What's up with all the leftist butthurt shilling against Jordan Peterson lately? Don't they have rooms to clean?
Jordan Peterson Butthurt Thread
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he's reaching critical mass. He's exposing the attack on western society to people at an exponential rate. goodbye white guilt
I love how they call him names just because he is not as radical as far right wingers... thats fanaticism for u
If you get two Sup Forumsacks together they will have three opinions on the current hot figure
He didn't answer the JQ and stormniggers got triggered.
they're just angry communists who have migrated from leftypol. ignore them, there are way more important people to focus on than to shill against peterson
This. So much this. They are exactly like SJW's and they know it
>could it be that he is a civnat leafcuck?
>no it must be the stormniggers and JQ
hey guise, just stopped by to shit in your thread.
I do like Jordan Peterson despite my hangups about him, but you guys realise JP doesn't like us, right? He's on record saying so.
that's ok, i don't like us either.
it's a combination of naziboos and marxists shilling against him, he is singlehandedly waking people up to the problems of our time.
>inb4 patreon bux
who cares aren't you a capitalist and there is tonnes of free content available it's not like you're forced to buy it
>he didn't mention da jooz!
why would he do that in the pooblic spaze? how dumb would that be that would just destroy the momentum of the mass awakening, just because he's not perfect doesn't mean he isn't effective.
it is every day around the same euro centric time frame(go figure), ignore them. it is the same posters bumping their own threads constantly
Race has to be addressed seeing as it's a critical component in the destruction of Western society. Jordan isn't going to be the one to do it, but he should at least shut the fuck up about it and not act like based black guys are all around us. Also, I can see why some shit he does would bother people ie accepting Patreon donations from confused young men without father figures in the tens of thousands and flogging stupid merchandise with his signature for stupid fees.
He's literally A FUCKING LEAF from fucking Ontario in fucking Toronto literally the most cucked retarded city in the most cucked state in North America
>He didn't answer the JQ and stormniggers got triggered.
Oh, he answered it, alright. Then they got really triggered.
he doesn't act like based black guys are around him, he judges the individual. I'm sure he would call anyone dumb if they were acting dumb.
>who cares aren't you a capitalist
Not necessarily and I've never argued such a position on here. The opposite, I'm constantly advising Sup Forums to beware of the blanket rightism that ends up in people thinking unregulated and unlimited corporate empires are justifiable and good for people.
Answered it just like a typical Ontario maplenigger would
The hate on Sup Forums isn't coming from shills, it's coming from impatient conservatives that don't want to wait for the day of the rope
Why do Peterson fags get butthurt when someone criticizes their god
Besides that, even if capitalism is thus far the "best" model for Western civilisation, people should exercise restraint and morality when undertaking such enterprises, something JP himself argues, so the question of him taking money from stupid kids isn't that easily handwaved.
stick to Daily Stormer and frog memes, then. Philosophy is for high IQ men.
perhaps the parents shouldn't give their children pocket money or at least teach them to spend it wisely, I fail to see how this is JBP's fault. When you play the game of capitalism some people will use their money for dumb things it's inevitable.
wow peterson fags cant make an argument and have to attack the detractors character. You fuckers are worse than SJWs
>if you hate jews is means you must want to fuck them!
Can somebody explain why the fuck there is some much of him here to begin with? He doesnt says anything that average Sup Forumstard doesnt know. In truth he says not much useful things at all, and even these are mixed with standard kosher propaganda from western academia. Does he really has a cult that shills for him? Thought it was just memes.
Gave up on criticizing him when I noticed that people were shilling too hard against him. Don't punch right.
JP redpills fresh off the press. Feel free to refute
>implying the day of the rope will ever happen
you pussies will never do shit in real life just act tough on a Cambodian underwater basket weaving forum.
What's the TL;DR nigger?
Nah I'm ready to go
the mental gymnastics required to think Peterson is a bad thing for the west is extremely advanced
You miss the point. Fetish as a fixation. on a object which' fascination with it does not go away even if eliminated. Notice how white nationalists are quick to designate as "Jewish" whites who do not conform to their white-ethno-state vision. For a whtie nationalist there is no need to be an actual jew by blood or religion , the mere opposition to their plans will get you labeled a "subversive kike".
>being afraid of war
>not understanding that war is primal source of both technical progress and spiritual growth
There is a lot more other shit, but this alone is enough reason to deem this boomer unworthy to open his mouth on questions like politics, culture and nationalism.
