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Doesn't codeine do nothing at all?

I'll have to fix my hangovers with heroin now. Damn it.

They sell codeine over the counter in Australia?
No wonder your country is so wild

It is codeine mixed with paracetamol. So for you to get even mildly buzzed, you have to take enough paracetamol to kill your liver. Unless you do cold water extraction.

>Unless you do cold water extraction.

crafty aussies

I think it's the same as here,
It's only the 800mg paracetamol+codeine tabs that they sell OTC. You can CWE them easy as fuck anyway, but oh well. You can get gee's linctus with morphine OTC here (it's not advertised), but you basically need a divine stroke of luck to find a pharmacy that does it.

People oughtn't be using these anyway. Just take an aspirin and a cup of coffee instead.

>>Unless you do cold water extraction.
are you assuming I don't? CWE has been da wei since highschool, usa btw

that's not a word mate

always fixes my migraines
paracetamol on its own helps only a little but with codeine it get's rid of the pain 99-100% and i can function again.



I have NEVER ingested anything as awful as codeine

It makes even alcohol seem like a good narcotic

I got hooked on codeine when I was in the hospital.

Fuzzy warm feeling is fantastic.

You're supposed to mix it with Sprite and Jolly Ranchers until it tastes like candy.

i have never felt anything from it except pain relief. never given me a buzz.

But the effects were like being poisoned

Codeine causes horrendous constipation.
I'd rather live with whatever pain there may be and have regular bowel movements.

Got some purp in dat cup

is there anything at the (((pharmacy))) that actually does anything at all now?

we really need to kill every health industry kike

What the fug I get fucking migraines and only codeine seems to work for them.

Phenibut was just made illegal to buy/sell in Australia too.
Shits fucked.

Getting drunk and fucking a Swedes slut of a missus always gets rid of my headaches

It's absolutely shitty to abuse but it works miracles for pain.
Fucking druggy cunts spoiling it for the rest of us. If you're reading this and use codeine "recreationally" please do me a favour and don't bother washing the paracetamol next time.

dat sizzurp muh nigger

It’s like crack but for niggers

Maybe you didn't get pure codeine but with other shit in the pills combined.
Some white people have DNA that prevents them from feeling codeine.
About 8% of the population is unable to metabolise codeine to its active metabolite, morphine, leading to a poor response to codeine. This is not in itself dangerous (these people just have to change analgesics), but there are also a small number of people (about 5%) who metabolise codeine to morphine at a much larger extent.

take more then you pantywaist bitch

>It's absolutely shitty
This depends on your livers ability to convert codeine into morphine. Both for recreational purposes and pain.

Are Australians going to stand for this?
S-sure Mr government you can take that away too.


>Here's what you need to do
The ABC larping as an "authority"

for what fucking reason?

And some get respiratory deficiency.

I took 5 tylonol 3s with codeine before and it was heaven. I was floating in warm fuzziness. But when they injected morphine in me, I didn't feel high at all. Hydromorphine on the other hand...

Great. Now when the missus gets her period I have to deal with not only her mood but now her pain. Thanks nanny state.
Meanwhile Richmond and the cbd will still be full of junkies on Harry

Yeah, I could feel codeine too in the past too. Some are blessed with the right enzymes for conversion to morphine in the liver. Others can't produce it past a certain amount.

I'm surprised you didn't feel IV morphine though.

Thats why you do some blow, nigger.

They're trying to keep drugs out of the hands of criminals.

Dilaudid/hydromorphine is so much better my man. It's the best feeling in the world.

damn you could buy codeine otc? ausfags get rekt welcome to the war on drugs

I've heard both Oxymorphone/Hydromorphone are the most euphoric opiates out there but incredibly hard to source, especially in the UK. There is a relatively good low range of opiates that can be bought over the counter, but mid and higher grade opiates are hard to come by.

you mean in the hands of criminals

Paving the way for medical marijuana.

