Why do Candians have a reputation for being polite abroad? They're literally the rudest, most vulgar people I have ever met. Vid related makes the suicide forest guy look like a saint.

Honestly, Canadians should be banned from going outside their borders.

Burger wonders why Leaf was rude to his fat but nice to all the other normal countries..

Americans are far worse

They aren't real Canadians.
They are yanks who realise everyone hates them.. So they *say* they are Canadian.
Everyone knows this, user

How are you sure the polite Amis don't just claim to be Canucks.

I know I did for the last 10 years of travel, and being a Yooper I might as well be a syrup bandit

always wanted a go fork yourself shirt

Tom Green is as Canadian as clubbing seals

Did you even watch the video, faggots? That's a Canadian.

Idk I think that's kinda funny, the chinks don't know how to react at all it's hilarious

Tom Green shouldn't be the poster boy for Canada. But all in all we have a lot of faggots. Anyone carrying a camera or microphone will be an unsufferable cunt.
This country doesn't make well adjusted individuals Confirmed

Whoops left meme flag on

you still have one on

Why do you all put Canadian flag pins on your shirt when you go abroad then?

Just the bags. No one does the shirt as far as I know.

i lived abroad for several years

it was like fingernails on a chalkboard to overhear another canadian
ESPECIALLY if they were from toronto

This stupid fucker should be thrown in prison

does anyone know the part where he does the niwaniwaniwaniwa joke?


i did it once. why smuggle a gold nugget, when you could paint it brown and pretend its a turd, nobody wants it then. if i could do bruces accent, he would also be acceptable.

It's because when ever a Canadian acts like a jerk, they can go like "I am American" and everyone believes it.

Truly the scourge of the earth.