>the DNC is $400k away from bankruptcy
>they posted their FEC report during the SOTU
>$6 million in debt
>less than $6.5 million in assets
>you could buy the DNC for less than most middle class homes
The memoooo is great, and I've loved all the drooling Joe's, but the recent DNC FEC report is the biggest kek yet.
I'm gonna keep making this thread as long as shills slide it
The DNC is so broke that even the article that their budget is posted on is broke.
Meanwhile, the Koch Brothers donated $400m to the GOP for the midterms so far.
DNc wasted so much money in the last two years and the only notable result they got was Alabama, when the opposition was pervert nutcase.
They are going to be in for a surprise.
The RNC has $40 million+, the blue wave will be eating ramen noodles
What id DNC?
bump for great justice
We could set up a go fund me for a week and have more than the dems do.
What? The Democratic national committee
The second largest political party in the US
They are now worth less than most US homes
Let that sink in for a minute
Aaa.. I meanhoogle keeps giving another shit. Btw why such institutions do not survive on tax money or do they but for some extent?
ITT Sup Forums discusses how to buy the DNC
If it wasn't so fucking funny it would be sad. Honestly, if I leveraged my house and business today I would have more liquid assets than the entire DNC. I'm not even fucking rich. I own my own business and do Manuel labor all day.
Fuck the memoo this will be the nail in the coffin...money.
The DNC is a private corporation, they survive by holding fundraisers and accepting donations. The shit storm that would occur if taxpayer money went to either the DNC or RNC would be fucking massive.
No. They have more than they’re willing to say. That they’ve dried up their clean money just means we’ll be hit with a wave of blue propaganda on public radio begging for donations of any kind. Watch as some kind of tragedy occurs and everyone is encouraged to text $10 for relief.
The DNC keeps it's money in a network of private foundations and not on the official books so they always look like a grassroots organization
everyone on Sup Forums keeps talking about 9d chess but can barely handle chinese checkers
Also, its an NPO. No fucking taxes. The whole point of supper PACs is to launder money into to the party's tax free coffers. The fact that they can only show a balance of $400k is fucking hilarious.
Yeah, cause demoshits don't funnel tax payer money into the dnc through union dues already. The clintons are known for their above-board financial deals.
We know this. That's why the CEO left.
No and yes
They have slush funds from different people and organizations, but the point is to funnel money to the DNC. That is the end goal. The fact that they can only claim $400k is very telling. Even their dirty money is drying up
These dumb bastards can't even handle their own measley budget & they want to run the country?
All I'm saying is that as far as the public knows is that the DNC/RNC do not receive taxpayer money. If they do some jewish trickery or accounting magic behind the scenes to mask it then they're not exactly doing it out in the open in blatant disregard for our laws, now are they? It's also cute that you think that the republicans don't also do shady shit in order to raise/acquire money, its specifically and only the "demoshits". Must be nice living in such ignorance.
Nice selfie user.
No, I don't think all of Sup Forums does.
This is twice the keks of the memoo
Honestly, the memoo may be a false flag over this shit.
Money rules the world, and the dems are fucking broke as shit.
all their supporters have gender studies degrees. im sure they are swimming in cash
yfw this is why they turned to deep state and media
If GOP is gonna get memed in to total power, they have to be more environmentally conservative. Like in Colorado, we are working with Xcel to produce Green energy (but governor just said to appall of liberals that he will work with Trump!)
I can see GOP coming back and DNC dying, if they just help environmentalists get away from the race-baiter mega-corps. That's the whole reason I used to be liberal, I just want to save the environment. Third-world population control is the only way to prevent total doom.
How would have thought fucking gib voters don't contribute much back.
Trump's presidency was really to get the DNC to be cheap enough to buy like a cheap piece of prime real-estate.
Unions overwhelmingly support socialists, naturally.
Many unions are government jobs. Salary = my tax money.
Union dues = my tax money donated to socialist candidates.
Some unions are even mandatory, like teachers in some states. Want to be a teacher in, say, OR and you're a conservative? Cool, part of your monthly check will be going to the union that donates exclusively to democrats.
Public unions are an act of war.
Hhhmmm, look I smoke weed from time to time too, but the environment isn't an issue that matters when it comes to votes. Trump could go butt fuck a manatee, and if all the dems have is $400k to rebuttal they will lose. Fuck trees, fuck trans, fuck all that other shit...the Dow lost 666 points today, and its still up 12,000 from November 8, 2016. Money is what matters most, and the dems are in short supply.
And they are still left with less assets than my middle class ass. That is the fucked part
they've wasted millions on just trying to beat Trump
Turns out whites middle class men with families have more disposable income to donate to political parties than non-white, welfare-recipient, single mothers.
Imagine my shock.
What the fuck do you know user...some of us are alright.?.?.?.?
What are you saying user???
>the gib fucks don't gib back
Rumor has it she came from Emily's List. That explains that "the dems want (fill in the blank) women" tweet. Apparently she shunned all male candidates. And here we are.
Pretty sure it came out that Hillary bought the DNC before the election. They were failing back then, so she bought it and gained complete control over staffing and allocating funds.
This situation of weakness is unprecedented. Never stop hitting. Make them lose more money with some useless litigation.
I'd say they have bigger problems than just the money. They're forever going to be known as the party of:
Illegal immigrants
The domestic terror group Antifa
Obamacare (AKA subsidizing the insurance industry)
Maxine I-was-a-millennial-once Waters
Fucking over Bernie
Using the FBI, IRS, CIA, NSA for political gain
Letting Clinton slide and all that comes with that (Uranium One, Syria, Ukraine, Libya...)
The Russia hoax
The list could go on and on.
>and its still up 12,000 from November 8, 2016
Yeah, those that think the 600-some point loss is a big deal are the dumbest fucks ShariaBlue has.
>le slide
It's because it doesn't fucking matter how much money they "officially" have.
90% of the media and """""""""philanthropists""""""""" are on their side