Government is after the tax dollarydoos.

so... crack?

but it's not on the shelves

guess i'll have to brute force endure the period pain now

Codeine isn't much like crack, friendo.

the problem was that druggies were using cold water extraction on panadeine extras and taking like 100mg+ of codeine in one hit to get the euphoric high. the abos didnt care about ODing on paracetamol and just took a box while killing their livers off.
its pretty reasonable that the schedule gets changed and it honestly should be more like a schedule 8 drug. it has really poor use in musculoskeletal pain and is also not ideal for migraines, which are probably the two most common reasons people ask me for them.
t. doctor


I spent a week in the hospital and morphine was the best and worst thing ever. I had a button I could push every 30 mins for more. The whole week I was there I would hit my button, get warm, fuzzy, and really fucked up then pass out only to have dreams of my friends drop kicking me where I had my surgery then waking up In pain and hitting my button. I also had a frequent hallucination of thousands of hands grabbing for me out of the ac vents.

I haven't touched that shit since. Fuck morphine, and fuck drugs in general.

>druggies were using
>the abos didnt care about ODing on paracetamol and just took a box while killing their livers off.
>its pretty reasonable that the schedule
yeah you might as well just ban all pain relief altogether, great work doc

fuck off, whore.

A better idea would be to legalise pure codeine for otc sale.

You can't stop retarded faggots from killing themselves.

>>the abos didnt care about ODing on paracetamol and just took a box while killing their livers off.
And white people are smart enough to do cold water extractions.

If codeine legal without prescription in the USA I would legit be dead. Codeine and vodka feels GOOD man

This already happened on the 1st of feb
I'm going to miss the headache relief it gave me, at least now I get to clog up the system with my mild headache

top kek
gets me every time
even the dog knows

You'll never experience a better pleasure on this earth. That's all I'll say.

Can you not buy it OTC any more even?

Allah, I must have low tolerance. I've been taking 15mg every Sat and Sun for a few months and still feel a buzz.
Same with 9mg of tramadol, all while some here were saying both are shit and laughed about ever being addicted.

Diamorphine, which is just the name for pharmaceutical grade heroin, is good.

its not banned you daft cunt. you can come in to see the doctor and get a prescription for it instead now. the general public at large unfortunately demonstrated that they are not capable of managing over-the-counter codeine so now responsible people have the inconvenience of booking a government-rebated GP visit to access exactly the same medicine.

>a narcotic is like crack
Boy you need to hit up some crack.

Also, WTF? Codeine has almost no rec value at all. Hell fucking poppy seeds have more recreational value.
Aussies are fucktards about drugs. Like Florida except serious.

holy fuck my sides

No it's prescription only now, they're even going after phenibut , sad

I never knew this.. It makes sense. I am alergic to codeine, no other drugs. When I take anything with codeine in it, I get tweaked out. Makes me feel like I took a ton of adderall, with none of the benefits.

But if it were, it's rather British sounding. Ought not is perfectly fine, oughtn't sounds like some regional shit.

I'm going to go in even with a mild headache, pain is unacceptable in 2018

>Hell fucking poppy seeds have more recreational value.
Poppy seeds from a good source are probably more dangerous than pure pharmaceutical Opiates. You have no idea how much you're taking. Even street heroin is probably safer to measure than poppy seeds.

Do they not have Dihydrocodeine in Australia?

>the general public at large unfortunately demonstrated that they are not capable of managing over-the-counter codeine
You've been able to handle it for hundreds of years. What changed?

Imagine your taxes go to their treatment, from dialysis to transplant to rehab

Making something illegal doesnt stop human behavior. Let the idiots kill themselves off, so long as they don't take anyone else with them.

I made poppy seed tea once. I didn't feel anything in particular.

