Any advice for when this happens?
What do I do when the (incredibly leftist) room starts talking politics?
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gtfo, they'll kill you for any dissenting opinions
no op, no idea.
pic related.
Maybe actually listen to the people with a shred of common sense instead of your right wing weenie echo chamber for once?
Best way to handle an argument is to avoid arguing all together.
It's near impossible to argue with facts to change an opinion, in the same way you'll never change someones taste in music with arguments.
Pic related.
stop saying things that make you feel weak
>Any advice for when this happens?
Show your true power level, user. Then goosestep out of the room while salute and screaming "Heil Hidler"!
go super and overtly patriotic and watch how uncomfortable they get. works every time.
Keep your mouth shut and pretend not to care about politics - because you are a dumb fuck who will only embarrass yourself by revealing your ideology is the product of an incel website.
>disowning son to appease the jew
what horrible people
Just be quiet, and if you can’t handle that, excuse yourself and leave.
Or you could just sperg out and risk losing your job or alienating yourself from your peers.
Leftists have no common sense.
I have done this on many occasions at college. Realizing the possible outcomes, I had no good reason to speak about politics during such discussions, most of the time, unless I came up with a vague, very pleasant and bipartisan sounding short speech, as Patrick Bateman does in American Psycho to help blend in with normal members of society. Hide your power level, unless you perhaps get together with a group of Republicans or other conservatives. If almost everyone else in or out of class discusses politics, find ways to refrain from it, lest you lose a battle, and become an easy target. There were a lot of people at university I otherwise liked, but I did not trust them much at all to be able to have a discussion about my conservative views, exposing myself. I recommend that you adapt yourself to become a strong, silent type of image, in order to more easily cope with the possible lack of political interaction. If you habitually speak so much, others may find it suspicious that you do not ever mention anything specifically political.
Say the average IQ in Africa is 70 and bring up the Barbary slave trade. Ask when you will be getting reparations.
>what horrible people
>A proud grandmother supports the American war effort against the Nazis
>She works hard for her family
>Then along comes an autistic grandson who starts larping as a confederate nazi
>She rightly says I'm done with this shit
>Quietly starts stockpiling extra sleeping pills
Honestly, user, do you even realize how retarded these wanabe nazi larpers are?
Why are you in this situation?
Hyper SJW lefties are awful friends so I don’t spend my free time with them
I work with people who also have at least Masters level degrees in STEM so they tend to be smart enough to not be hyper SJW, and besides I always kill any of that conversation by saying “I don’t talk about politics or religion at work.” which people always respect and drop it.
Outside of that, a few of my friends are centre-left and are reasonable enough to just accept that we disagree.
In short - there should never be a situation where you need to even talk to the hard left.
give off body language that says you don't give a fuck what anyone is saying. Lean back, kick your feet up. suck on your teeth, rest your head on your hands behind your head, look at your nails, etc. and if anyone says anything reply with: last time I checked, this is a free country.
I just don't say anything when this happens especially in a public setting, I never have any problems just keeping quiet because usually they won't explicitly ask your opinion they will just assume you agree with them because they are ego maniacs and think their truth is self evident
nvm these are fake stories, sounded like bullshit to begin with
Kill them all
Collect their eyeballs in a pickle jar
stand your ground and try not to get emotional.
subtle sabotage of their ideas.
While I agree its important to hear opposing view points for people and ideas to develop I believe its wrong of you to believe that you view your views as correct and it shows a reluctance in you unwilling to really think and interact without demonizing the other person as being stupid just because they have diffrent beliefs or ideas.
Lock the door or baracade it.
Turn over a table
Tear the leg off the table
Beat people with the table leg until they are cured
Avoid discussing it, if they actively try to get you to participate, your goal isn't to argue with them, but to have them clarify their own positions. This results in two things:
1. They fight between themselves. This is good because you no longer become the target of hostilities and it sews discord among their ranks.
2. It causes introspection. Questioning their beliefs allows those who are reasonable to move back towards the center and the crazy ones further towards the left where they will scare away fence-sitters. Anyone who moves further left as they question their beliefs are beyond saving, but still useful if you know how to handle the situation.
t. Firearm enthusiast in Eastern Canada. You learn to play a crowd.
This totally.
Thanks Mohammed
that's the best time to reveal your power level is over 9000
dubious volt!
How is Trump anything like Hitler?
^This accounts for 99.9% of conversations with liberals aged 16-24. It does get better after people start turning 25 and have to pay taxes, or become homeowners. Nothing red pills you faster than having to pay taxes or having nigger neighbors plummet your property values, not even Sup Forums.
I’d start by not being a pearl-clutching panty waist faggot that thinks they need to do something around people they disagree with.
Socratic method, be gentle, try to keep it light-hearted. Probe enough to make people question some things without going full Rain Man
I've met more than a few who will ask you if you agree with [insert untenable position], but they aren't actually asking for your opinion so much as trying to bolster numbers. It's argumentum ad populum.
