well, Sup Forums?
well, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Paul has been a faggot soygoy for years and yet autists still worship him
That's some good 31 minutes of demonetized content
pjw is jewish
this guy seriously thought it was a good idea to show his face. I lasted 8 seconds.
That guy looks like his diet is 100% soy
learn to edge if you want to masturbate for longer
what a soyboy
this lmao
Please stop posting your content here
, Joseph.
>PJW sites blog posts about a 1940s study as his source
Hbomb proving once again how retarded the alt-right is
This chick’s husband is a badass with cooking
>A 31 minute video of a soulless ginger screeching about soy
no thank you I can go to Sup Forums for that
PJW is based.
This redhead is a literal soyboy faggot. It looks like his mom still reads him a story before tucking him into bed.
So does PJW
based magapedes! am I right goyim?
high estrogen makes your features soft because it causes you to store more fat
Not sure why Sup Forums would dislike PJW. Not so alt right are you, huh.
How can a jew be a soygoy?
>actual gaylord says soyboi isn't real
the irons.
Pjw comes straight out of /r9k/ have you seen that video where he whines that man get hated and shamed in public. Cringeworthy
PJW is such a soyboys insecure beta cuck. H. bomberguy is funny even if he's a homo
>they know that beans are the reason why leftists think what they believe, it can't be because of all the evidence.
Stopped watching there.
>Soyboys are still butthurt about PJW laughing about soy
fucking cringe. look at the titles of his other videos. and that lispy, spitting thing that many soyboys do when they speak... gas gas gas
>smug leftist who think he's always right about everything
I only watched one minute of this shit and I already knew exactly the type of person he is.
>make banter video about soy
>soyboys get mad
He looks and talks like a degenerate feminized weak loser leftist soyboy.
More like
>be the physical incarnation of soy
>soy screech for 31 minutes
>eat grass
>use retarded /fit/ personalities as dumb goy examples
starting the video, and seeing what he looked like said plenty of his diet.
As a vegan, I rolled my eyes when I saw the video and moved on with my life. It just comes up because he hbomb did a video.
You seem really desperate in the search of liberal tears
>i went to the doctor to check my testosterone levels and the results showed i had above-average testosterone levels
>third highest voted comment
>peter coffin
>ultimate soyboy cuck nu-male faggot
>one of the soyboy meme's major targets
>twitter full of posts about him loving soy
He sure showed le alt-right didn't he?
Everyone spam hmuslim on twitter with soyboy memes
He didn't lift his shirt to show his soy boobs.
PJW is a hired goon, his job was to parrot what was said by the alt right, but he vehemently hates the alt right at the same time, PJW didn't even want to be a Youtuber, Alex Jones forced him to do it as his job. PJW is a parasite, just like Sargon. Sup Forums should hate PJW for taking your talking points then stabbing you in the back.
Has he expressed support for mudshits? Wouldn't surprise me, as most youtube leftist e-celebs have.
It's pretty obvious that you are a burger. Because you know only two labels. Left/right, Democrats/Republicans etc, even though in the USA its all the same neoliberal bullshit
I was just making a bomber joke
Soy Boy defends Soy Boys. I stopped watching after 10 seconds.
Lol Peter Coffin has a big tittied wife. What a cuck am I right?
Lol why do these fuckers always take memes so seriously?
the guy in the video is whiter than you will ever be, mutt. how does that make you feel?
Jesus Christ the alt-right are all mentally ill children. FFS. Are you even human??
Just trying to cull the soy bruce, no reason to get defensive
Even more amusing considering the "average" has dropped massively over the past 2 decades.
>Even more amusing considering the "average" has dropped massively over the past 2 decades.
Yup basing health on the average is a slippery slope. Just saying that something is normal for the time we are in doesn't mean it should be the normal.
>studies show testosterone levels are basically immeasurable
>studies show soy both increases and decreases testosterone levels
>you can only trust studies
thanks for the 31 minutes of not coming to a conclusion
He's a leftist, at best he has some vague "opposition" to mass third world immigration but is secretly for it as he understands low IQ blacks/browns will go onto vote for the anti-traditionalist/nationalist party monalithically
Has anybody here ever bought Info war product?
