Leftists literally have no answer for this if this happens. They don't want me to own a gun for self defense and call the police instead. Yet, the same police are corrupt fascist pigs who can't be trusted. So what is it?
Leftists literally have no answer for this if this happens...
I can't speak for leftists but could it be that there is a happy medium between owning a gun for self-defense and owning AK-f7s, grenades, silencers, etc. And would you be averse to registering your firearm?
Yeah no thanks.
Liberals live in a bubble with gated communities and security guards where niggers live at least 30 miles away. They do not see the irony in their lifestyle or that the working class has to live next door to niggers and being armed is an absolute must.
>Be Eurofag
>Won't shoot if burglar isn't a nigger
>It's a nigger.
>Even if it's white, it's still a nigger.
Only a nigger will still try to break into your home when it knows you're gonna shoot it in the face.
>Muh keeds!
Leftists believe that criminals are poor innocent oppressed victims and the least they can do is let them rob them or rape them.
I have metal door bars and bear mace
It's not just American leftists.
European right-wing thinks the same way. They call us uncivilized and barbaric to own guns for self-defense. They think it's 56% genetics to defend yourself.
the gun is still loud and can be heard easily unlike in the movies unless you are using specific weapons with subsonic rounds, but even then it's still tens of metres
they should be allowed if not only for the sole purpose of reducing noise on ranges for environmentalist reasons and as a form of ear protection
I mean you don't want hearing impaired birds and other small fauna that can wander around ranges
After leftists disposses white people of their homes and give them to brown people... uh.... something something utopia!
Shoot the leftist, you won't have to listen to their shit
There is no happy medium.
You'd just keep banning shit.
Even if you ban all guns, you'll start banning knives.
See Britain as an example
>They think it's heresy to defend yourself.
Euroniggers are silly creatures.
They believe in sunshine and puppies.
Self-defense is a mortal sin.
Unless Self-Defense is the name of your neighbor's stripper daughter.
Then they believe in getting many lap-dances.
As long as someone else is paying for them.
Dats why Jesus invented knives. Didn't you read the bible?
then let me have my unregistered machine guns in peace, faggot
Kek bad bait, faggot.
until no one else wants to look at us.
Why won't you look at us?
>i own AK-47s and silencers
are you mad you fucking statist bootlicking cuckold?
Is that a Bulgarian Mak? How does it run? Any hangups with surplus ammo vs store-bought 9x18?
what is that thing on the far right?
Yes, it's a bulgarian.I have literally never seen surplus 9x18.
You can buy them online. They're usually Russian or Eastern Bloc made and come in restamped boxes, don't know if it's because of import regulations or what. Usually about $15 for 50 rounds.
I'm only asking because I have a P-64 and it misfires all the damn time, so I've never carried it.
God I would fucking love to own an RPG-7 can you imagine the fear that would put into governments.
Australians used to have some of that kit, Heavy MG's, Private tanks, ect...
They handed the lot in in 1996 to be little nanny state worshiping babies.
My registration for a weapon is in my Citizenship to the United States, which is defined by the second amendment that assures the right to bare arms to the militia, which in modern teams, means the Citizen.
booo......and I was planning on joining the ADF after my contract here is up and becoming an Australian citizen that way.
My registration for my weapon is paid to my nanny state minders. If I dont pay it or do something 'naughty' like get into a fight with one of their .gov employees they will take it away from me for bad behaivor and put me on a time-out.
>God I would fucking love to own an RPG-7
>But, I'll settle for a pair of wet knickers
We know.
That's cool. I'm poor and a gun can fit in my budget. Shelling out a grand for replacing my doors doesnt
their plan is to shit yourself in your broom closet for what you hope would be 3 minutes for the cops to arrive but in reality Officer Jones and Officer Smith were at Jamal and La'fownda's crack house again on a domestic violence dispute and are now 10 minutes behind which means you're gonna get robbed and fucked.
I want to be a globalist merc and fight for the internationalist boomer trash that runs this shithole country.
It's their right to make it 40% Asian in 50 years! I'll die for that cobber!
>That feel when leftist
>That feel when you own guns
I'm trying to convince others to take up arms so when you cucks try to pull a virgin up rising we'll be ready.
lol, no, I just want Aussie citizenship.
btw, you forgot to greentext
Yeah steel case is cheaper than whatever that costs. Wolf and tulammo is all I shoot. Maybe your recoil spring is fucked up, try replacing it
While they don’t want you to be robbed, the thought of you losing possessions is a lesser crime than you shooting and killing the would be burglar. In the event you’re robbed, pepper spray or a melee weapon will suffice. If not, call the cops afterwards and report the crime. Just hope that the intruder doesn’t have a firearm and doesn’t want to harm you, but they shouldn’t have a gun in the first place.
>Leftists literally have no answer for this
looking to leftists for answers
Well just invest $1,000,000 in some phoney-balony boomer run shell company that will provide jobs (lol) and my local corrupt MP will sign your recommendation for citizenship form!
>Mr Wong got rich of exploiting Chinese peasants and polluting the environment, but he is investing money in my mates scam so he's a perfect 'new Australian citizen'.