>JP (whether he knows it or not) is running a cheeky Jew psyop with the primary focus of targeting single white males and preventing them from identifying as a group based on ethnicity
>not understanding that war is primal source of both technical progress and spiritual growth
Yes, it's interesting to see how JP cherry-picks bits and pieces from his favorite philosophers, a practice that happens to be common among leftists.
So, tell me, were the polish death camps for extermination of jews?
>to think Peterson is a bad thing for the west
(((West))) is bad for you. Civilization in current state is kike golem that already starting to tighten Globalist NWO noose around your throat. There is no ways to take over this construct, it is far too infested so it muct be destroyed. White man who descended into medieval as a result of system destruction but kept his biology will rebuilt civilization back to be even greater, while mongrel NWO slave will remain slave forever.
>>not understanding that war is primal source of both technical progress and spiritual growth
War also means that conventional mores and rules of peaceful coexistence get to be suspended for a while. So no wonder bitter basement dwelling virgins see it as a means of letting out steam. They will finally get to have their revenge with feminists, jews, and other "deviants" - they will get to crawly out of their basements and openy hate and kill, maybe they will even get some pussy as war booty! They call it "spiritually revitalizing" - for some reason!
yeah I think war is coming
>a fucking Ontario leaf
>high iq man
Pick one
You seem to think in black and white terms. It's quite possible for many (dumber) white nationalists to condemn Jews without hard evidence to support their claims, and for learned white nationalists to condemn Jews with damning evidence to support their claims. The two are not mutually exclusive. I have not seen JP refute this - it's usually the point where he sidesteps the question.
>So no wonder bitter basement dwelling virgins see it as a means of letting out steam. They will finally get to have their revenge with feminists, jews, and other "deviants" - they will get to crawly out of their basements and openy hate and kill, maybe they will even get some pussy as war booty! They call it "spiritually revitalizing" - for some reason!
This is just you projecting with more black and white thinking. Sure, some WNs/NatSocs/anons will fall into that category but there are many people on the right of JP who have more sanctimonious interests.
Maybe I'm just a white guy who wants to live with white people (i.e. white ethnostate). Is that so evil? A large chunk of the alt-Right is libertarian at heart, just redpilled on race realism enough to believe that its NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN with current demographics
The plan to expel jews was intended since the 1920s. So the camps were made to round up german jews and eventually deport them. It was with operation Barbarossa that things went outta hand for Hitler. The jews in eastern europe (future Lebesnraum territory) were scattered everywhere so the plan to move them to Madagascar was becoming difficult to execute. With the military failures Hitler got triggered into just killing them. Now how do you do that? Well, the nazis made a law that considered euthanasia for the disabled - so what do they do with physically weak jews? Designate them as disabled and kill them. What do they do with able bodied jewish men? Designate them as partisans and execute them.
note the focus of these intellectual effort posts is on jordan himself rather than his material. its leftshit \ social engineering mindset to focus on the person rather than the content, because sheep only follow shepards, they can't absorb what is said into an internal model of reality and use that as a basis for deciding behaviour. so naturally leftshit agents here are obsessed with tearing jodan ( middle left ) down as a potential leader to Sup Forums.
Hang yourself if you need a media leader to dictate your thoughts. Sup Forums was never about that. Its the collective of anons, their general common sense that made Sup Forums such a threat to the kikes and a career in shitposting for their shill armies.
damn it nigger, i didnt need to see that fucking kike monster right before bed.
>Prays to a magical sandnigger in space, a (((god))) that does NOT belong to him
>Bows down to the Pill-Juden
>Won't put the kikes in the spotlight
Gas this fairy with the rest of them.
Just goes to show that you retards don't understand.
Now go back to plebbit and wash your balls.
It's currently the only target on shareblue.
Expect a few more dozens threads about him as we enter US primehours.
We need to extinguish every light you could follow, goy
>I can't get behind someone who exponentially helps my cause unless they go on live tv and start reading off mein kampf
Peterson shills are pathetic. So are the stormfront posters who shill against him for not bringing up the JQ. Or saying he scams people for patreon money.
Peterson is reaching a point of popularity that seemed impossible for any conservative. Unlike spencer and the likes, he actually gets invited to speak on proper intellectual grounds. He mentioned in his latest podcast that the patreon money has allowed him to start an online university. He is becoming more powerful that you can imagine, do you think it would be wise to risk all of this on the JQ?
