I'm a Jew, AMA.
I'm a Jew, AMA
How are you today?
I love you. You are the chosen people.
Are you a jew ?
hello amcha
cool story bro
Based Jew.
hows it going?
If a Jew always lies, and says he's a Jew, is he a Jew or not a Jew?
Ty, Marakash.
What are you doing in this cesspool?
Also why can't your country sustain itself ? why do you constantly need help from foreign countries ?
nice day isnt it?
>What are you doing in this cesspool?
You mean in Israel?
Why are you breaking Shabbat?
Because it's ran by Jews?.. We can leverage our way into getting funded, I don't have to tell you about that.
No, I mean Sup Forums
how many shekels have you collected today?
probably a khazar
Just like niggers, didn't expect more desu
and you almost made it
Still better than FB and ynet.
More like getting your tax money ;)
You ain't brother Nathaniel, Israfag. Feel free to not post him ever again.
What's it like having over half of your vision dominated by your big fucking nose? How do you feel about having less visibility than an Asian kid due to your hooked snout?
what else do kikes and niggers have in common?
are traps gay?
You're quite of a shitposter yourself, Moshe.
>colgate merchants
>loving jews
Checks out
I never seem to find a good parking spot when i'm in a city, any tips?
Are either of you real Jews or are you shitposters on proxies
Can I have money?
whats it like being damned to hell before birth?
I'm the real deal.
You forgot one.
no i didnt kike
We're both better at getting white girls than white guys!
ever think about gassing yourself?
Whenever I fart I gas myself.
why are your noses so big?
did u use info jpgs from Sup Forums to counter evidence what u were being taught in school about the 6 gorillion? Do u believe the holohoax myth?
kek your cousin isnt white kike.
Do you have a senseless psychopathic need to constantly make money?
Do you value other human beings and animals as living creatures with their own morals or do you only love yourself?
What do you like the most in the world?
What do you hate the most?
Who do you hate?
Do you have some kind of sense of superiority over other ethnic backgrounds?
Do you see everything as belonging to you?
How intelligent would you say you are?
If you were in control of the world, what 3 laws would you pass to make it a better place?
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
What is the purpose of life?
Tits or ass?
What do you think of yourself as a person?
how do you people reconcile your dogmatic strict faith with the fact that you are the most degenerate people to ever live, other than maybe abbos, and they're just retarded, you're supposed to be smart
>I'm a Jew, AMA.
What do you think about polish death camps?
Because air is free?
never thought about sticking your head in the oven? Saving everyone some time?
Post your merchant folder
do you know how to make a noose?
What do you know about the 1st Soviet Government being 80% Jews? Is it true or just a big fat conspiracy theory?
Did Israel do 9/11?
>you're supposed to be smart
What? Jews never said they're smart.
at least he knows the baby is his.
Also what do you think is the solution to the Israel-Palestine situation. in my opinion, Jordan gets the west bank, Egypt gets Gaza, Jerusalem becomes UN controlled territory.
Will you show mercy to the goyim when’s you win the approaching holy war? What do we have to do in order to survive the gentile Holocaust
why khazar milkers are so big?
you know its down the road not across the street right kike?
Yes. We even commemorated it in a coin.
>Also what do you think is the solution to the Israel-Palestine situation
It'll be a binational Jewish-Arab state.
Nice trips. They're big because Jewesses didn't do much physical work so it didn't handicap them much.
remember under the chin not in the mouth
I can't wait for breaking diplomatic relations with your desert apartheid shithole and closing borders for your citizens. It is going to happen very soon xD
The razor kike. Don't wanna fuck up right?
do you mean you're a Jew as in a citizen and inhabitant of Israel?
or do you mean you're a Jew as in a parasite of the United States?
oh wait that's the same thing
you are gods chosen, the chosen shepards of the hordes of animal goys who are inferior. you weild the black magic of finances and talmudic magic.
anyway answer the question schlomo
>Do you have a senseless psychopathic need to constantly make money?
I do like money, but not in an unhealthy way.
>Do you value other human beings and animals as living creatures with their own morals or do you only love yourself?
Yes, I'm actually vegetarian.
> What do you like the most in the world?
Drugs, video games and young girls.
>What do you hate the most?
>Who do you hate?
>Do you have some kind of sense of superiority over other ethnic backgrounds?
On average yes, But I appreciate each person by his abilities first.
>Do you see everything as belonging to you?
>How intelligent would you say you are?
Around 135-140 IQ (Based on SAT scores and proffesional IQ test)
>If you were in control of the world, what 3 laws would you pass to make it a better place?
1. Higher taxes for the super-rich.
2. Pro eugenics economical policy (Encourage higher IQ people to make more kids)
3. Create very strong AI development restriction policies.
>If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Perfect ability to predict the future.
>What is the purpose of life?
Maximizing entropy.
>Tits or ass?
>What do you think of yourself as a person?
People are usually pretty shitty, I'm better than most but still shit.
Like we need your country lol
How did you escape the gas chambers?