Cool, maybe I'll do that.
What's the whitest city with the best food and historic areas in the land down under?
Melbourne. 100% white mate. You can walk the streets of that city all day without seeing a single Asian face.
>is a lesser crime than you shooting and killing the would be burglar
killing burglars isn't a crime. it's a public service.
That is a cucked mentality. I'd kill a man if he attempted to take a penny out of my wallet, or stared at my wife and kids for too long.
They don't want GUN CONTROL, they want WHITE CONTROL.
Can confirm. Melbourne is the best and whitest city in the entire country, every other city is 3rd world compared to Melbourne
This is one particular argument I find weak. Leftists want you to disappear. It's internally consistent for them to advocate for ways to get you killed in a way that lets them wash their hands off the responsibility.
It's the equivalent of calling white nationalists hypocrites for defending whites and attacking blacks in a given similar situation. Of course you shouldn't give your enemies the same consideration you give your friends. That's not double standards, that's common sense.
Fire. I haven't heard that one before.
That's on the money - White Control.
There is one.
We call it NKVD, the stasi,OGPU or GPU.
Are you talking about Melbourne proper?
Let me put it this way, I don't want to go to Melbourne to eat curry and pho.
Which begs another question, what is typical Australian food? More specifically what is a traditionally Australian dish?
let him rob you and call the police and let them deal with it
>i'm not even kidding
if somebody comes into my home i'm stabbing the cunt i don't care if i go to jail
You're assuming that logic is being applied, the idea is to always be a victim of everything.
What makes you think they would just keep banning shit?
I would call the police.
Not everyone on the left thinks the average police officer is out to get them.
Next dumb strawman thread please.
Every other country where gun control is a thing... including yours.
They believe they can talk to them and stop the crime happening that way.
Seriously, I was a victim of an armed robbery at work, when one of my lefty friends found out he actually said "did you talk him down?"
So because it happens in other countries, it will happen in the US?
There are a lot of things that happen in other countries that don’t happen in the US. Healthcare, for example.
nice. throw that starcucks patch in the trash.
maybe don't be a pussy learn a bit of stealth grab a knife and stab the cunt. Grow up pussy.
Like the US is very unique when it comes to guns. You guys have more guns than you have citizens.
>look man just take what you want
>proceed to bash their skull in with a blunt object while they browse
>continue for a few hours
this, I mean I am all for guns but hypothetically if I didn't have access and nor did the criminal and also our laws actually let us have a castle doctrine you bet your ass me and the robber are gonna duke it out melee style. Lets just hope my weapon and skills are better than his.
>They have a friend waiting outside or with them
>Friend sees you bash the burglar
>Friend pulls out a knife and plunges it into your throat repeatedly, then murders your wife, your dog, and rapes your 10 year old daughter before throwing her out of the second story window while recording it for WORLDSTUH HIP HOP
>Finna senpai 100 100 100 laughing crying emoji
>Cops find your mutilated corpses splayed around the house
>Nothing we can do
If you had a gun you coulda turned both of 'em into mince meat. Poor form, Yank.
>being this stupid
it's literally the same situation with a gun though
>they have friend waiting outside for them
>hear gunshots
>friend sees you shoot the burglar
>pulls out glock and repeatedly shoots you
>Finna senpai 100 100 100 laughing crying emoji
>Cops find your bullet ridden corpses splayed around the house
>nothing we can do
the idiocy of my countrymen astounds me and I'm a nigger
>live in a house with a near fetish for bladed weapons
weak bantz from a british colony.
Niggers don't attack people who can kill them. They always run when they realize their assailant is armed.
>Live in London
>Niggers start breaking into your place
>All you have to defend yourself is a baseball bat
>Smash one of their jaws in and the rest flee
>Police come
>"oy oy guvna, you got a license for that bat?
>"yor nicked son"
>Get 10 years in prison
>Child rapist in the cell next to me is in for 3 years, released in 18 months
Do you think a nigger is gonna confront you when he hears his friend getting pumped full of .45? What kind of absolute next level MADMAN would you have to be to run TOWARDS gunshots? You're also working on the false assumption that the nigger won't have a gun in both situations.
>Do you think a nigger is gonna confront you when he hears his friend screaming in agony with blood flowing from the porch? What kind of absolute next level MADMAN would you have to be to run TOWARDS blood curdling screams? You're also working on the false assumption that the nigger won't have a knife in both situations.
Yes, a man is more likely to attack you if you only have a bat over a gun. It's not even remotely comparable. If you hear gunshots and your friend screaming, you know you better fucking book it back to the crackhouse or else yo ass gonna be lit up nigguhhh. If you just hear your friend screaming or hear nothing from him for a while because he was hit by a bat, you're gonna investigate.
Please, please, please don't try to tell me that confronting a homeowner with a gun is anything like confronting a homeowner with a melee weapon. They're totally different circumstances... but, hey, I doubt you have ever had to chase a pack of burglars down the street with a golf club at 2AM.