He is not the chosen one. He is the teacher. It is up to us to clean our room, get our acts together, and in due time we will destroy the left and the kikes. Notice how he didn't debunk the JQ when confronted onstage by the audience, he simply said "i can't do it". Because there are larger things at stake. Fucking get your act together Sup Forums you are being played by leftyfaggot shills.
Hurr people who advocate for natural order are exactly the same as those trying to destroy it.
You are a fucking IDIOT.
JP would tell you that you're doing it wrong. Your post is filled with 'us' and 'we', JP's message is to think as an individual and not identify with a group
Meant to reply to But you're still both dumbasses.
you won't gas anyone you fucking swedecuck. you will probably be beheaded by a muslim in ten years. Here's the deal: you clean your room and get your act together, then you can actually influence the world around you. Sounds like a good deal? Apparently not, since he won't gas the kikes on national television. How deluded are you? Guess shitposting on an asian cooking forum is more important than saving your country, which i can see from the other side of oresund is on the edge of a string.
ok so Ive cleaned my room but im confused if supposed to slay the dragon or enter the belly of a whale to save my father and revivify society next
The fact that you have to spam Sup Forums with 100 threads everyday about this faggot leaf proves the opposite. Take your faggot homo e-celebs back to rebbit where you dumb niggers came from
No you are thinking about Sargon.
Peterson is saying it's the individuals responsibility to better himself for the greater good of the collective. You are all asking, waiting for the next Hitler to stand behind. He is asking you to stop waiting for some fucking prophecy, and become that man yourself.
Slay dragon (your inner fear) first
Then save your father (your culture).
>Peterson is saying it's the individuals responsibility to better himself for the greater good of the collective
And which collective is that?
>brainlet attempts to understand jordan peterson
>concludes jordan "heirarchies are as old as lobsters" peters on is against the idea of groups
no, you're a retard
Don't project your NatSoc fantasies onto him. When he says hierarchies, it's not the ones you have in mind
Peterson white nationalist confirmed.
Brainlet stormfaggots can't understand Peterson's refusal for what it is: the refusal to sink his own ship for absolutely no gain whatsoever .
What "natural order" are you talking about? Go back to living in mud huts obeying clan patriarch? Or do you mean to licking the balls of Kangz and toiling for Land Lords again? Are you willing to return in a time with hereditary nobility where the pleb knew his place and had no place participating in politics building? Or are you a lolbertarian who believes the free market will set things back to their natural order?
That you will have to decide for yourself. If your collective is the whites, then so be it.
Hierarchy only has one meaning.
What's the second meaning you're talking about?
The entire community. Peterson is not an individualist. He rather understands (contrary to the brainlet Sargon - who isn't as smart as he thinks) that the individual exists within the collective, and the collective is borne out of the individual : it is much healthier to recognize the mutual dependace and seek an optimal solution.
>He promotes individualism for white men while being a fucking Zionist for Jews.
>Never addresses the fact that Jews were behind the slaughtering of millions of Russians even though his favorite author writes about it in his favorite book
>Does not want the right wing to come into power
stop giving money to this controlled op faggot.
I have an obligation to my own tribe and no one elses. And if you think there is going to be any ball licking on our part, you haven't studied history. We fuck you up every time.
I dont think he is. I dont think he understands the power he has - and he also says this multiple time. We only need to look at who is in need of his message: mostly white males.
White males has been thrown out of the intellectual and cultural space. They have become weak, masturbating, hating, resentful and of no good to the community people. All the while the niggers, kikes and communists seek to further annihilate our people.
Peterson provides the power the whites need to strike back. Ultimately the leftists could use this power as well, but they are blind to his message, luckily for us.
But he is but a messenger - the NPC that gives you the sword you need on your next quest. People asking him to go 1488 or fuck off are ultimately working against their collective, since they refuse to better themselves.
>t. brainlet who cant understand why the individual must be responsible for their own improvement
Literally only 0.00099% of people knows who this guy is. Leftists actually like the dude, it's only crazy leftists and crazy Rightcucks who hate him because he's neither.
Ask him about Donald Trump and watch "Leftists" and him laugh together.
If you want to be a baby who waits for someone to carry your people to greatness, you are no more useful than a pile of mud. Be the greatness you want for your people instead. How can this simple and powerful message go over your heads? You are blinded by hate, which is understandable. But if you want the white man to move forward - you have to become an übermensch yourself. Clean your fucking room.
