How come Nords/Germanics lose almost all wars?

how come Nords/Germanics lose almost all wars?

how come they never managed to produce an empire in their entire history?

why were they still living in mudhuts until just several hundred years ago?

Other urls found in this thread: queen elizabeth ii&kin=3709 william the conqueror)

Europe gets cold in winter. This is not conducive to empire building.

But Mongolia gets even colder. So does Russia. So does the half the steppe across Asia. Peoples across here won wars and made empires.

>Mongolia made empire
They had the biggest yet the shittiest empire, just bulldoze and leave nomad tactics
Only once made it into Europe and only through soviet union which collapsed decades later

Also Swedish Empire was lit tho

i dont know but it has something to do with jews

This is butthurt. Caucasians control most of the world's landmass. The palest Caucasians are the richest and most powerful Caucasians.

Africans only have half of Africa. Asians only have half of Asia. The rest of the world belongs to Caucasians and in particular, whites.

Since the Anglos are Germanic, you could say that the Germanics were able to produce an empire.

>Africans only have half of Africa
i'm pretty sure south Africa is not half of the entire continent

Caucasians control north Africa and a huge desert. Black's control sub Saharan Africa which is roughly half the continent.

Non Caucasians don't even get a whole continent to themselves.

40 degrees Fahrenheit is not cold in the winter. Northern Europe is warmed by ocean currents which send warm waters right at it, and also the fact that it is near water in the first place stabilizing the climate. A winter that actually could be called cold would frequently have temperatures well below freezing. And even areas like that still work for agriculture. Northern Euros were in mud huts because they were barbarians not because they lived in the cold.

Arabs are Caucasians? i thought they were Semites


Indians are Caucasian too.

>What is The Dutch Empire
>What is Kalmar Union
>What is Swedish Empire
>What is 3rd reich
>What is Weimar Republic
>What is Holy Roman Empire
>What is the massive Germanic tribes that RUINED the entire West-Roman Empire and forged huge Kingdoms

Also, you're mistaken if you think that WW2 was ONE war. The 3rd Reich won against France, Norway, Denmark, almost all of Eastern Europe while being the origin size of Texas. It took 3 of the greatest super powers to ever set foot on the earth to finally take down Germany.

Shitskin shill.

You just lost all credibility.

And you are a moron who doesn't know who falls into what race. I bet you are either white trash or black.

>What is kalmar union

Something you and Swedeistan ruined. The traitorous Iceland niggers finished the job.

i know that north Indians are, but aren't they Arab rape babies or something?

Basically the whole planet is caucasian. Chinese, a few other asians and sub Saharan Africa being the exception.

The race war was won long ago.

Not so, Anglos are Germanic. original USA was Anglo, and therefore Germanic. And the Germans were winning, until the whole world ganged up on them.

What are you talking about?

Why are you so jealous of their obvious superiority over you,

How come descendants of caucasians are always fighting and claiming the people their fighting are part of some other race? Is it human stupidity?

The absolute shitshow that's been Denmark's history since Margaret I died.

Whites are better than the rest so they bully the other Caucasians.

They only lose because their lands end up covered in the dead bodies of their enemies. It happened when rome tried to invade germania. The bodies piled up on the battlefields. You use cannon fodder to beat the germans. Thats why immigration is so fucking important to you. Germans beat your fucking ass every time you try some shit.

Why would they make an empire when youd just attack it and shit the place up with your cannon fodder.

And they do just fine without one.

If anyone ruined the Kalmar Union it must've been Sweden and Denmark-Norway. And they being the only Kingdoms that form up the union they should have the right to disband with their colonies/territories if they choose to, which they did. The Kalmar Union was made to unite in strenght in order to counter Germany's expansion. In the end the nobility that made up all the countries in the union caused the dessolution. The Kalmar Union would never have survived anyways.

The largest empire in history was Nordic.

This is of course the British Empire, which was founded by Normans lead by William the Conqueror, who invaded Normandy from Scandinavia and then Britain, and later most of the world including America.

Queen Elizabeth II, the current Queen is directly descended from William the Conqueror. (see queen elizabeth ii&kin=3709 william the conqueror)

WOW this is stupid

hey did you know all humans came out of Africa?

so British Empire was actually AFRICAN

It's a bit of a stretch.

Recent research indicates humans came from Europe. Lel. Africans arnt really human.

what research was that?

