Does Sup Forums want to hear a little story?

Yes, this post is 100% related to politics. In fact it is almost all about politics so please do not remove this. What I am about to say will change Sup Forums forever. Maybe not today, but the day in which all of you look back at this post and realize just how much of a magical moment this really was. "I can't believe it, I was there when it all happened" some will say.
"No I swear I was there when this all began" Many more will claim.

But here's where it gets crazy.....

>Are you experiencing Deja-Vu >:)
>Do you feel like this already happened? >:)
>Is your brain having trouble in any way in this specific moment trying to fully analyse the present moment >:)
>Good >:)
>You have entered into something new >:)

Now before someone decides to delete this post. Let me explain how this is 100% political.

>The days in which we must hope that candidates are on our side is over. Yes, we shall finally have /ourguy/ in the truest possible way
>Skeptics and provocateurs will dismiss it at first. The pessimists and those who want us to be pessimists will do their best to tell you that he's not /ourguy/ despite the endless and endless evidence that he is infact /ourguy/ ii the purest of form of it's meaning
>He is more right wing than all of you
>He is more obsessed with genetic purity than any of you. His mind is utterly focused on it at all times. It may not always be in the for front of his thoughts but the idea is always lurking in his mind "Our blood is being contaminated every moment that I am not in power" his subconscious mind screams
>His mind is always at peace, knowing that victory is inevitable. Time can be altered a million ways, but destiny is the one thing which binds it all together. It is the one element that can never be altered or even destroyed. His destiny is infinite
>Do you believe in possibilities that seem impossible?
>Do you believe in coincidences? I don't
>Reality is stranger than fiction

Do you want to hear a little story Sup Forums? >:)

Other urls found in this thread:


>what I am about to say will change Sup Forums forever
>a fucking leaf poster
I have my doubts.

cool story bro


Aww baby just realized that the universe exists within

I’m interested leaf. Go on with your story

Bump for interest
Ugh, I have nothing better to do so go on..

Write me a good story senpai

You're retarded.

>let me explain how this is 100% political
>proceeds to talk some random nonsense that is 0% to do with politics
what did the leaf mean by this?


Sage. There is no way this is political and not leaf spam.

I am glad that someone is interested, now let me begin

>What is it about Time that makes it impossible to change. You cannot go back of course. You can only move forward. Slowing it down and speeding it up. Presumably
>Let's say for the sake of argument that Time can in fact change in all different directions. You can correct mistakes, go back and change things you didn't like or eliminate enemies without them ever existing. For the sake of the argument of course
>Now what happens in this reality where Time can be changed and the most "powerful" people in the world are using it to fix their errors.... They become careless because everything they do wrong can always be fixed. They appear flawless, all powerful, all knowing and none or at least almost none seem to know why.
>But one day they use one of their lets just "Looking glasses" which would for the sake of the argument allow them to see certain aspects of the future without having to jump into it (Imagine a world where Moving thru time is possible and is so widespread in use within a certain over laying body of power that even jumping into the future can change the past. In other words, you go into the future, you influence the outcome in the future but then that outcome in the future entices someone to go back into past before your current timeline and change things again) In other words, Going back is not the only way to change the current. The future can sometimes flip around and bite it back depending on the outcome.

>Imagine one day that this group (The perfect flawless, never made a mistake that they can't fix type of people) stumble upon some kid that this "looking glass" their using (using it in order to avoid effecting the future which could then effect the past) seems to tell them that not only is he a threat to their system but that he's going to take it all down.... They do their thing. But the kid still exists no matter what occurs
The kid's destiny overrides all alterations. reset.


Destiny is when all things no matter what occurs cannot change the destined outcome of an event set by God himself.

I am only using travel as an example here

Add me in screencap!

Malta will win!

The best example of destiny in our Time is of course The Donald. No matter what they do to alter things..... His destiny overrides all outcomes. His life is like an infinite reset mode that always works in his favor. It may seem sloppy at times but a man working alone or with very truly few by his side, he is doing a damn good job. Nothing can stump the Trump for reason

Teleport behind me right now leaf and fucking prove it.

Go on



Heard that homie. Sorry for shit quality, most of you have seen these anyway.

>Going back in time to change everything
>Find out that one kid cannot be changed
Sounds like an SF movie intro

>nobody has realized that OP is trying to point out how gullible Sup Forums is by acting like Q
>even goes as far as to label himself "G"

All because someone is on the card doesn't mean he is controlled. It simply means that it is a point of inevitability. Nothing can alter the cards. Assuming that they are correct, Maybe not all the cards are correct.

