Why is the right attacking institutions?

Why is the right attacking institutions?

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But they’re institutions. Glumpf is finished. Fuck the executive branch.

We Aren't and Sage

Because conservatives believe in limited/small government. Deep state institutions running unchecked pisses the right off.

CNN says otherwise. They’re the most respected name in news




Because the right believes in.. a... weak and useless.... government?

I dunno. Maybe the republicans are just crony capitalists that use populist messaging as they rob you blind.

>But they’re institutions.
and corporations are people, blah blah blah

But the right is for the patriarchy and tradition, and conservatism. So it makes no sense. The institution is what matters. Tradition matters here. And the right is saying it doesn’t bc it help Plumph

Are you suggesting institutions are people?

> institutions
You mean "institutionalized corruption".

Are you implying they're not, shitlord?

Okay you want to talk about these institutions and why I don't have a lot of respect for them then lets talk about these institutions. I have huge disrespect for agencies that are tarnished in disgusting pasts and abuses because I read about them. Herbert Hoover was a raciest fuck and was a piece of shit who had no respect for rights.


I hope you're just shilling and not that retarded. They trample over our rights and when somebody finally says no fuck you. The left loses their shit hahahahahah fuck off retarded homosexual.

because they're criminals


I agree w you, asshole. institutions are people, but corporations are not. Obviously.

as usual based Nazi nos de wei

cause they can not control it and fear what they might discover. I have never seen someone that claims not guilty, working so hard to undermine or terminates his case. Trump knows he will lose at the end, but can not escape cause will lose all his properties and assets in USA. so thats why he is trying it best to fuck up the case

are they attacking the congress?

Twin Peaks sucks so badly. She was the only good thing about it.

I dont answer to false allegations. Why are institutions lying?

Ommisions in “the memo” painted the picture of that, which is why it’s nothing at all, but also terrible. Duh

Why are you fuckin retarded?

But they’re institutions, so you’re obviously Russian


Bush did nothing wrong. I'm glad him and the CIA got us into Afghanistan and Iraq. Killing sand people for bankers makes me feel patriotic. Thanks op. I will now being voting Democrat forever. Also we need to wage genocide in Syria to stop Assad from barrel bombing his people.


because they've become Janissaries.

Historically, powerful paramilitary groups need to get purged of corruption once in a while.

Praetorian guard, Janissaries, Templars... all them fuckers got wiped out for trying to fuck with the legitimate leaders.

DHS was created post 9/11. They could make DHS the new FBI.

FBI got infiltrated by SJWs, snowflakes, POCs. It probably can't serve the needs of the White Man anymore. Russians keep cucking it because they're not racist enough to compete against opponents who have no sensitivities.

The FBI created to defend Imperialist USA is now going after Trump for being a White Man and upsetting globalists and SJWs.

Fuck that.

Obongo ruined the FBI. Tried to turn it into a Bolshevik secret police according to the memo.

Because the institutions are corrupt

>Obongo ruined the FBI.

except the FBI (and the CIA) has been corrupt from the start


FBI agents and DOJ officials were upset that some guy who wasn't politically correct and promised to deport illegals was gonna win and they exploited the system to try and derail his campaign.

Think about that shit. FBI wants to derail a guys campaign or force him out of office because he promises to enforce the law.

that's some crazy ass shit.

The culture of activist judges, Obongo doing whatever the fuck he wants permeated into the whole culture of the government.

They institutions are corrupt

You can rest easy OP, they’re not coming for your looney bin

Definitely saving that line if I ever get into a cheesy anime-tier fight