They found some early ancestor of humans in eastern Europe. Keep in mind that far back Europe and Africa was one continent. It's interesting though. It undermines out of Africa.

The Chinese don't accept out of Africa at all.

1. Celt defeat Athens. Sack city, don't burn it or take slaves because they're civil and laughed at statue gods according to Greeks

2. Germans defeat early Rome (*many times)

3. Germans defeat demoralized Christian Rome.

4. Germanic Guals defeat Muslim hordes.

5. Germanics take over Africa and North America.

6. Scythcians are the Aryan Germanic tribes that went west. Defeated Persians many times and unified with them.

7. American (95% celtic-germanic-Anglo-Saxons defeat Japan defeat Spain, Indians, Japan, Philipines, China-Korea, Russia.

8. Celts spread into Syria.

9. Nordic Aryans defeat Dradivian Indians in India.

10. Nordic Persians defeat Middle East, now-mixed Egyptians.

11. Vikings run water ways from Medditerianian to Baltic Sea, to Americas.

12. Britian has the largest empire in history.

13. Nordic race establishes Rome and Greece and Minoan civilizations.

14. Alexander of Northern Micean Nordic Greek race takes over the known world.

I could go on but I'm board.

>What is the British empire
>what is the French empire
>what is the German empire
>What is the North sea empire
>what is the Swedish empire
>what is the Angevin Empire
>what is the Roman empire
>what is the macadonian empire
>what is the Egyptian empire (red and blonde hair mummies)
>what is the Assyrian empire

I could go on and on. It is true in recent times the nords have been largly replaced by semites in north Africa, arebia, the middle east, Italy, Greece and slavics in central, eastern Europe and the Balkans but historically the Nordic race founded many many empires.

In fact it would not be a streach to say the most. after them would be the semites and then the Slavic's and then the mongoloids.

Norwegian empire ;)

The empire on Genghis khan was the greatest empire this world will ever know, he opened the silk road, made a marvelous capital with envoys from the world over, pillaged and raped to his likeing, hosted philosophical arguments between jews, Muslims, Christians and Buddha.

its true, once he died his kids fucked it all up.
Please don't slander what you know nothing about.

inferior genes

not an argument, they're going extinct in their own lands EXACTLY because they have money and would rather sit on them than do anything about the destruction of their nation

>most powerful
those are kikes

Lad as I said earlier, almost the whole planet is Caucasian. No one is going extinct. If a Greek came to Ireland and had children with a local those kids would look Irish except for maybe they tan quicker. Same goes for most migrants. Our migrants are mostly brits and poles.

The yanks are the only whites going extinct and they are being replaced by Caucasians anyway.

Also pro tip, kikes are Caucasian even if they arnt white.

>same goes for most migrants
in Ireland sure
in Germany/France/Sweden/Belgium definitely not
want me to post the birthrates by ethnicity?

actually true
but don't tell anyone

Muslims have a retarded religion but they are Caucasian too.

also the point is that the original people with the original genes are going extinct and replaced
if it's by other caucasians or not it doesn't matter, that wasn't even the original argument

>meds raping meds
What's the difference?

>Caucasian mutt
That's exactly what Irish people already are. However you are right. Not all mutts are bred equally. I don't want brown Caucasians coming in and changing the culture and acting stupid.

savages living in california were also meds
same enviroment doesn't mean same genes, especially when there's distance

jews were probably arabs

I'm not talking about mutts, I'm talking about extinction
there aren't enough native people left in those countries to mix with the mutts that exist to preserve them as mutt
the mutts will mate with other niggers and arabs

The guy in the middle looks inbred.

>inbreeding in nigger countries
who would've though

Somalis are weird like that

Flat land is very easy to conquer, which is why all the steppe-peoples (Mongols, Turks, Huns, Avars, Scythians, Sarmatians, Tartars, Magyars, etc.) carved out such big empires. You don't need any supply-lines since your horses are both food and transportation and you practically grow up a warrior since you have to protect yourself from raids whenever you aren't busy raiding yourself. As a farmer on the other hand your have to spend time growing food, so you outsource all the fighting to your feudal lord.

Concerning the Nords/Germanics
>Swedish Empire
>German Empire
>Austro-Hungarian Empire
>Frankish Empire
>Visigothic Kingdom
>Langobardian Kingdom
>Teutonic State
>100 years ago practically all of eastern Europe belonged to either Russia, Germany or Austro-Hungary

You are a fucking moron