GPs prescribe nothing except SSRIs and tricyclics you fucking kike

>going to the doctor to get a prescription for transient pain
yeah that'll never work, you want people to endure pain so you get to wag your finger at those silly plebs who can't be trusted with formulations that are intentionally designed to kill via paracetamol overdose if used in a way you don't approve

This is scientifically accurate.
But if you want to chug (((opiates))) then go do some smack or at least something harder than codeine.
Personally, I've been prescribed oramorph and pure 60mg tablets of codeine in the past, as well as having been given IV morphine in the hospital...
It feels amazing and I see how people get addicted to that stuff. But having needed it for actual fucking pain (although the morphine still smacked me out in a wonderful way, and so did the codeine tablets if you took 2-3, which I did once or twice) I have taken exactly two 500/8mg co-codamols in the past 5 years, and no other painkillers what so ever.

These are important medicines and should be readily available. Not spoiled for the rest of us because of druggy teenagers.

So get rid of the taxes.


The other 2 posters recognised shit bait

They wash poppy seeds. The US Amazon still stocks Sincerely Nuts Poppy Seeds, if you were that keen on getting them. Don't buy store bought ones.

as opposed to all that money and police time wasted on enforcement, all while niggers tear up melbourne

>which are probably the two most common reasons people ask me for them.
>t. doctor
You're a shit doctor if you only prescribe what the patient wants.

I just got some prescribed for an infected toe, it's not really doing much but making me sleepy

My regular dose used to be 2 8/500mg boxes of co-codamol + another 120mg pure on top.

I'm almost certain GPs can prescribe a couple of codeine pills with paracetamol in an emergency, they're not allowed to let you be in pain

Yes and is readily prescribed to terminally ill folks who need it. Abusing opiates leads to the kind of outrage that stops sick people from getting access to their medicine.

Fuck all opiate users.

codeine is such a childish drug for little chan LARPers. Along the lines of tendies and milky.

As long as the kids don't get into the drugs imo.

Developing minds do stupid things.

But we have drug education, so most kids these days at least know to use caution.

I’m so happy the authorities are fighting non-KFC related crime

Don't care. At all.

not sure, the number of codeine related deaths doubled over the last ten years. you'd have to ask someone smarter than me why that happened.
i'd speculate it relates to the economy fucking over young people at the expense of boomers

>GPs prescribe nothing except SSRIs and tricyclics you fucking kike
Don't bother arguing with that cunt in because has same id as The fucker just wants jobs security, and makes no sense. Probably some shitty pooinloo or paki GP

Well I hope you enjoy it when you need the medicine and they either don't work because of your tolerance, or the doctor won't give you any because of your history.

Cheap opioids don't become an issue until they become unavailable. An opi addiction is easy to maintain provided the supply is cheap and readily available AND the user can stay employed without drug tests getting him canned.

There's countless addicts doing their shit using their own cash. They tend to be wealthy and/or self employed and have a hookup in the medical field. So they don't need drug tests, dealers, or anything getting in the way of their nod.

Codeine already doesn't work because of my tolerance, even though I had the perfect liver for converting it. Thanks for the good wishes though.

I developed a wicked addiction to tramadol. I was taking 6x+ my prescribed dose for tramadol and 4x+ my dose of soma. For a while before I OD'd and had a near death experience. Nothing kills an addiction like laying on your floor so fucked up you can't move so you convince yourself you're gonna die.

Enzymes in your liver convert it to morphine.

i pride myself on reducing prescriptions of SSRIs, opiates and benzos as much as i can because they are simply shit drugs and have no business being first line treatment for a lot of conditions.

emergency as in childbirth or a severed limb. but in general they rarely prescribe opiates, just ask anyone who has suffered cancer, they're always very resistant to using opiates in situations where pain is serious but outside of an emergency.

hate the prohibitionist that lacks common sense, not the person doing cold water extractions once in a blue moon


And people are making fun of codeine.

All opiates cause constipation.

I don't know the science behind it like codeine, but some people feel or felt tramadol too.