There were no gas chambersère
>Olère began to draw at Auschwitz during the last days of the camp, when the SS became less attentive.[3] His work has exceptional documentary value: there are no photos of what happened in the gas chambers and crematoria,[1] and Olère was the only artist to have worked as a member of the Sonderkommando and survived.
>At postmortem, an exhaust fan sucks the poison air out of the chamber, and the corpse is sprayed with ammonia to neutralize any remaining traces of cyanide. About a half an hour later, oderlies enter the chamber, wearing gas masks and rubber gloves. Their training manual advises them to ruffle the victim's hair to release any trapped cyanide gas before removing the deceased.

If you believe that a human being is able to handle thousands of corpses covered in a deadly chemical asphyxiant without using safety equipment then you believe in a toxicological impossibility.

Other urls found in this thread:üller

also that undernourished 50 kg man would be worn out from dragging just 10 corpses in the way he is depicted.its unrealistic that hed manage to drag out 100s of corpses using that method not to mention the time inefficiency.

>concentration camp guards not giving a shit about the respiratory health of jews dragging bodies

>human being
>touches thousands of bodies covered in poison without safety equipment
>does so for weeks
>paints a painting

Are you legitimately a moron?

We have photographic evidence goy. Look at the bodies lying dead in the chamber and the thousands of cheering germans screaming for more dead jews.
>skin or eye absorption is rapid and contributes to systemic poisoning. After skin exposure, onset of symptoms may be immediate or delayed for 30 to 60 minutes

According to Olère it doesn't happen at all since he could touch corpses all day long without getting poisoned.

Didn't there need to be 200 at a time in order to meet the 6mil number? Imagine having to drag 200 bodies with a cane. At some point you'd, i don't know, maybe grab something with wheels to help you.

It's so flatly absurd. I hope to live to see the day the world wakes up from this nightmare.
>When Wiernik's profession as a carpenter was accepted, he was put to work constructing various camp structures including additional gas chambers.
>The new construction job between Camp No. 1 and Camp No. 2, on which I had been working, was completed in a very short time. It turned out that we were building ten additional gas chambers, more spacious than the old ones, 7 by 7 meters or about 50 square meters. As many as 1,000 to 1,200 persons could be crowded into one gas chamber.

>1200 people
>7 x 7 metres (49 square metres)
>24 people per square metre

Apparently, basic mathematics is something that Jewish-Polish carpenters lack when building anything.
>5 people per square metre (this should be the UPPER limit for standing/viewing spaces).


>Their training manual advises them to ruffle the victim's hair to release any trapped cyanide gas before removing the deceased
Well, show me that manual then. And not some soviet fake please.


Steven Spielberg got an Academy Award for this garbage which is essentially, a collection of lies

Those 12 million people didn't die, they just went on vacation right?

Education time

>show me that manual
>not some Soviet fake

The manual is for executions in the United states, you retard. Stop smoking weed and try to read. If it's too hard for you to actually click a link then get off the Internet.



If the Germans wanted to kill all Jews, they only needed to contain them in one area and not feed them. That's how Jews killed 10 million Ukrainians.

the 280k or so that did die (total), did from just that. malnutrition and typhus, after all of germany was suffering from that. though left alone i wouldnt put cannibalism past a kike.

And how the US military killed almost 2 million German civilians after the war

See, here's what I don't get, why the camps? Why go through the trouble of rounding people up, transporting them on a train, building a location to settle them, then guarding and slowly executing them?

Seriously, it would have been not only cheaper, but quieter, if they just executed everyone on the spot.

Someone explain to me why they built camps? When the Turks genocided the Armenians, they didn't build camps. When the Serbs genocided the Bosnians, they didn't build camps. When the Soviets genocided the Ukrainians, they didn't build camps.

Why the camps?

>Why the camps?
They were work camps that made all manner of things from house-fittings to clothing

So why kill your workforce?

Dont forget American companies manufactured in them (Ford, GE, Prescot Bush) and sold jeeps / tanks to the Germans.

i thought their heads were supposed to be shaved to prevent lice?

