair incel, you won’t make any significant arrests..only small fish for you fat boy
nancy pelosi's restaurant
I bet ive gotten laid more than you have, you limp dick soyboy.
That's probably a 40+ jew.
Hello clown faggot, too scared to post your usual clown face? You should, you know what's coming.
"Sup Forums" gave up after faggots started spamming. We've moved to another platform, shit's still being done.
Thread getting pruned in 3...2..
>only small fish for you fat boy
that's ok, just as long as you're one of them
>Why did you give it up?
>You know you were right.
Story of my life, innit?
Pizzagate threads get deleted here. No fun allowed on nu-Sup Forums.
That's good to know.
maybe you should do another countdown? start from 10 this time
Leaf don't make him think about it, you're going to drive him to suicide if he really fires up those neurons.
Did you ironically take his post unironically?
do they use goat cheese?
Why do liberals love niggers so much? They are obviously fucking evil. Not even memeing, I live in Buffalo, those fuckers are evil. Not just stupid (they are amazingly stupid) but there is something evil inside of them.
Its weird because I dont see the same love for other minorities from leftists, just nogs even though they are far more likely to get victimized by them. I blame the brain washing from the media.
So basically they are stupid. They fall for cheap tricks. If you really are European as your flag says, save yourselves while you can. You people know nothing. There is a reason we are so adamant about having guns, and it isn't because of other white people. Or even spics and chinks.
A match?
Normies can't swallow this pizzagate shit so the cabal will be taken down on different grounds.
Not over.
Ask comrade Putin when he can take care of these CNNiggers when you get a chance. Agent Kekoff out.
do you like to play dominoes on Cheese or Pasta?
yeah no evidence
>its only starting the kikes are getting gassed
They are gonna burn in Hell, unless they repent and turn
themselves over to God for judgement.
they paid me with gorgeous cunny. i couldn't resist. sorry lads.
There is indications and evidence the operations are being dismantled more less from the bottom up thus far. The top looks to be handled differently.
Pizzagate is a jewish controlled op larp the same way the alt-right and kekistan. MAKE NO MISTAKE there's a very good chance there's a lot of pedos in top level government, but adding these salacious, fantastical elements of ritual satan worship and abuse and massive incorporated trafficking organizations with secret handshakes and symbology hidden in pizza restaurant menus and park benches it the kind of nonsense they use to make useful dimwits salivate and seem like huge conspiracy theory wackos. You're getting played, dig for the truth, not the /x/ larp.
Putin's World Jews, who installed Trump "Weaponized" the emails did't they, user?
>For giving up on pizzagate. Why did you give it up?
we are working on getting bigger guns.