/ptg/ Healthy and Balanced Edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>The Memo

>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart DC for Mar-A-Lago 2/2/18
>Pres Trump meets w/NoKo defectors @WH 2/2/18
>Pres Trump @CBP Roundtable on Immigration 2/2/18
>Devin Nunes on Fox 2/2/18
>Some Mooch interviews 2/2/18
youtu.be/mQgZAb-zaCw (KTLA)
youtu.be/xZBP5tWEhVs (Daily Wire)
>VP Pence Arrives in Pittsburgh PA 2/2/18
>SoS T-Rex Presser w/MEX+CAN FMs 2/2/18
>SoS T-Rex Q&A @UoT 2/2/18
>SoS T-Rex arrives in MEX 2/2/18
>UnderDefSec Shanahan Nuclear Posture Review 2/2/18
>UnderSoS Shannon on Nuclear Posture Review 2/2/18
>UnderSoS Shannon @Duke U 2/2/18
>UN Amb Haley @Congressional Inst 2/2/18
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on Burma 2/2/18
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on NoKo 2/2/18
>This Week @State 2/2/18
>HHSDep Video: Officer Ryan Holets 2/2/18
>IntDep Video: Promises Kept 2/2/18
>Pres Trump @RNC meet (cutoff) 2/1/18
>Pres Trump @GOP retreat 2/1/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:


>waiting for new thread to say goodnight





Good morning awoos


>Waiting for new thread to get (you)s

>doesn't say goodnight
>doesn't check
Who will hang tho?

not it

nn fren


>draw a girl
>remove tits
>call it a boy
It's shit like this that proofs 2 nukes weren't enough

I nee... oh shit it’s Saturday no Joe

Best part of the weekend tbqhaffam

where is she these days?

Joe has time to bake, no worries

Goodnight /ptg/

I'm late for work!

>draw girl
>add benis

much like Mooch knew Bannon was a media whore because it takes one to know one, Wolff knows Joe and Mika are Beltway whores just like him


Someone was asking last night too. No one seems to know. Hell, I don't even know her real name

Me because I didn't say nn.

You fix your truck?

Do you guys know of any prophecies about America?

He also said Mika was dumb as a rock, neurotic, crazy, an idiot and bleeding from her face by saying this

Fucking ruined
No really that's disgusting

I wish I knew her name at least

Say your prayers, user. Pence is laready on his way to you.

Sure did.

What was wrong with it?

Here's one

“I don't see much future for the Americans ... it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities ... my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance ... everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?”

>I wish I knew her name at least
google jumpsuitedmonster

>Jew scared that the uniparty is losing across the western world to nationalist populists
gave me a boner

There was that guy giving prophecy sermons about Trump from years ago that are on youtube. No one is sure if they're legit though.


Russia h@xxed it

How can one man be so right about literally everything?


>>Jew scared that the uniparty is losing across the western world to nationalist populists
Aside from Trump that's simply not true. EU puppets are being elected everywhere because their people are fucking retarded.

>read the memo
>any intelligent person who isn't brain damaged by politics or is not leaning so far left that they forget what is truth and lies can understand this memo
>the democrats/far left progressives/media biased panic and try to make this about the republicans being assholes to the DOJ/FBI
>Obama appointees doing all the dirty work
>spying on opposition teams
>for years
>yet the only narrative is " PUTIN IS HAPPY CUZ WE DIVIDED thanks drumph"

Anyone with half a brain cell that functions, who is open minded to the memo, or anyone looking to do their own research in to this memo or ask for more information should ask questions about how the DOJ/FISA/FBI do investigations on private citizens.

Anyone who says that the dossier says nothing are brain dead fuckwits. The entire DNC lacks common sense to investigate its own people, and yet how some of the mouth breathing fucks who are so far left in government positions get there is beyond me. Like sheep the Democrats use claims that wwould make a normal person give up trying to fight such blasphemies and heretical narratives, and yet Trump is going to survive 8 years of this bullshit.

If this memo, and the Demoshits verson comes to light as well, we will see who is the liar and who is telling the truth. Usually the democrats waste more time blowing smoke up the ass off their constituents and getting money from ((( Bankers ))) to make poor people rely on them more.

How the fuck do we save people from this when they are so brain dead due to the constant emotional narratives?
and "progressive/commie" ways.

>France has threatened not to trade with America

>"weakening of democrat institutions"

so they're going to stick with the narrative that Trump won illegitimately? For fucks sake we have proof the Democrat party was using the FBI and DOJ to wiretap Trump during the election.

you can blame Ashley Feinberg for these tweets since she is the one who doxxed his private Twitter account and is why he ended up going verified and started tweeting poetry and now overt political material that is going to lead to a book he is currently working on that will eat a newscycle in the future.

Muh nipon

Havn't watched it in years so I don't remember what it talks about exactly or if its any good.

Anyone else here /California/?

Bakersfield reporting in.

>muh feminine penis
Come out of the closet already.

San Jose reporting in.

Irvine here. Why did winter only last 2 days this year? I fucking hate this state.

Even on his fate

>their people are fucking retarded.
not even true, the uniparty is losing influence and the people are desperate for their political systems to open up for a candidate like Trump to show up. It's a matter of power and influence than elections in the long term
it's worse than that, Trump's election proves that the reason the uniparty and MSM worship democracy is because they control it, a weakening of those institutions means a weakening of their control of countries. They're proving that our nations are corrupt and need anti-democratic government forces to undo it all. Trump seems to be the big wake up call to them that they can't control every election that takes place.

