>day of the rope is not yet here
>Sup Forums autist goes ahead anyway
Day of the rope is not yet here
>Sup Forumstards intense homophobia stems from repressing their sexuality
what's the bet they fugged and then he freaked out?
What did they mean by this?
i always found it amusing how gays think anyone MUST be a closet homosexual. You guys are obsessed over this
Misery loves company and apparently so does faggotry.
So if I dislike thieves does that make me a thief?
>blaze Bernstein
Did they want him oven'd?
dude not cool I knew the guy
its how they get validation since no sane person will they go on and try to do it themselves
that's some real fuckin mind blowing analysis there, fella
why don't you come down here so I can break my foot off in your ass
It's actually Bernstain.
arachnophobia means you secretly what to fuck spiders too. Obviously it’s not about how creepy they are. That retard logic needs to die
More likely the kike threatened to blackmail
>absolutely may have
Shoo faggot.
Even should that be correct, you've just legitimised homophobia from evolutionary viewpoint.
>this level of projection
you homos are somethin else i tells ya
Who names their kid Blaze
or it was drug related and the dudes neo-nazi ties were just gang related
what kind of drooling retard headline is this? Why not put the whole article in as the headline while you're ar if.
It's called projection.
it's all Freudian kike shit, it makes no sense and it only makes me hate the fags that use it even more
A linguistic thing I want to start pushing: When speaking about homosexuals, nonwhites, or other undesirables, use "that". When speaking of normal people, use "who" and "whom" to differentiate these outgroups to not even be people.
420 blaze it faggot (Jew)
Was at a restaurant when my son was 3 and he asked for a pink balloon...the faggot waiter told me to watch him because you know...I looked that fag in the eyes and loud as fuck said "no, what does that mean? that he is gonna be a fag because he likes pink?" Yeah they are all Pedos and gay as fuck and they think everyone else is. But thats whay crazies do, they think everyone else is crazy not them. Glad I didnt gay bash him in front of my son.
>he was also gay and "not very big"
Good kill
Reminds me of how a woman will call you a virgin if you reject her.
Good write up is good.
>fucked two different chicks in January
>still hate gays
wtf guys?
how old is your son now? :3
Lol; Clearly a propaganda campaign by yourself. The movie will suck and you are just creating a way out and you are a fag but no a gay. just fag.
I liked pink when I was a 4 year old too. He'll grow out it in a couple of years and be normal.
17 with a pretty little girlfriend you dick eater...He would rock your fucking jaw loose for just asking that question like suck a fag. Go tongue punch some shit cannons fag.
>day of the rope
this is in itself, autistic
Pink used to be the 'boy colour' instead of a girl colour, because it's red, which is masculine, but tempered with white because of the child youth.
He's a faggot
>I dislike niggers, therefore I am a closet nigger
yeah pretty much. Once i got into an argument with this dude who was claiming The Lord of The Rings had to be an allegory for a homosexual journey that went way beyond friendship and comradery.
I tried to explain that Tolkien was a Catholic with some strong political and religious views also about traditional marriage but this somehow was proof, to him, that the writer was compensating his insecurities in a closed-minded society and that the LOTR was his "fight against homophobia"
Arachnophobic? You must secretly want to fuck spiders
> You don't like gays? You are gay
> You don't want your wife fucking other guys? You are insecure.
> You are a stand up guy in society? Must love getting ass fucked with a strap-on by his conservative wife.
Jewish projection is disgusting.
yes. welcome to liberalism
kek dont worry we got cattle chains for your fat ass
Says the guy with a gay ass flag...good job, now go get a proper fisting by a kangaroo.
>Being a faggot because you are 17
user, get your bait game up, this is just weak.
>what's the bet they fugged and then he freaked out?
Honestly, this sounds like an accurate analysis.
>i always found it amusing how gays think anyone MUST be a closet homosexual. You guys are obsessed over this
Have you actual noticed how much black cock porn and interracial cuck fantasy material is posted on Sup Forums?
I just don't understand the hypocrisy of repressed fags killing fags. Why don't they just kill themselves if they hate their own faggotry so much?
>Pink used to be the 'boy colour' instead of a girl colour
Not really, it always had a relation with everything young, cute or motherly.
17 and asking for a balloon
17 and asking for a PINK balloon
Never seen one. When was the last time you saw a faggot, by that I mean your son.
From what I understand, there's no hate crime law in California that they can charge him with on top of murder. Now they're trying to pass a law.
Maybe if he stabbed him once or twice instead of twenty times he's have a better defense. Or claim rage and insanity for the stabbings.
So you cant read is what you are saying? You stupid fuck I said he was 3 when he asked for the balloon. Are you sucking a kangaroo dick and typing at the same time? That would explain the fact your a fucking retard.
Gay and Jewish!?
But how could a person resist!?
Inb4 you're...eat a dick(another)
he is a kiwi, he is probs higher than trump is on opinion polls
What if he was targeted because he knew too much?
I don’t hate faggots and I don’t think most Sup Forumsacks do either. We just want you to behave like normal human beings instead of degenerate human garbage. But for some reason you people are having an incredibily hard time behaving yourselves.
What is with the name Blaze? I think it's supposed to be French, lisp or stutter.
>this is in itself, autistic
But your "workers revolution" isn't?
Bernstein told everyone he knew that Woodward was gay. Woodward made him promise not to, but he did it anyway.
>what's the bet they fugged and then he freaked out?
Near 100%, considering that Bernstein knew that Woodward liked him.
I am a white supremacist AMA
maybe it was his character he didn't like
Memes are trandescending reality
>gay and jew
That fag was clearly asking for it. Glory to Woodward.
reductio ad sodomum
then I'm gonna break your head with a sledgehammer. you don't want to?
haha, what are you a murderer?
>Have you actual noticed how much black cock porn and interracial cuck fantasy material is posted on Sup Forums?
yeah by the hordes of shills
Extreme emotional distress as a result of sexual assault would be better.
>they were last seen in the woods together
this 100%
Kek! This is fake news right?
>may have
what did they mean by this?
because she knew there was somthing between them
When someone thinks about dick 24/7, then it probably is hard to imagine that not everyone else does too.
eh, youre a not very big, gay guy
White supremacist:
>I'm tired, I wasted all my hitting energy on the gay
>not very big
Remember it is your duty to murder jows at any point in time.