It really feels like some shit is going down soon. Whatever happens with Muller is going to lead to protests, riots or worse. If he finds dirt on Trump (I don’t think he’s a russian manchurian candidate like the left says, but let’s be real he’s a billionaire with all kinds of skeletons) which is enough to impeach or force a resignation the right will explode. Alternatively if Muller finds nothing wrong with Trump the left will react twice as hard. They’ve been getting prepped for impeachment for over a year, and if it crumbles away who knows how they’ll react.
Not sure where I’m going with this post but I just feel uneasy, I don’t recall ever feeling this way during the Obama years, but Obama never had a concentrated 24/7 smear campaign being run on most news channels and websites.
Let them start some shit so they can finally be put down and then promptly forgotten about.
Noah Ross
We don’t need to, Mueller will put them down for us.
Cooper Campbell
Quick: With just the things in your home right now, could you survive 48-72 hours if electricity and water shuts down? If someone tried kicking-in your door right now, would you be able to stop them?
If you haven't yet, now might be your last chance to prepare for an LA-riot kind of event. Don't be caught with your pants down.
Jace Taylor
I heard ethan is getting cucked regularly
Dylan Wright
They just want to make enough noise and keep it up so they can win in 2018 and 2020.
Daniel Russell
Highly doubt mueller will find anything
I also think mueller will keep the investigation going for as long as possible. Like even all the way to 2020 If he can
Elijah Davis
>Implying liberals can do anything but march Antifa being the clear example (niggers aren't politically motivated except for basketball americans and the like) but their Soros cash already dried up.
Bentley Turner
if they try to take down Trump on phony ass Russia shit I imagine thousands will drop everything and drive to Washington. God i hope they try it
Angel Diaz
I know bud. If Trump is removed in ANY kind of bullshit way, thru process crimes or laundering or something similar, then yes the right will flip their lid, and rightfully so. The deep state is not hyperbole. The MSM is doing the bidding of these fucks, anybody with any sense of honesty can see this. If Trump is impeached and removed from office, serious conflict will begin. God help us.
I just am terrifed because progressives have know idea what dictatorship is. They have been screaming it for the dumbest shit, not seeing that Trump is essentially no more dangerous than Bush or Obama were in eroding our rights. I am tired of the propaganda, and then being told I am a Russian sympathizer for disagreeing. Being treated like a monster for believing in the faith of my fathers. For being called a racist because I love my white skin just like I love yellow and brown and black skin.
Yeah it is getting bad OP. It is probably going to get worse. I do not know when the great troubles will start, but they could happen soon. Hang in there bro and pray that the recklessness everywhere will cool down, and that extremes of left and right will stop their shit. Stop trying to destroy Trump and pushing cultural marxism on us. Nazis go fuck off and the racism needs to stop. Fuck both sides cool it
Levi Perry
Mueller is on our side.
Kevin Wood
I'm gonna laugh good and hard when Trumpkins flip their shit and cry when Trump is impeached.
Juan Thomas
>with all kinds of skeletons He actually doesn't, that's why we backed him. You don't seem to understand the field, fampai.
Brody Ross
Everyone's got skeletons in the closet. Everyone in D.C. that is. What's the old saying...... Oh yeah.... He/she who is without sin cast the first stone.
Jeremiah Russell
>I love yellow and brown and black skin. >Nazis go fuck off and the racism needs to stop. Fuck both sides cool it
You lost, bud?
Nathaniel Cox
>our side Shill detected. Mueller is a tool of the deep state.
Gavin Young
Mueller and McCain are butt buddies
Tyler Wright
Isn't the Mueller probe pretty much shut down at this point? The memo proved what we were saying forever about the deep state and media collusion against Trump. Now that it's all out in the open why would the probe continue?
Brody Jones
"The left" meaning the mainstream media and Democrat party will certainly throw their toys out of the pram, but this will just be one more thing to convince the element of the general populace that considers themselves "left wing" to abandon all faith in these institutions.
Lincoln Morales
No. I am a Christian. I don't like the racism, but I hate the propaganda and forced cultural shift. I hate the social conditioning forcing race mixing to occur for cynical motives. I also don't want to see any of the races blotted out.
Like it or not this is a home for me. I feel more of a kinship for Nazis and outcasts since I am one too. Progressives are soulless and terrifying to me. Remember in Lord of the rings where Galadriel revealed herself to Frodo in her full glory, and told him what would happen if she received the ring of power? "All shall love me and dispair!". Reminds me of progressives
Jack Murphy
I'm gonna laugh good and hard when Clintkins flip their shit and cry when Trump is Reelected and also Cuckedau loses.
Samuel Jenkins
"If you repeat a lie enough..."
Brandon Gomez
You think they're just going to keep on going with the probe even though all the moderates now know that it's bunk? Sounds like a good way to lose the upcoming midterms.
Ian Adams
If willfully ignoring reality was a sport, the left would be Olympians. Useful idiots can't tell the difference.
Yeah man. There is more in Tolkien's books than people realize. Really perceptive, wise dude. Yeah man shit is getting bad. All of us need to stick together. The media blitz has frankly left me dumbfounded. Their power is incredible. Still though, this place does wonders. Hope God is with us in taking back our republic, hope it isn't too late.