>Ask him about Donald Trump and watch "Leftists" and him laugh together.
He thinks trump is a genius or near genius.
Could you please tell me what is JQ? I'm kinda new here
Has anyone considered that it might be Catholics and Evangelicals attacking Peterson? Agnostic heresy and such..
You have a man who is doing more the white man than anyone has done - and all you got to show is bitterness, distrust and hate. You are either a shill or a pathetic manchild who wait around for some hero to save you, instead of taking steps to becoming one yourself. And in your hate you actively work against this man by calling him useless and a ZOG shill. Tell me how the hell that's gonna bring any good to our cause.
The Jews sworn enemy is the white man, and they have pulled the strings on each side of the political spectrum for decades to undermine our people.
Nah - Peterson doesn't speak for any christian collective. He is reaching out to the individual. People who attack him are people who are to scared to look into themselves, so they turn against him in anger.
His wife's a fucking jew.
>You are either a shill or a pathetic manchild who wait around for some hero to save you, instead of taking steps to becoming one yourself. And in your hate you actively work against this man by calling him useless and a ZOG shill. Tell me how the hell that's gonna bring any good to our cause.
>The Jews sworn enemy is the white man, and they have pulled the strings on each side of the political spectrum for decades to undermine our people.
I'm willing to bet that if JP was asked to comment on your posts, he would condemn them and say you've misinterpreted his message. He may even say this is exactly what he doesn't want.
In a way you have taken what he says and repurposed it as you see fit - which is fine and preferable to me personally, but it's not really what he's advocating at all
I'm sure his biblical series would piss off the Westboro Baptist crowd.
he is a leftist you fucking idiot
Defend him being a Zionist faggot.
Peterson is by all accounts a boomer - and i don't need his approval of anything. But i recognize how right he is in improving yourself first.
And the right-wing white male needs to improve. The mgtow, the despaired alcoholics, the resentful and bitter stormfags. All of them needs to clean their room and get their act together if the white man is to strive once again.
Look at the fucking suicide rates in the west! the white man is KILLING THEMSELVES out of despair. If not, they are content with playing vidya and smoking weed. A lot of right-wing figures feed on this hate - but it's going nowhere because people want the white man to be great, but they won't lift a damn finger to improve themselves so that it can happen.
>i don't need his approval of anything
Not venerating your e-father.
everything pisses of the westboro baptist crowd. they demonstrate at soldiers funeral for fucks sake.
well this zionist faggot is doing more for the white man than you will ever do in an entire lifetime. and you seek to smear him. probably because you don't want to move out of your comfort zone of shitposting and hate. resentful bitter and useless people like you will be the death of our movement, not some canadian professor who tell young men to get their act together.
White people are killing themselves because their communities have been destroyed. Proving once again that individualism leads to nothing good which is why kikes are all for it for goyim
what has he done except steal naive young men's money?
>well this zionist faggot is doing more for the white man than you will ever do in an entire lifetime.
What is he doing for the white man? Don't rely on catchphrases like
>sort yourself out
>clean your room
The idea that a group is comprised of individuals, or that one ought to 'be the change they want to see in the world' is not novel or unique to JP in any shape or form. So what else has he done?
Why did the white man allow their community to be destroyed? Because they are WEAK. This isn't sargon-ish political individualism - the root of the collective start at an individual level. You want to white man to succeed? Then get your act together. Don't wait for your people to do it for you.
>they demonstrate at soldiers funeral for fucks sake
But organized shitposting is beyond their reach? Explain.
OP is shilling against old man Peterson, if you didn't notice.
He's stirring the haggis.
Steal? He is using the money to fund an university. So he can make a space where young men who are leaving academica can get an useful education. If you can't see the good in this, i can't help you.
He could be doing this for the niggers since his message doesn't have a receiver - but as he himself points out, 80% of his audience is young white males.
And no, he is not unique. But he is the voice that is so desperately needed in the young white community. He is on national television slaying marxists and postmodernist left and right. He is convincing girls and boys alike to become trad once again.
We got destroyed because of faggots like you pretending the individual is worth a shit. An individual is nothing without the collective.An individual can accomplish nothing without other people. An individual will never overthrow a government or get rid of jews. I also like how you can't defend him being a zionist or why he refuses to quote his favorite book on the jew lead slaughtering of Russians.
this. he is successful in his ventures and there is a group that hates success.