>what's wrong with trump
>oh my god? are you kidding? I can't even!
tell them about the jews
Sadly this. I avoided any and all discussion of the memo at work because there is zero changing minds. Just be successful and don't vocally agree or disagree.
This guy "gets it". You play like you're legitimately inquiring and as they clarify the position, they either embrace the insanity or reject it and look for alternative beliefs. If you're good, you can subtly nudge the group towards more reasonable shit. Don't give them the answer, but give them the seed to it and someone ELSE in the group will say it and then you can pretend you're defending their point of view instead of just your own.
It's tricky. You really need to fly by the seat of your pants.
Observe them.
Know thy enemy and all that jazz.
Just say things like "yea, they're all crazy"; "it's a total circus"...
And then when specifics come up that you know are bullshit just attack the factual basis.... but in a way that sounds like you're agreeing with them.
like "Yea trump is a total nutcase, but you can't allow the govt to spy on citizens with fake evidence. We can't give that kind of power to them"
Go to your happy place and make out with your waifu
Hello fellow canadian gun enthusiast. I have recently taken the plunge and am going for my unrestricted soon. Anything I should know?
Get your restricted license at the same time or you will kick yourself later.
Reveal your power level. Shout “Sieg Heil!” and start goosestepping.
Whip out your cock and go to work on it.
Autistically screech about nigger crime. If they continue to disagree, punch them in the fucking face.
Idk try telling them about the Jewish threat buddy
butt rape them
Show them you got big conservative balls and will assert your dominance by fucking dissenters in the ass.
>Family is very wealthy and well off.
>Live in a somewhat small Metropolitan area.
>Always have to attend social functions for mom.
>Mother is Republican in a sea of liberals.
>No matter the function, politics always comes up.
>We need to do better for our poor communities!
>Blacks are just misunderstood!
>It's not like whites were doing the jobs illegals take!
>I can't donate my money! I need it! But you should donate yours!
I hate these people. I really do. They're all so vapid, so cookie cutter. It really is like mingling with a bunch of androids who refuse to think or even process what they say.
It's very easy to be generous with another person's money.
This is true in 95% of situations.
There are moments in life where you may change someone's opinions, but it's uncommon. You should instinctively know when it happens. In all other cases, avoid conversation altogether.
If somehow forced, just state a vague idea of your true power level with no long description, and don't defend yourself.
I live and work in san francisco as a prominent member of the design industry.
I legitimately hide as any symbols as I can in my work, but i NEVER talk about politics at work. I just avoid the situation, at best I will outright lie to them and egg them on, telling them how smart they are, and how virtuous they are, and how everyone needs "our" help.
It really helps your social status to pretend to be one of them. It also helps if the ideas you give them are slightly flawed and show their own hypocrisy and in doing so they redpill themselves. But usually this situation never happens.
show them this
Unapologetically stating your opinion is fat better than "debating" people. People will see and hear you and if they have any leaning towards your position they'll be that bit more likely to voice it themselves.
It is possible to change opinions. But it takes a special type of person to be convinced on the spot, and changing of opinion never happens in a group. In a group setting, the ego is in a ''win the debate'' -mode and changing one's opinion is regarded as defeat. This is the reason Sup Forums is so great at persuading, the ego dissolves in the anonymity and facts can be taken as they are.
The reason discussion is usually meaningless is that we have seen completely different facts. Always start from presenting the facts.
This is true too. People get in defensive mode when in a debate, and there's always the feeling of the other one trying to trap you. Most people are horrible debaters and argumentative fallacies confuse them to hell. Being blunt and ''this is the way I see it'' can be very persuasive.
>autistic grandson
Lets see some clinical diagnosis report proving he was diagnosed as such.
That's why, in a group setting, you make them debate each other. Divide and conquer.
be a normie and change the subject in a funny not autistic way
Never go against the room. You have to groom them one at the time. Make them accidentally catch red pills around you until they mention it and when they do, ask them politely to defend what they pointed out. Once they have defended it just a little bit you can agree. After that, everytime that thing they got red pilled on appears it will bother them. You know how these red pills work. Once one sticks, you will take them all.
if you care about maintaining any kind of relationship with any of them, don't engage. reguardless of how well you defend your position and attack theirs, they're not going to change their beliefs(probably goes the same for you too). even more so when there's a group of them. they'll just start dog piling and fill the air with half panicked "zingers" once they start realising what your saying is making way too much sense, leaving you no air to defend yourself. I've made this mistake a few times and lost a few friends apolitical friends because of it.
leftist are usually pretty easy to beat straight out in debate. the majoirty of them don't even understand their own political opinions and only hold them because they sound nice. you don't even need to get into the more esoteric stuff and they start to crumble.
>left disparages the internet by claiming anyone with fringe beliefs is going down "an internet rabbit hole"
>muh net neutrality
Honestly fuck the left
I'll add on that it's impossible to change somebody's opinion of something as important and deep as political opinion or music taste, because those rely on an underlying set of values.
Somebody who is right-wing typically values liberty, family, and purity. Somebody who is left-wing typically values equality, security, and equity. You'll have a hard time arguing to a leftist about purity because they don't give a damn about it no matter how valuable it is to you.