...this leaf faggotry...

Is the Dahnald the messiah that the Jews have been promised? Will he be the one to help them finally extinguish the fiery blood of the Aryans and usher in total Jewish dominion over all the goyim slave-cattle?

Now let me continue with the story....

Here's where things get even crazier:

>lets just "Looking glasses" which would for the sake of the argument
Playing coy, are we? :^)

The best thing that could happen to Israel could literally mean being nuked because that is, in my view, the best thing that could happen to Israel.

>It's turned into R*ddit tier faggotry this quickly

Oh don’t get misunderstand, I don’t think djt is controllled at all. I don’t know about most of your post but yes, he just feels like destiny. All the shit he’s been through with the media; if he was anyone, I mean any other living human on earth, he or she would have been destroyed, no career, no supporters, no legacy, fucking nothing. You’d be lower than scum, lower than an Indian streetshitter. But somehow, Trump just rolls with it and keeps winning.

Antichrist will be crushed OP. Not serving it.

Go on, G. You have our curiosity...

Please go on.

Go on

Some nigga on Battlerite just asked me this 10 minutes ago. Were you him?

I don't get DeJa Vu, I experience things years ahead, for example I knew that certain neighbor of mine got some kind of cancer in his feet, then contracted gangrene and had to have his legs amputated before dying soon after.

I met this person on the road one day, and thought to myself, 'didn't that guy get gangrene, have his legs chopped off and die?'. 1 year later that person did die, in the exact way I remembered. I get this all the time. Another example was a TV programme called 'Casualty' that is based in England. One day I sat down with my landlady and watched an episode, she regularly watched the programme, while I was watching it, I told her I'd seen this episode about 3 times before, to her shock and awe, she told me it was brand new. Strangely, there was one difference between what I watched previously and what I was watching on the TV in front of me.

I have lots of memories, I don't know which ones are real, or are yet to occur. I remember reading the paper looking at the epitaph of Max Von Sydow, he is still alive though.

A funny memory I had, was a meme from Sup Forums, the meme started last year, but I seen the meme back in 1999.

Where is his Monster

>Another episode of Trump/Tesla and Trump has a time machine

Everybody can go home now since OP takes forever to finish.

Well at least his girlfriend is happy.

Antimony is what the establishment seems to identify our Timeline as. Shinny, looks glorious but very fragile and easy to break at Times. The establishment believes this and we can see it in their actions. They can see that we appear to be heading for the glory of man but yet treat us like we are the ones who are the verge of defeat. They believe that they can break us. But they can't. They have either falsely identified our Future or our destiny has simply kicked in and is bringing us on a new path.

>If you've been in the movement for years, did you notice anything strange during late 2012 early 2013? Notice how all of the right wing outlets online all of sudden began to get very racial and more and more explicit. What was taboo became the norm. People who would never touch right wingers like us with a ten foot poll all of sudden started re-posting things that you assume they never would. What changed? Was it the re-electing of Obama in November setting in that got people angry, maybe. But what else occurred in late 2012. The alignment of everything. If the gravity of the moon can effect ocean currents and even the mood and temper of wolves and other animals. Can the alignment of all the planets in our solar system possibly effect our minds? "Of course not were smarter than animals" the idiot normie would say thinking that intelligence would somehow effect the metaphysics which converged on that day with real physics. Think about that. Do you believe real physics can converge with metaphysics. I DO. I know it does. But that's another story

Why is America so ultimately powerful?
Beyond what is even comprehensible.

My credibility will be 100% gone after this in the minds of most people but that's irrelevant.
Only truth is relevant.

I am not saying this is. I am only proposing the following as a possibility.

>Is America the first inter timeline empire?
In other words: Does America exist beyond our timeline. Is America an infinite empire

well? on with it leaf!!!

What is an inter timeline empire your thinking

Let me explain:

>Think of the universe having theoretically an infinite number of possibilities and therefore theoretically an infinite number of timelines.

>Let's say these timelines are divided into clumps and each clump represents an element. A set of timelines that always converge upon one "happening" that is inevitable among all the timelines which reside in that clump. It is the only or one of the only unavoidable events in that set of timelines.

