What are some ideas for wholesome, tradtionallly minded dates that I can take my girlfriend on?
Wholesome Trad Dates
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A walk in the park, buy her some ice cream.
how did you even get a gf in the first place. i dont even know how to get one infact i havent had communication with a female for over 6 months.
i shaved my left leg so when im in my bed and my one smooth leg brushes up against my hairy leg the smooth leg feels like a womans leg and it makes me feel less lonely like theres a girl sleeping next to me
Feed the ducks.
This. All the girls i meet are either
>poly sapio bi whatever
>in an open relationship
>single mom to niglet
And i live in an 85% white, red state
OP have you asked her if she’s fucked any niggers yet? It’s your third date so you might as well get this question out if the way. She’ll probably try to suck your dick also so tell her you’re saving yourself for marriage.
Picnic user. It's very European
This is no joke, by no meaning I try to be sarcastic or ironic.
Have a cooking date, as simple as it sounds, either in her place or yours offer her to cook some good dishes that you know and ask her to do the same, that's what I did with my girlfriend in our first date back in the day.
With this you are achieving two things:
1. you are deviating from the norm and it makes you appear more interesting.
2. your are promoting a traditional value wich is expecting a good meal from your female partner
Think about it OP
I'm dating a shy Christian girl, so I will be lurking this thread.
So far we've:
>had tea after we hit the gym
>gone for a coffee after a walk in the city centre
>had dinner after a gym competition and a beer in a hipster coffee place next to the biggest museum in town
>took a walk on the beach during a sunset and had dinner in a Mexican restaurant
Give me some new ideas, lads. I hate doing the same stuff over and over. I heard there was a good Indian restaurant in town. Should I try that?
This is some autist thinking I like it
Anything outdoors/free, if a thot expects you to spend any money before marriage, chances are she just wants you for your wallet
Only three kinds of people use the word “wholesome”. None of them have girlfriends.
Good luck ever getting a gf.
Take her to a museum, art gallery, ballet or theater.
Fuck all this stupid advice. Just rape the bitch. You know she wants it.
Target shooting.
Go rock climbing, it's a good way to show of physical strength and get close to her if she needs help or instruction. Skiing is also great if anywhere local offers the facilities.
Go rock climbing, it's a good way to show of physical strength and get close to her if she needs help or instruction. Skiing is also great if anywhere local offers the facilities.
85% 56% = 47.6%
Plz no bully, using 4G. Was called to work on a Saturday.
>hehehehhh maybe if I LARP as a 1930s christian boy I can restore the white race to its former glory
>hot diggity nothing like a feeding the ducks in the park after taking my sweetheart to church
>oooohhh noooooo she cucked me for BBC how could this happeeeeeen
> it's a good way to show of physical strength
Not really necessary. We lift in the same gym and she's seen me squat and deadlift 500lbs for reps. Also, there's no place in town to ski. My town is pretty warm (it's about 15 degrees celsius right now).
You did give me an idea though. We could climb one of the hills in our city. The view is beautiful.
Learn to cook her favorite food.
found the bots
take her to a cuckold club
>My town is pretty warm (it's about 15 degrees celsius right now).
heh, you havent even seen what warmth REALLY is, kid
I always take a girl out for a walk for the first date, pretty much without exception.
going out to eat and rock climbing are two other staples.
have sex in the missionary position and for the sole purpose of recreation
>Australian moves to Canada
>Wearing winter coat in early September
>By January, they want to fucking die
Step 1: show her your anime collection
Step 2: show her your katanas ( only if she's really the one)
Step 3: maybe, maybe let her sleep in the bed and not on the floor ( usually only your waifu pillow gets to sleep in the bed).
You're welcome
Fuck off, it was 40+ degrees in the evenings this summer. I can't stand this fucking heat.
Volunteer together at a nursing home.
enjoy watching Ahmed fuck your "girlfriend"
Don't be trad. Be alpha and get them impregnated. Turn her into a baby making machine. We need more whites
does your wife also pound your pucci with a BBC strapon?
It's wouldn't really be a date, but if y'all are as /fit/ as you make it sound, I'd consider a GoRuck event. You'd certainly grow closer together, so close enough
why are you guys making it so complicated,
if she is realy into you shes gonna stay, going to the same place just to talk and share is better that trying to "scape to some new places".
Maybe parks are some Anglo thing but parks here are boring as fuck. The only enjoyable things I can imagine doing with my girl are watching a movie, do sports or drink together.
Heat is for niggers. The colder it gets, the more aryan it becomes.
You walk around her block and bring her back to her place at exactly 3:00pm.
>Implying trads don’t do that right after marriage
i legit feel like i get frostbite if it drops below 20*C. my skin starts to ache and i feel cold even if i have 5 layers on. maybe i just evolved into australian conditions
We don't have niggers here so no BBC strapons, aussie. Don't project your experiences on me.
I should check this out.
It's not about that, I just like variety.
In our degenerate society soft men get cucked. Don't act soft
It's about doing something fun and enjoying it with the lass, if she leaves you for not constantly doing new shit then she was trash, but changing things up every now and then is never a bad thing.
trads don't "date" you fucking faggot. you don't get to taste the ice cream before you buy it what the fuck.