Why is that skeleton dragging a 15 foot tall human??

>kill your workforce

They didn't.
>...every means must be used to lower the death rate in the camp.
>I hold the Camp Commandant and the Chief of Camp Administration personally responsible for exhausting of every possibility of maintaining the physical strength of the prisoners.

Note how starving the guy carrying the body is and how well fed the dead 8' woman and the child appears to be. Also:
>Muh women and children

I'm really curious how this shit wasn't questioned.

heads up:
this is an illustration
not a photograph

I'll fuck you to death

What Is History?

The Rise and Fall of the Holocaust Industry

Josef Mengele - Innocent At Auschwitz

David Cole and Mark Weber - What is holocaust revisionism?

Sylvia Stolz - Lawyer Who Was Jailed for Presenting Evidence in the Zundel Trial

Ursula Haverbeck - `Auschwitz expertin`


Forum search

Most of them died because diseases and lack of supplies because Germans were losing, yes they had forced labor camps, but the idea of death camps is retarded, is cheaper and easier shot them if you want them dead

As far as I know, only GM, because it bought the Opel company before the war.

so not a single jew was shot? interesting theory.

a bit unlikely though.

how tall was this woman in that pic? 8‘6?

>cheaper, but quieter, if they just executed everyone on the spot.

you think shooting 72,000 jews in france in every village across the occupied territory would not have caused some serious backlash?

not quieter. nor cheaper in the long run.

also getting men to shoot innocent people, children, pretty girls, old ladies, is hard to do - it traumatises them.

easier to build industrial processing units near coal fields near the big jewish populations, with good rail access, and use a means of mass killing that is quick and secret - just tell them they are being resettled, and this is a rest stop for a shower and meal...

And well-fed too. If the germans would have had any sense, she would be dragging him along.

They are caught between a rock and a hard place with the numbers:

In order for "muh 6 million" to be anywhere close, the "amount killed per gassing" has to be as high as possible, but too high draw suspicion.

"Up to 500 per gassing" is what reasonable historians go with.

Even if this is taken at face value (which it shouldn't):

500 bodies per gassing.
the workers have to clear a room of literally dead weight bodies, drag those bodies 20-30 meters, through a single doorway, then ONE AT A TIME up 1 floor in a dumb waiter!!! how long is that going to take?

lets say for argument sake the jew workers were supermen or someshit, and could carry/drag a body 30 meters singlehandedly in 1 minute.
thats 500 (super)man minutes to clear a room of 500 bodies.
but because its a single doorway, adding more workers doesn't help you much, you can't have 20 people clearing the room at one time, they would get in each others way.

There is no way you can get people, no matter how strong to work 16 hours a day non stop dragging bodies...

Fact of the matter is:
Clearing the room and moving the bodies takes MUCH longer then any supposed "gassing"

Even if the gassing took only "30 minutes" as some suggest, clearing the room after even with 20 men is going to take HOURS...!!!

>If you believe that a human being is able to handle thousands of corpses covered in a deadly chemical asphyxiant without using safety equipment then you believe in a toxicological impossibility.

Those who got weak from the poison were shot and replaced.

>It's not a photo so it's not accurate
It's an Holocaust survivor painting so...

how did that photo happen?

So...David Olère, just like Filip Müller, who exposed themselves to huge amounts of hydrogen cyanide without neutralizing it or wearing safety equipment somehow were lucky enough to be gifted with superhuman immune systems, right?üller
>Müller described eating cheese and cake he found once in the gas chamber after a gassing.

I love your mental gymnastics. You pretty much tell yourself that Sonderkommandos would never lie although science disproves everything they say.

don't forget the masturbation machines goyim

The Holocaust has a lot of jew projections.

>We would see the boys they put on those masturbating machines just drop, just die, right there in front of us.

The Wank-o-caust!

> is not a recording of the conversation so it’s not accurate
> but muh financially benefitted claimant of damages is giving his oral account of the events he gets compensation for!! Trust his word!!!