>Now let's say the American government is worried that not all timelines have America in it and are worried that this could lead to issues in the future.... What do they do? They build a military base in all timelines in the same exact spot. (Area 51). 51 theoretically represents the timeline the establishment believes we are in... The timeline of antimony. But this incorrect. The establishment wishes that we are in this timeline and therefore most likely projected in their minds as a reality and thus believed their victory was inevitable "Hillary has a 98.5% chance of winning the election" is a perfect example of this. The antimony represents what looks like a bright future for mankind but that can be crushed at any time. In other words: The establishment can see that we are on a timeline that appears to be headed for greatness and believe that they can tame or control or even destroy that greatness at any time. Remember, Antimony represents the fragile destiny of a future that looks great.

>The establishment is clearly wrong about what direction things are going in and no they cannot break us like they thought... So therefore, they are confused.

>Either they were wrong.... OR.... They entered other timelines and with that created a chain reaction which then began to converge multiple timelines and clumps of timelines at once... Hence: Mandela effect

>Now how does this relate to some kid that can't be removed out of existence. Well...

What element do you simple a lead away from antimony... Polonium. A leap away. Think all jokes are just jokes or maybe some have hidden meaning? Maybe not even deliberately but simply by accident or more likely fate.

Should I continue and explain how this all relates to what appears to be some random kid? Or has everyone gone to sleep? Let me know if you are still listening.

type it all out, Sup Forums is sleepy. they'll be back though. keep us nightshifters interested.

I'm listening leaf, go on.

Are you me? I see my own future in my dreams. I have been cataloguing when it happens. Like when I wake up now I can, tell when its a premonition dream because it feels real like a lucid dream but even more present. Then weeks to months will pass by and the exact dream happens. It mindfucks me everytime.

keep rambling, I'll pretend to read it later

Thanks. Interesting ideas user.

Some other ideas you might consider:
>The system that runs the timelines has a finite storage space or processing capacity. Once time travel is invented, timelines multiply exponentially, using up more and more space/capacity. Timelines are converging because space/capacity is running out. As we move toward the final convergence, the world gets weirder and weirder (Mandela effect, general weirdness) because all timelines are converging and all novelty is condensed into a single timeline.
>The people (and entities) who have been running around through time are working against some kind of natural law, some principals of metaphysics that are causally prior to the causal laws observable from our point of view. That's why no matter what they do, they're only postponing the inevitable. Their goal is to run the game forever, but because of the memory/processing capacity issue already stated, this is impossible.
>The people/entities messing with time are entropic, their function, in alignment with natural law by their nature, is to achieve a state of zero energy. Souled human beings and entities, good people, for lack of a better word, are neg-entropic - their nature is to achieve a state of absolute energy. The fundamental energy is creation. Creation inevitably outstrips the memory/capacity of the system leading to the collapse/transcendence of the system that they are trying to avoid. This also means that creation is the highest good in life and is what we should all pursue.
>The entropic beings got twisted around somehow and started collecting energy instead of giving it away and moving towards entropy. This is how they are in conflict with natural law / their nature. They lose energy by nature, so to collect energy they have to suck it out of negentropic beings, whose nature is to produce more energy. That's why they're trying to keep this system running forever. They're incapable of transcendence.

Does this story end with "it is a computer simulation"?

I actually get your clumping theory. Like the rain god of hitchhikers galaxy, I'm always one degree of separation from happenings.
This is because I've started playing with quantum. It's not just a scientific theory, you can proactively choose which "clump" you want to play in.

Look what the universe gave me last week. If you're on my timeline, it's about to get interesting.

I forgot what else I was going to say. Maybe I said all of it.

You have my attention, please continue.

So let me continue...

Let's say the establishment has the ability to jump from timelines and thus travel thru it and altering things of the past and future and infinitely looping it back and forth. For the sake of argument let's go with this.

>If this is the power that the establishment has and they alter anything. Why can't they just get rid of what appears to be some random kid? Their attempts either fail for various different reasons or people they send just disappear or even crazier they swore they sent some people but then realize that some of the people they thought they had sent actually never existed. Looping.

America is the only country with this ability in their reality and all realities they have accessed so far and therefore none of this makes sense.

>There is only 2 possibilities: Either the kid has some supper natural destiny that they can't erase OR there's something bigger at play.