((( )))

checked and night

>FBI & DOJ must keep doing what they do
>even if they use corrupt or faked evidence

Is astolfo truly best girl?

When she isn't an made into a fat udder slob

>How the fuck do we save people from this when they are so brain dead due to the constant emotional narratives?
>and "progressive/commie" ways.
At this point, you don't. If they haven't at least come to the center it's safe to write them off as intellectual dead weight. I was a fucking bluepilled leftist retard myself years ago, but I still came around well in time for Trump. If the past few years alone haven't shaken someone out of their stupor, nothing will. It's four god damn pages of raw truth and they'd still rather get their opinion from some bloggers or some panel of kikes on CNN or MSNBC


Well, it's impossible for the Democrats to divide America even if they are corrupt and use illegal methods to gain FISA warrants.

>Russia h@xxed it
I'll assume that means a belt snapped.

That guy on reddit

I found her

>Anyone else here /California/?

>implying you're actually /California/ yourself
I bet the only people dumb enough to post here from California are the white trash descendants of okie immigrants during the dust bowl

Radiator hose blew..

>the uniparty is losing influence

Yeah, and your options to vote from are super left or mild left. Face it, Europe is completely fucked unless one of your countries rises up and tells the EU to fuck off. It looked like Brexit was going to start it, but that seems to have fizzled and your people are just going to keep doing the bidding of your EU masters.

On my big dick

Is this the most pro-Trump place on the Internet? Or is it The_Donald?


>Or is it The_Donald?

More like The_Cuckold

Oh yes, yes, radiation is very important to an engine. Very important indeed.

The_Donald seems to follow e-celebs more than Trump himself

Did you forget that it's the most populous state?

We have to recapture the MSM somehow, or destroy them and replace them with something better.
Honestly if it weren't for the power of MEMES the enemy would have thoroughly won already by monopoly of influence alone.

Most normies are simply deaf to anything but the NARRATIVE being projected by the AUTHORITY. Nothing else.

"By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise"

t. Your favorite Fuher

Germany is working against us more.

Macron seems to be obsessed with Trump and trying to please him though.

This is a contrarian place, currently being pro western civilization is the most contrarian stance.

This section of Goebbels last speech always gets me
>Within a few years after the war, Germany will flourish as never before. Its ruined landscapes and provinces will be filled with new, more beautiful cities and villages in which happy people dwell. All of Europe will share in this prosperity. We will again be friends of all peoples of good will, and will work together with them to repair the grave wounds that scar the face of our noble continent. Our daily bread will grow on rich fields of grain, stilling the hunger of the millions who today suffer and starve. There will be jobs in plenitude, the deepest source of human happiness, from which will come blessing and strength for all. Chaos will vanish. The underworld will not rule this part of the world, but rather order, peace, and prosperity.
>If the enemy powers had their way, humanity would drown in a sea of blood and tears. War would follow war and revolution would follow revolution, finally destroying the last remnants of a world that was once beautiful and lovely, and that will be so again.
>being a black pilled faggot and relying on the status quo being permanent to be black pilled
yeah and Weimar Germany will last forever too mate, Hitler only got 2% of the vote

no, that exists already

real gookmoot hours begins

#MeToo doesn't apply to trannies apparently

The_Donald are actual cultists, locked in permanent cheerleading mode
Doesn't get much worse than that

Macron is still doing the bidding of the EU. He should let France vote to leave the EU, then he might clean house of the sand niggers.

>yeah and Weimar Germany will last forever too mate, Hitler only got 2% of the vote
The Jews have understood the most effective way to eternally rule over Goyim is to make them less intelligent and more divided against each other. (White genocide)

oh really? what about all of the sessions dicksucking that goes on around here, or the paranoia anytime anyone says "We"?

left eating their own

>Is this the most pro-Trump place on the Internet? Or is it The_Donald?
Bill Mitchell's Twitter account and YourVoice thingy is probably the most pro-Trump place that exists since the guy is in love (not loves, in love) with Trump and will defend every single thing no matter what. His entire career and relevance is based on Trump.

>Did you forget that it's the most populous state?
Only because we've taken every other state's "poor, tired, and hungry" or whatever it is.

>Alt-right hype up Bannon
>Caused problems everywhere

>Alt-right hype up Sessions
>Backstabs trump repeatedly.

Is it safe to say anyone that kikebart shills talk up shouldn't be trusted?

It's like a city of retards was sealed off for decades, endlessly parroting the same exhaustedly stale memes to one another as they exchange upvotes.

Some say to this day they still refer to themselves as "pedes"

>sessions worship here

kek I remembered when he was accused as a fag who still lives with his momma

no, the kikebart comment section is absurdly based

kikebart is a controlled opposition from kikesrael

>#MeToo doesn't apply to trannies apparently
Rose McGowan got into a fight with a tranny at a Barnes and Noble recently which is going to cause a shitstorm in that movement


We have enough shills, ironic shitpost shills and smug contrarians that this place isn't a complete echochamber. Hell, you guys are whining about Sessions so yeah this place is hardly a hivemind.
I mean have you actually been to The_Donald?

Daily reminder that the alt-right is and always has been controlled opposition.

if it was then r/politics wouldnt go fucking nuclear at its slightest mention

until you name the jew there and suddenly they go full 1488