That logic is moronic

You think there was only one man doing the job?
>The operation to remove the bodies would then begin. Gabbai was given a pair of scissors and ordered to cut the hair off the women. Gabbai said he wailed "Where is God?" when cutting one woman's hair, as a sound emerged from her dead lips when he placed his foot on her belly.

Instead of cutting their hair before the gassing, they did it afterwards (exposing themselves to even more cyanide that is trapped in the hair) while still having zero safety equipment).

Also, Gabbai says that Jews that got gassed got inflated by the Zyklon B and when he put his foot on one of the corpses stomach it turn into a human fart pillow.


from your link
" Substantial absorption can occur through intact skin if vapor concentration is high or with direct contact with solutions, especially at high ambient temperatures and relative humidity."

but the vapour concentration was low,

the gas chambers only had to use a low concentration to kill people, and they were vented using forced air pumped in and air extractor fans to remove the vapour after the gassing - we have the orders for these ventilation systems

HCN is highly soluble in water - it does not easily pass from skin of people exposed to gas,(hence the advice to ruffle hair - it may be trapped in the air between the hairs, but the skin absorbs it easily)

also note use of a stick to drag the body - minimizing contact with the bodies and with the hair.

the photos of prisoners putting a body in an oven that often circulate here also show them wearing rubber gloves.

it is wrong to treat these sketches as authoritative in every detail.

read this if you really want to know about the chemistry

>> ten additional gas chambers, more spacious than the old ones, 7 by 7 meters or about 50 square meters.

so was that ten additional 50m square rooms (500m square?) plenty of room for 1200 people?

the three original chambers were 5x5 meters, and could only take 200 persons each ( yes 8 persons per square meter, but the nazis were not following safety regulations for modern buildings in america) that is ten square feet for the metrically challenged - more than 1 foot by 1 foot for each person to stand on - not impossible, especially when a quarter of the people are children...

the total area for new chambers was 49 m square - at 8 persons per square meter this is 3,920 people.

the carpenter may have got his figures wrong - he may never have counted people in and out, or seen them in operation at all, but the figure is still horrific.

>vapour concentration was low

Not really. You can't handle over 100 bodies an hour without safety equipment. The amount of hydrogen cyanide needed to kill a human in a professional gas chamber designed for execution is so miniscule that it is laughable to think the Sonderkommandos could touch thousands of bodies without protective gear.

He couldn't have built actual gas chambers considering how scientifically inept he is.

well as Goebbels said, '60% of them must be liquidated, while only another 40% can be deployed in work'

they killed the unfit - the children, the old, most women, a lot of men. and they had a huge supply - three million poles, half a million hungarians and romanians, 72,000 from france, - they actually did not need them all. the Auschwitz camp only held 100,000 at max (many non jews - soviet prisoners political prisoners etc) yet they sent over a million there - because it had the capacity to kill and cremate them.

We can always dream.

>49 square metres
>8 per square metre

You mean 392 people?

>The amount of hydrogen cyanide needed to kill a human in a professional gas chamber designed for execution is so >miniscule
>that it is laughable to think the Sonderkommandos could touch thousands of bodies without protective gear.

wot m8? do you know what 'minuscule' means?
i mean obviously you cant spell it, but you seem to think it means the complete opposite.
were you dropped as a child?
why would less make toxic gas make it more outrageous? like dude, your actually fucking retarded.

>I'm really curious how this shit wasn't questioned.

what was to question? the well fed woman and her child had just come to the camp from France or Hungary or Poland - not camp inmates. Simply got off the train and sent to have a nice shower.. the Sonderkommando worker had been there months or years, and maybe had been poorly fed even before coming to the camp

...and you obviously can't spell "what" and "mate". Do you even know how much hydrogen cyanide there is in one tin can?


I know you have it.

whatever ya retarded fucking faggot.


>Most of them died because diseases and lack of supplies because Germans were losing,

Source for this> any numbers? how many at Auschwitz died from disease or starvation? how many were sent to the camp? how many did it hold at maximum? when did they arrive? when did the disease start, adn how many were killed?

do you have any figures for this?

