is Palestine a country Sup Forums?
Is Palestine a country Sup Forums?
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Depends what standards you're using to qualify a country.
I would personally say it is not, fun fact in my country our minister of the education was almost fired because she replaced Palestine by Israel in the geography books for middle school.
is the Vatican saying yes inside that green circle in Italy?
if by standards of a functioning government, Palestine has one of those. if by standards of control over territory, Palestine is currently struggling with the whole Jewish settlement thing. as for the minister, pretty sure the same thing would happen in America if Israel was replaced by Palestine.
yeah i think so. considering Palestine has a major Christian population, it kind of makes sense.
Not anymore
It will be soon.
Israel is planning a false flag tomorrow.
Yes, fuck Israel and fuck Jews.
why not?
it doesn't really, most of Palestinians Christians aren't even catholic
Because Israel.
i think that's a bit of a stretch, but it does seem like more and more people are turning against them
Palestine is a geographical area, Israel is a country
Palestine controls territory and has a government, the fact that Israel exists doesn't change that
Our greatest ally
Who cares. It is a whole different part of the world and your country is 100% behind Israel anyway.
If palestine isn't a country what country was Jesus born in?
why would they do that? don't they control the american government already?
Jesus was born in the roman empire, in Bethlehem, which is Palestinian territory in the modern days, so i guess he was born in Palestine.
then marco polo was croatian
i don't think Israel is the Czechs greatest ally, i'm pretty sure that's Germany
yeah i guess your right, if anything Jesus was nationally a roman
sure why not. any reason to push the jews into the sea.
The only difference is that there is definite proof of Marco Polo exsting, while the same cannot be said for Jesus Chist.
you would not be surprised to hear how many dumb-as-rock white protestants believe Palestinians are the Philistines of the bible aka the baddies
hold on there, Jesus existed. The Romans have records of him, and his followers wouldn't have been able to spread his teachings if people knew they were talking about a non existent person
If you are against Palestine you stand with the kikes.
wait really? do they actually believe that? anyone who's ever picked up a history book would know that Palestinians are Arabs
I was talking about Palestine
I dont give a fuck honestly
considering you're american, i think you should as your country send billions is foreign aid to Israel every year. its your tax money and i think you should have a say of where they go.
>Christian population
imagine being this retarded
you're only a real country if you have nukes
Well, the pope isn't even catholic, so why does it matter
>Geographically in the middle east, despite of it being in the Holy Land, and therefore without Christian inhabitants
imagine being this retarded
In 2009, there were an estimated 50,000 Christians in the Palestinian territories, mostly in the West Bank, with about 3,000 in the Gaza Strip.[11] Of the total Christian population of 154,000 in Israel, about 80% are designated as Arabs, many of whom self-identify as Palestinian.
its very weird to me seeing people with nazi flags defend israel, but the guy before me is right, a majority of Christians in the region are Palestinians
Palestinian ancestry here ask me anything.
Im so proud of my country.
For Palestine and against Israel.
It's sad that Israel is keeping Palestine in the same conditions as the jews were kept in world war 2 germany.
Palestine can not accept foreign aid, they cant have a proper military, their land is being taken away slowly. They are also being bombed by Israel nearly every day.
I hope one day an embargo is set on israel.
I believe he existed but I also believe that some of the teachings are being kept secret along with other letters and parts of the bible.
no, begone, cuck
not yet, but it should become one
Province of Roman Empire called Judea.