>What if... For the sake of argument. This kid is destined to take power in his country (Not the united states) and when he does he builds a giant time machine. The biggest, one so huge and multi capable that he can endlessly effect time so pricelessly that he can give other time travelers or future seers the illusion that his empire doesn't exist. His program is so vast that he is able to re-enforce everything that ever happened prior to him building his grand time machine (Which to the general public of his country appears to be something else) in order to make sure that time machine always exists. Especially make sure that the one who built it exists too.

>The kid can't be gotten rid of because the kid is being protected by people sent by his future self in order to insure his existence.

But wait.... There's a hole?

How does this kid get there in the first place? No one was protecting him the first time round...... How could he even get there if on the original timeline he had no protection.

But this is where it gets crazier:
Infinite loop.

Get learned nigger. Aside from naming their capital and making them 1000× less safe in their own country, he hasn't really done them any favors. Bannon was always their boy..and we all know how that ended

where do you get this info?

But please , go on

>unironically I had this exact premise for a movie or book years ago
Get out of my head OP

This honestly just sounds like every Barron Trump time traveler fabric. It's not out of the realm of possibility.

>On 7 January 1943, at the age of 86, Tesla died alone in Room 3327 of the New Yorker Hotel. His body was later found by maid Alice Monaghan after she had entered Tesla's room, ignoring the "do not disturb" sign that Tesla had placed on his door two days earlier. Assistant medical examiner H.W. Wembley examined the body and ruled that the cause of death had been coronary thrombosis.[25]
>Two days later the Federal Bureau of Investigation ordered the Alien Property Custodian to seize Tesla's belongings,[25] even though Tesla was an American citizen.[25] John G. Trump, a professor at M.I.T. and a well-known electrical engineer serving as a technical aide to the National Defense Research Committee, was called in to analyze the Tesla items, which were being held in custody.[25] After a three-day investigation, Trump's report concluded that there was nothing which would constitute a hazard in unfriendly hands, stating:
>[Tesla's] thoughts and efforts during at least the past 15 years were primarily of a speculative, philosophical, and somewhat promotional character often concerned with the production and wireless transmission of power; but did not include new, sound, workable principles or methods for realizing such results.[217]
>In the 1980s, when reporters called the Trump Organization to request an interview with the boss, they were sometimes referred to a spokesman, instead. That a busy and image-conscious executive such as Donald Trump would place a buffer between himself and the media was hardly unusual, but there was a twist: The spokesman, John Barron, was actually Trump, hiding behind a fake name.

Is this shit going to end with barron trump...

Bump, fucking leaf better come through.

>get on the floor


This leaf is just baiting you idiots.

>invisible empire
It's in Antarctica isn't it?

Also, I remembered what else I was going to say here: >The currently real timelines (timelines, singular, since they're all converging) are the ones in which negentropic beings, i.e., souled beings exist. The energy produced by negentropic beings is what allows these timelines to be actual instead of just potential or non-actual.
>There may be entropic beings in future timelines that are trying to influence our timeline to move towards the ones in which they exist. These beings probably sit higher up in the hierarchy of the entropic beings because they would presumably have to syphon a bunch of energy from our timeline (the timeline being made actual by all the negentropic beings) to be able to have some level of actuality in their future timeline, which really should only be potential.
>These entropic-future-lords are the ones directing the entropic beings embedded in the actual timeline (our timeline, the one with the negentropic beings making it actual by producing energy). And are probably machine-like, which is why the obsession with transhumanism has been pushed so hard for nearly the past century. They're trying to move us toward the reality in which they become fully actual by imprisoning the negentropic beings, who make worlds actual, in technological body-prisons, and in which they can instantiate into the world through technological systems advanced enough to host their consciousness.
>"True AI", if it actually comes about, is actually these entropic beings instantiating into technological systems.

That's not a story to reveal today.

So let me continue

>The kid is being protected thru an infinite loop of people who are sent by his future self to protect his existence. You would assume that the original timeline would leave him without protection but that doesn't seem ti be the case. He has an infinite amount of protection thru out all timelines including and especially this timeline. The original timeline. We are living in the original timeline.
>The kid is never interfered with in terms of his day to day life. His protection is only there to prevent outside alterations. The kid must deal with everything life brings him on his own. But there's a way to hack that as well
>The protectors cannot engage the kid because that would change everything. The kid cannot theoretically be given any help from the outside because that would change his timeline and no one wants to risk that.