>is cheaper and easier shot them if you want them dead

no it isn't. You need to have men shoot human beings all day - women and children, pretty girls and old ladies and grandfathers. They have to look down a rifle and aim for their earts, or heads. The men get brutalised, traumatised by this. that is why Himmler ordered that non germans be trained to do it - for they did shoot over a million - look up Trawniki men - and he had those shooters shot when they showed mental illness symptoms - and why he ordered a more efficient way of mass murder to be developed - gas vans, adn gas chambers.

also it is more efficient to have a single central facility to quietly dispose of them - covered by lies of deportation and being given new homes in the east - and quietly do away with them unsuspecting (Here have a nice hot shower, - undress and hand in your valuables and we will give you a ticket for them to get back after you are clean)

shooting them in the streets in france and Holland and Belgium and austria and hungary and romania and poland might cause offense to the occupied populations and raise resistance, ad tip off the remaining jews in the next country.



It's spelled 'you'.

Today I will remind them.

its spelled (you) ya fuckin faggy autistic cunt.
lol yeah im using shortened versions of words, clearly on purpose. you actually cant spell minuscule or even know its meaning. fucking retard.

So people wouldnt notice a giant fucking death factory in the middle of the countryside? Some were even built in towns and ,y fat sjw teacher always blames the townsfolk for being bystanders.

what sort of autist cares about how much cyanide fits in a can? and it doesn't take genius to realize that depends on the fucking tin can right? you actually a fucking idiot m8

>it’s a Sup Forums says the gas chambers are impossible because they think the claim is that 6 million were gassed
>they also think the claim is that 6 million died in concentration camps
The one trait common to Holocaust deniers: historical illiteracy. Stubborn, wry pride in their dismissals without even the most rudimentary understanding of the topic.

Another thing: the Final Solution is acknowledged to have been a gradual process. Hitler may have wanted all the Jews to die from the beginning, perhaps more as a fantasy at first than anything, but it was only late into the war, and after some degree of acceleration that extermination became government policy, partly because they started panicking once the invasion of Russia and the Eastern Front started to eat away at their potential victory conditions. The Holocaust was not quite premeditated, even if it was sanctioned by the Third Reich and its ideology - it was a bureaucratic spiral. The same way war becomes more and more brutal and desperate.

One thing I think is Sup Forums rightly diagnoses and flees from cultural myths. Many surround the Holocaust. It’s the nature of any large historical event, especially one with so much cultural impact and political value. But Sup Forums confuses this pop-cultural plebeian delusion with some sort of institutional conspiracy. It cites self-published and irrelevant amazon books with ludicrous claims (holocoaster, masturbation machines) as evidence of the illegitimacy of an entire historical narrative. It correctly disputes the accuracy and conduct of the Nuremberg trials but fails to recognise that so do historians, and that historians do not think the Nuremberg trials provide, in themselves, an accurate narrative for the Holocaust. It makes fun of soap and lampshades, which is atrocity propaganda, but doesn’t notice that it has long been recognised as such by institutions, courts and historians dating back to the 50s.


The thing about all the holocaust denial is that even if it were all a giant lie (it's not, maybe very slightly exaggerated at the worst), that still makes nazis the bad guys

they could have not rounded up a single jew and still they were the bad guys

they were imperialist authoritarians who killed anyone and conquered anything they pleased with no regard for life or liberty.

yes it took hours. No one ever claimed it was instant.

if you have 4 crematoria with gas chambers at auschwitz, capable of cremating 4400 people a day, you only need to do one gassing a day to supply the bodies. Also, they sometimes had so many bodies they burned them on pyres, because the ovens were over loaded.

and since it only takes a few seconds for a person to pass through a door, why could you not have ten people hooking up corpses necks and parading out one after the other in quick time (and the dumb waiter took more than one body at a time.

when you have slave labour on hand, labour is not a problem - 100,000 slaves to do the work...

scary trips :s


One can of Zyklon B allegedly killed hundreds of people in mere minutes. Do you really think that much hydrogen cyanide, that can penetrate bricks, would have a low vapour concentration?