This is a bullshit because prior to even WW2 it was considered an unwritten but inalienable right of a Briton to carry a firearm publicly. If you went back to Victorian England and suggested gun control to them they'd call it an intolerable infringement by the government and crown on the rights of the individual to self-defense and security. But, because it was unwritten and therefore somewhat ambiguous and nebulous, just like every other individual right in Britain, it's now gone.
Now Brits are total cuckolds and talking about banning bleach and drain unblocker because niggers won't stop throwing it. the slippery slope is real.
Sausages on bread with tomato sauce.
Fairy bread.
well in your hypothetical with the guns he is going to be on equal terms with the house owner who also has a firearm, in my hypothetical where both the homeowner and burglar have knives the nigger is more likely to run in considering they have better reflexes and twitch muscle fiber of all the races. So if anything he's more likely to confront when they have melee weapons. But even more likely than that in both situations where they hear their friend dying they are going to run 9 times out of 10 so your stupid hypothetical is dumb regardless of the weapon.
The point is that the nigger is likely gonna have a gun in both situations since owning a gun is illegal anyway. It's only fair for the homeowner, the law-abiding huwhite man, to have access to a bigger gun than whatever subhuman piece of shit would dare violate his property rights.
it depends OP. if its a black youth (under 40 if black will be called children) you are to pull down your pants and bend over . thats what the liberals want
if its a muslim your required to offer him your childrens hand in marriage (the previous usage of children applies here to) and if you only have sons your required to let him have his way with your son. thats what the jews want. hard core man on man pedo shit that makes jews dicks hard
if its a white male your suppose to shoot the man then piss on his dead body then post a pic of it on facebook then make a time machine and go back in time and rape that white guys mom to death. thats what the MSM wants even the cis white men like tucker they all want it thats what soros says . he doesnt lie does he? he said he doesnt lie
>.357 Swagnum
well in australia it's extremely hard to obtain a firearm illegally, the most basic of handguns costs 10's of thousands of dollars to buy. I mean in america sure but that's a different kettle of fish entirely where it makes sense to own a gun. I mean how many gun related deaths have we had this year like 3? and those were all from gang violence beefing with each other not home invasions.
Since no one else looks like they're going to post it, pic related.
Sage because OP's a 1 post by this ID faggot.
wrong too many pajeets in Melbourne.
Brisbane and Perth are whitest major cities in Aus. Chinese Asians are honorary whites
kinda, I bought a car off a chink recently. My shitbag uncle haggled him another 100 bucks off the price when we already made the deal and he just took it like a bitch. I felt bad for the bloke and offered him his 100 back but he refused and said as long as your happy with the deal. They actually have honour some of them and are good blokes.
country is becoming proper vernegert.
There's an old saying from the West God made man but Sam Colt made them equal
I think you need to separate the leftist.
Liberals hate Guns and love police and state intervention.
Commies love Guns(but dont have any) and love police and state intervention with Guns
Anarchist love Guns they have Guns and hate the police and state intervention
>Leftists believe
You seem to know a lot about what leftist believe, user.
>14 year old's flag
i think what hand-wringing, estrogen filled libs fail to consider when they say things like "i mean like, why would you even need a gun, your stuff isn't like, worth a human life, i mean like, your insurance will replace your possessions, like jeez,lol" That may be true of some junkie who breaks in looking for cash or jewelry in the middle of the day when the house is maybe empty, but when tyrone and the gang kick your door in at 3am, they're counting on you being home, and they will not show you any mercy
Am lefty, own guns. Go fuck yourself.
Suppressors (silencers) lower the sound of a gunshot from ~160dB to ~140dB. So from ear-bleeding loud to jet-engine loud. It's good for the environment as hunting doesn't cause a bunch of animals in the area to go deaf.
I love how the left always thinks we're in a state of no regulations. There's already a ton of gun restrictions, even federal ones. Just because you can't ban semi-auto rifles does not mean full-auto and explosives are legal. America isn't anarcho-capitalist but is actually far from it.
>But who will build the roads and provide national defense? Ergo universal healthcare and free college are necessary functions of government.
People only do crime if they're in poverty and need food. Therefor if there is theft that means not enough is being given to charity or that the government isn't receiving enough tax revenue. The difference between what taxes should be at and what they are actually at is shown through how much petty crime occurs.
shit man...my sons name is Philip
I swear im gona go hunting on niggers...
kill one,two a day..
Then why do rappers still do crime?
What is this grade school shit, kid? Of course we know what leftists believe. How would you debate someone without knowing what they believe?
Fucking newfag lurk more
Only cosmetically different from other semi autos
Already banned...
No, those are suppressors. They reduce the dangerous threshold of sound, but far from silence anything. They do not hold up to machine gun fire well. They make guns even longer and harder to conceal. They are a mandated safety device for hunters in some countries.
>averse to register
Register = list = confiscate. Protected against federally by the 1986 Firearm Owners Protection act.
Suck a barrel.
Exceptions proving the rule.
That's why you make your own.
the fact that there are ZERO leftists here explaining this is proof that this site is filled with actual russian bots posting liberal propaganda