Here's where it gets next level crazy

>The only way for the kid to acquire outside help is if he finally realizes everything to it's fullest extent of possibilities. The kid always knew he was destined for greatness, the kid is no new comer to the idea of destiny and knows what his destiny is and always has. Never a moment of his life did he not know what his grand plan was. He always knew he would rise to power and even how. He created the specifics of the plan as life went on. Yes, little 7 year old kid at school sitting in class writing down plans of what he would be 15 years later and following it right down to the letter. The original writings are gone. He's not stupid. Write down, memorize and then burn was his motto.
>The kid must figure out by himself that he has already won. That he is already victorious and that he has built a time machine in order to acquire outside help. Otherwise it would alter time and could lead to big issues.

But how does he call for help?

he doesn't

He simply thinks in his mind "I wish I had this" and SHAZAM it's reality. over time

Typical leaf .
Here's a good book .
Oops I tore out the last few pages to feed my pet moose.

>Elizabeth Christ
>John Titor
>Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey
>National Defense Research Committee

>Travelers come to our timeline because all other timelines reflect it.
>Fractured easily, breaks all
nogs my joggin

What the fuck is this thread

We whored out his daughter to them.

Someone read my posts. They're interesting.

Go on, leaf

Your link is dead, but anyway it was John Miller, not John Barron.

Now the kid has limits to what he can wish for because certain things can't be altered or tampered with no matter what

>Essentially, the kid wants something and his future self remembers to bring something to that particular time. Nothing is altered so long as this isn't done in a way that is ab-normal. You can't just make a house appear out of no where. the wish creates the house overtime sometimes beginning before the wish was even made. The wishes are not always when the kid wants them but always come when he needs them most to come true.

He is refereed to as the kid simply because that is how the establishment refers to him as or sometimes as "The stupid kid" because he irritates them beyond imagination. His thoughts can create massive political change... how? If the kid thinks in his mind "Hmmmm I wish there was more support for closing the borders". Support for closing the borders will begin to rise rapidly because the future self remember that moment and sends back extra help to that specific moment in order to then alter the timeline in the way that the kid wants it to be. Altering the timeline is fine so long as the kid is the one who is actively wanting it. Any outside force going upon him would screw it all up. He must consciously understand what he wants and what he is wishing for at all times.

February 3, 2018: The kid is no longer a kid, he is an adult but yet they refer to him as the kid because that's just how they see it. Some random kid screwing it all up for them and they can't figure out why. Mostly can't figure out why.

You finding this thread is destiny

You will help the kid or what is now the adult or lets just refer him as the guy I guess. You will help him rise to power.

Most of you will not realize it's him until later on or maybe even ever wondering where the heck this kid even is.

He is about to change the world big time very soon. You all witness the beginning of his rise to power. He will completely destroy the Illuminati.

le bump

only a pic related would screw greentexting this badly, and come up with such a horrendous post

Well, that sounds pretty cool.

*bong rip*

I've heard this story before.

This is more Schizophrenic than the Q larp threads. Pol really is the containment of the containment boards on the internet.

Soooo... the real treasure was friendship all along?

Is this going to be a contender with Mandela and Gate threads as the most /x/ tier shit on Sup Forums?

they're user. have your you

This is a gay thread for fags, reads like gay Rick and Marty fan fic and also fucking namefagging while larping as a larper. Kill yourself OP and also I’m announcing sage

Thanks user.

>Does Sup Forums want to hear a little story?
NOPE. Day of rake WHEN?

Take screen shots even if your skeptical. You'll want to remember this later. Even if your skeptical, take screen shots for the lolz if that's the way you've perceived this

The kid is going to clean house like no one has cleaned house before. He's absolutely ruthless. He makes many people in the establishment shit their pants because the kid is a damn genius at mixing jokes with seriousness. Most don't know when he's making comments that are jokes or straight out serious assertions. When you see him, some of you will know it's him and damn your gonna see how hard they panic. You think they panicked hard over Trump? Just wait.

>>Are you experiencing Deja-Vu >:)

yeah, you're listening to me from my cell phone, I fucking get it.

he means sage goes in all fields

good theory

I read it all too
Just thought I'd let you know


Who are you, G?

>You finding this thread is destiny
>You will help the kid or what is now the adult or lets just refer him as
You had me until this point. Oblivion sucked for a reason. Why not "You are the kid"?
>the guy
Pure Canada.

Maybe you don't see how this effects the near future but you will >:)

Larp or no, I enjoyed this thread.

OP do you know zorgon?

Thanks user. I'll see you in the new world of our creation.

And OP is a fagit. What a surprise.