Just lol.

he was a labourer. You know many bricklayers that have science degrees in chemistry and advanced study in gas chamber design?

of all the stupid arguments I have heard on here this is a doozy.


the 49 square meters refers to one chamber in teh Treblinka building, and there were ten of those chambers - so 3,920 people at a time.

Auschwitz had four large gas chamber add cremation facilities, each capable of over a thousand persons in each.

No historian anywhere on Earth claims 6 million Jews were gassed. You need to educate yourself on what the Holocaust was, and what actual historians are saying about it, before you try to debunk it.

Roughly half of Holocaust deaths were NOT in gas chambers. 2 million were shot by Einsatzgruppen (Ethnic cleansing death squads) operating in the occupied lands of Russia and Eastern Europe. There are plenty of mass graves, photographs, telegrams detailing the numbers killed by each unit.

In addition, there is plenty of evidence for the gas chambers themselves, forensic evidence of the Cyklon B, the ash fields, the blueprints and internal memos refering to them, and the fact that Auschwitz-Birkenau had a capacity to burn at the very minimum (assuming ovens operating at 73% the expected capacity) 105,606 corpses a month, as per this telegram sent in 1942 by Kurt Prüfer, senior engineer from Topf & Sons, the company that manufactured the crematory ovens. Let's be really, really conservative with the numbers in the memo and assume the crematoriums operated at less than 50% capacity, that still gives you roughly 80,000 bodies per month.

Why would a camp with a peak capacity to hold 200,000 people, need to burn more than 80,000-100,000 bodies per month?


What are you talking about? He claims 1200.could fit in a space of 49 sqare metres. It is mathematically absurd and he's supposedly a professional carpenter.

Nice how you're changing the subject.


>one undefined sized can, killing an undefined number
just lol
i dont think anyone can answer this one mate.
when you say a can, that could mean bucket or barrel sized, which yeah i would believe it. you ask oif i know how much fits in a can, you dont even know the number it could kill or the size yourself, idiot.

also they dont pump the gas thru the bricks fuckwit.
and as has already been said in this thread, the gas was fanned out.

Died after the 42nd cum shot..


10 spaces of of 49 square meters, 490 square meters, idiot, you could fit that many, probably didnt usually, but youd quote the highest number youd believe you had seen at once if you had gone through this. its a fucking genocide your not going to downplay it.

>they dont pump the gas thru the bricks fuckwit.

Did I say that? Nope. You clearly have no idea how dangerous Zyklon B is.

What I said was that the gas itself can penetrate bricks. It's that lethal.

Jews didi it.

the gas being able to penetrate bricks doesn't make it more lethal either you fucking absolute idiot.

*Zyklon B

Didn't get much sleep last night.

But Wiernik says ONE chamber could fit 1200 people. 1200 people per 49 square metre chamber is impossible.


you didn't read the link I gave

you might also like this one

and this one

how can the treefag recover

he's gonna just shout "MUH JOO RUN SITE REEEE"
just watch

hes clearly referring to the "shower units' as a whole by new gas chamber, they were grouped together and the numbers checks out, do you think im wrong?


Your epuc trole replies are boring. He says one chamber.

they did - there were complaints about the smell of the burning bodies twenty miles away

You know that auschwitz area was cleared before the camp was built, and resettled by german nationals and nazi party members. that the complex covered many miles of factories and sub camps (one of which was a top flight research lab with very privileged prisoners)

that the Krematoria were disguised before the Hungarian jews arrived with sight screens

and that yes, people were well aware of the mass murder in many places. But it was not like now - everyone didn't have a camera, a twitter account and an Instagram - the news did not get out. Apart from rumours - rumours about mass electrocutions, or death rays, or steam being used. And rumours of gas and exhaust fumes. and mass shootings. Some were true, and some were mistaken - and isn't it funny how the deniers now use all the mistakes and call them lies, and then call all the truth lies as well?