This.... is smart
Why did I never realize this before
Good observation sven
Cognitive dissonance is par for the course, user.
If that were the case, I'd be left wing right now because I was when I was younger. Then I questioned every belief I held and gradually shifted to my current political beliefs.
Start reading wikileaks outloud but do it like an exorcism.
Tell your best friends to not come to class tomorrow
I had an entire classroom complaining about pakis in college because I had a little rant about the "multicultural centre" down the hall. I was spurred on by how uncomfortable it made our tutor to say that a group of them were bothering girls around the place.
I learnt a useful lesson that day, for once. People are scared and fickle but it doesn't take a lot of bravery to snap them out of it.
I've no idea how I got away with it without any repercussions. I like to think our tutor learnt something himself.
This is really the best answer. I am friends with some hardcore fucking marxists and I just keep my mouth shut 99% of the time.
Stay silent
>Somebody who is right-wing typically values...
You're defining the general values too specifically. The fundamental difference between the right and left is the belief that hierarchy is both natural and a moral good in itself. It doesn't matter what incarnation that takes, or to what extent they believe it. The core principle by which a leftist can be differentiated from someone on the right, at an essential level, is that one holds equality as a telos and the other does not.
look surprised by what they say, stuff like "are you serious ?", "yeah damn", "you're right" etc
leftists don't want to hear their opinions, they want you to agree with theirs
>t. undercover Sup Forumsack who works in a nonwhite town near paris with 30% arab 30% chinese 30% africans 5% mongrel 5% white
Just smile and nod.
In the past I just tell them trump is god emperor and degenerates should be genocided
I say it half-seriously but then give them serious facts and reasons
Even SJWs seem to laugh it off, although I did have this guy get up in my face because I said every faggot is a walking AIDs bomb. He got REALLY mad and I just started laughing my ass off. The angrier he got the harder I started laughing
But generally it’s probably good to just shut up about politics. I’ve thought about this a lot, and I think only social retards expose their political views to the world. It’s not good to expose yourself to the world like that. I actually went through and deleted any political stuff off of my social media a few months back. I have undoubtedly lost potential friends and connections for exposing my political opinions in the past, not smart.
People who are vocal about their politics are dumbfucks, ESPECIALLY in this climate
Leftism is antithetical to the concept of self-ownership.
>Any advice for when this happens?
call them jews and walk out, works for me. I do have a union job though and it is almost impossible to get fired
... Canada Post?
>... Canada Post?
hydro one. at a nuke plant, I could probably cause a meltdown and not get canned
start quoting the Talmud, then tell them that the same people who believe that took a shit in their brains
This. They'll beat you int he head with bike locks and feel zero shame about it. Then they'll lie as a group to police saying you did it to yourself.
Show them some X and watch them deal with their cognitive dissonance.
1. Tell them hitler did nothing wrong
2. Tell them we must stop international jewery
3. Say the 14 words
4. Seig heil
5. Goose step out of room
Works every fucking time not joking
Put a bullet in your brain so it's a quick painless death instead of a slow, agonizing death
Outsmart them first. Once they perceive you as intellectually superior to them you can then start to discuss ideology because then they'll listen to you under the premise that you are smarter than them.
>a shred of common
You at Oxbridge bongbro? Or is that a normal thing over there?
Best thing to do is to divide the neo liberals from the socialists and make them fight.
Says the guy in the echo chamber.
darlington? am a steamfitter, and i have large doubts about this.
>"I know that everybody here knows that Islam is a religion of peace. We can all agree on that. But I for one am sick of the Anti-Semitic hate speech that the Nation Of Islam keeps preaching. Being a Muslim is fine, but once you start talking bad about Jews that's when I have a problem. I mean, Jews have been through enough. 6 million of them were killed in the Holocaust."
See how they react to that.
No, though I potentially could have been and that might have been why I was spared any consequences. Prior to university we have college here. It's a nonsense system though and I shouldn't bother trying to figure it out if I were you.
Explain how Jews are so inferior yet run everything user
>What do I do when the (incredibly leftist) room starts talking politics?
get out
1st good answer : 2nd good answer : if you are not stupid, you can also ask them questions about what their opinions are, but genuinely. like "ok but why can we say "black lives matter" but "whites lives matter" is racist ? I still don t understand."
then when they say they were oppressed "ah ok so if in an african country some white guys are oppressed, like in Zimbabwe with policies against white farmers, can they say "white lives matter" ?
And the most important : "oh thank you ! now I understand more !" be very positive and innocent.
If you have some culture and only ask questions, they just answer but at least for a sec it will make them think. lefties need that for a change, it finally broaden their mind after being brainwashed for years by media.
The left really has no sources they repeat each other, so ask when did this happen. And what did he say exactly. They wont know because they deal in group hallucinations.
Fuck me I thought I finally figured it out. So education goes
primary>secondary>6th form>college>uni? Y'all should fire your MoE and burn all the public schools down for making that retarded system.