>i shaved my left leg so when im in my bed and my one smooth leg brushes up against my hairy leg the smooth leg feels like a womans leg and it makes me feel less lonely like theres a girl sleeping next to me
... Are you wearing a cotton layer directly on your skin?
amerilards so fucking OBSESSED with black willies
when will they learn?
This is true, there is no debate over this. Canada and Sweden are the most ARYAN nations.
I got frostbite on my groin one time, but I was too embarrassed to show the doctor. Ended up treating it myself with vodka and aspirin. Lost one of my testicles.
shooting range
>poly sapio bi whatever
>in an open relationship
>single mom to niglet
Stop using Tinder.
But Spanish user, you must understand that being alpha is only a short term investment. Yes you will have many children but with trad culture you will instill the values of having better morals and having many children better.
You did the right thing user. You're not a man unless you lose a testicle to frostbite.
lmao you virgins, this isn't the early 90s anymore stop believing the hollywood meme about coffee/watching a movie
guys and girls hook up via interconnected groups of friends
if you don't have a large group of friend you go out take a drink and eat every week-end with, you're shit out of luck because girls rate you on your ability to stand out of a crowd of friends
This, it's also a decent way to gauge her ability to work as a team and follow instructions sooner than putting together IKEA furniture when you move in together.
kys. Getting a girlfriend is easy, just do it. Aren´t you studying or something? Something work related?
Pretty sure I've read a few doujins with that as a plot...
This is r9k tier autism.
Yes, but this is especially true in france.
For someone posting anime pics? Take her shopping, it might delay the inevitable dumping. Just seem useful financially, you'll get some pity sex if things play right.
i am lonely and emotionally fragile. once in high school a girl accidentally brushed her shoulder against mine and i shivered and recoiled sideways making an "eeehhhhhaaawooo" sound
i get short of breath when a girl says something to me
Because like the rest of the west, BBC lie.
>Refusal to participate
>Implying that thots wouldn't be lining up at the welfare office to get paid for giving incels attention
Day hike.
If she's not fit enough to walk for a day she isn't fit enough to have healthy children.
This is not actually true, right? No one is this pathetic, r-right?
I'm all for increasing white fertility, but that sort of advice will get you in trouble.
Look before you leap man.
>Bulgarian Mexican restaurant
The fuck?
not so, Leaf.
I grew up here in 40c/100f summers without air conditioning and having traveled, I have also lived in -35c too and was quite /comfy/. There is no bad weather, only bad clothes and weak and dumb people. dress right, eat right and man up.
Cheese, wine, blankets.
Try to make it look like you're not trying to rape her as you lead her into the woods by holding her hand.
Ask 10 women out each day, you will fail many times by the sounds of it, but for you it will just be a numbers game. Eventually one will say yes, and after that it will get easier even if you fuck up the first one on the first date. Learn to accept failures and move on.
>derpin about datin
>wat do
>nazi flag
just grab your mauser and shoot her and then enjoy her body in your nazi wholesome lifestyle mode, its a tradition
you retarded fucking cunt
Sweden did that!
>One Swedish municipality tried pairing unaccompanied refugee children with horse-riding girls in a tax-funded integration project.
If we can´t make them mingle, we´ll force them to mingle!
seriously kys there is nothing trad about going on a date you fucking homo
Not really, this is absolutely the case in western Europe at least.
This is how it works here:
Large group of friends go to a bar on a saturday evening to have a beer and chat, this includes men and women. Incels can participate IF and only IF they had these friends since high school but they don't stay celibate for very long because single girls want to have someone with them too.
It's either that or the Tinder/Meetic/whatever lottery but good fucking luck if you're not over 8/10
Used to have the same thing. I just got Finnish tier drunk a couple of times and lost my anxiety by practising flirting drunk as fuck, believe it or not, I pulled it off a couple of times.
>not shaving both of your legs
To be fair, the guy was a bit of an idiot and thought a t-shirt, sweater and jacket was enough, but was only wearing one pair of COTTON socks inside a pair of work boots. He laughed at the idea of wearing long-johns...
It's an old copypasta.
>you will never have a qt traditional squat thot gf to go on wholesome dates with
You think she'd fall for it if I killed you and wore your skin?
Give me the Swedish source.
Non-jewish tradition please
Terrible idea. For one it will crush your self-esteem. Two, it will make you put pussy on a pedestal. Three, the girl who does say yes will likely be desperate trash.
Sounds horrible.
Buy some nice, cloth kites and extra string. Take her kite flying with a picnic lunch.
I never got that line, their ancestors were fighting along with the legion because the Elves were ready to go into conquer-mode. Unless he's talking about a really old ancestor who owned a hill at one point.
(You) need help
>t. brainlet
Your flag isn't Russian
This does not compute
So do nothing then and be terrified of talking to women for the rest of your life.
You have to learn to push through failures. Also I'm not saying keep the first one that says yes.
go steal some hair products jamal
How the fuck did you get frostbitten nuts? Was there a dare or copious amounts of alcohol involved?
>not routinely walking about with your fly open in sub 0 temperatures to assert dominance
Why even live faggot.