At best he is center left, at least his videos are.
>falling for the meme
Would be pretty sad desu
We necer claimed to be alt kikes.
He uses terms like "people of color" and refers to regular conservative youtubers as crypto-Nazi's/fascists etc.
Also defends antifa
He is a far-leftist
Anglokike Watson has bitch tits and he's not even fat. How the hell is that possible.
"The Scots are all drug addicts." - Paul Joseph Watson
When is Sup Forums going to realize British-Anglos are a bunch of Jewish gatekeepers.
This damage control.
I bought the InfoWars Fleshlight. I guess they got an 99% accurate mold of PJW's butthole, which I though was quite nice...
Until I ruined it!
Look how anaemic Hbomber's eyes are, guy looks like he's deeply in pain and his liver is failing
I don't even know who this guy is. His video format is outdated and clicked out of the video after 10 minutes. It's so 2014.
why are soyboys so mad about being called out on what they are.
they take facts as insults
He is like 80% soy
Most Jews are actually just cattle for the 10%. Only about 40% of Jews (USA) make over $120k / year and those not in that group are useful idiots to support the cause.
They are like jews
Call them gay call them a fag amd it wont touch them but if you call them soyboy they will shrink "ive been found out"
Your view might be skewed. Fighting against Fascism isn't something only the left would do. Anyone except fascist fight against fascism. Even people on the "right". There is more to politics than just left/right
Don't fall for the memes on this board
Use hooktube faggot
Paul Watson plagiarizes content verbatim from so called "extreme right" outlets while criticizing them for naming the Jew at the same time. Nothing new here... same old co-opting methods we've been monitoring.
Q: "Hey Paul, what do you think about the Jews running most of these subversive organizations and international banks?"
PJW: "I see no evidence of that."
Hello Rabbi
This damage control.
But Antifa are communist/anarchist and pretending otherwise is being intellectually dishonest.
It's clear from his videos he is a crypto-communist like Contra-points who is his friend(a self-admitted communist).
Same thing with that Shaun & Jen faggot.
Knock Out is pretty good
Damage control kicking into high gear.
I think he was asked specifically about the global conspiracy and not if they do run the banks and media, because they do it's common knowledge
That guy actually looks like the quintessential soyboy.
Pretty sure he's a socialist
He sits there with his bloodshot eyes, all physically and mentally effeminately weak with the cuckold posture as he gapes his soy mouth open as if he were to ingest a black man's freshly milked semen and sings "SOY TO THE WORLD THE SOY HAS COME"
>31 minutes
no nigger, you really expect me to watch all that shit.. by you?
He's balding, skinny neck, no jawline, manboobs, wide hips, pudgy tummy, skinny arms, and has anemic eyes.
Grass contains high amounts of manganese and with starch can be made into a bread. It can be used in an emergency until you find small prey or wildflowers or vegetables to eat, although if you're in such a situation you probably don't know what you can eat in an area or how to obtain it.
Also don't use toothpaste as it contains diatoms who's shells contain silica which can permanently damage teeth.
I bought brain force+ and it increased my IQ by 200 points. Now I can finally defend Trump against those SJW faggots. MAGA!
Well if he's jewish you would know right ?
You should take faggots out of there. A Magapede would never insult BASED gays. Use cucks instead.
worse, he's a sodomite
Infowars is cringey boomer-tier shit
Idk how we prevent the right-wing from being overran by these faggots
There isn't. Popularity for our movement is necessary, yet it will always invite cringe inducing faggots along with it.
I use Alpha Load, it does what it says it does
All this faggot does is repeat Sup Forums posts back at you.
You're a bunch of fucking faggots if you listen to any youtuber or anyone elses opinions.
Fucking think for yourselves you utter cunts.
Did you even watch the video you drongo, it's not PJW its a soyboi.
Did you watch the video? It's not a PJW video and also the faggot said exactly what you said at the end of the video. You have the same thought process and come to the same conclusion as a faggot soyboy.
Not an argument, only a fallacy (poisoning the well).