Faggots must be put in their place

I move that we ban faggotry from Sup Forums, keep all rate my dick threads, shemales, and so on in the /lgbt/ room.

The faggots are out of control posting dicks on all rooms without consequence.

There needs to be a porn room to separate the gays from the straights.

Sick of seeing cocks on 90% of posts.

Gays are a cancer that have been killing Sup Forums for years and the jewcuck overlords are doing nothing about it.

Fuck that shit.

I move that we get serious about separating the gays into their own porn rooms, and fucking off out of Sup Forums.

>Inb4 some faggot tries to claim Sup Forums was always gay when it wasn't til all the faggots joined.

>Also, Earth is flat. I'm a pirate, so I know.
>You people are not upside down right now.

Other urls found in this thread:


flat earth is a glowinthedarknigger psyop
saw the same shit pulled right after the 9/11 attacks..
go fuckyourself for your shilling

why don't you just break the dome?

>Listens to mainstream media.
One thinks I'm a shill, one thinks there is a dome.


Research flat Earth and work out what is truth.
Stop believing mainstream news headlines.


I think it's moar like this

Yeah honestly

That's because you are slow.



user please join me forum.tfes.org/index.php?topic=8662.0

And just what do you expect Sup Forums to fucking do about it?

Oh, and the mods are faggots. That might be the reason pics of big black cocks don't get pruned on Sup Forums as fast as others.


Your site is part of the shill squad.
I will never visit FES.

IFERS is the only real flat earth society site.

>amerilards don't understand gravity
this is 6th grade shit, cmon now hahaha


Everything makes more sense if you consider the Earth to be flat.

The Dino extinction, for example... how would a meteor be big enough to kill all the dinosaurs, but not big enough to purturb the Earth's so-called "orbit". No normal spherical-earth earthquake is capable of flinging a t-Rex into space...


Ifers is the international flat earth research society - the real group.

The flat earth society however, is a shill group that spread disinformation.

Do not get IFERS mixed up with FES.

Dinosaurs are not real.
It's another hoax just like evolution and the globe.
>Once again, jesus and god are also not real.


I'm done here.

Find our FE group on FB at "The non religious flat earth truth movement" or check out >ifers.123.st/

99% of other sites are full of misinformation meant to confuse you and turn you away.

> dinosaurs not real
> evolution not real

This is science denial. Of course the dinosaurs were real. That's why we found their bones buried.

> dinos get flung into space
> dinos fall back down
> they die
> dust settles and their bodies get buried
> we dig them up 65 million years later.

Why didn't mammals go extinct, I hear you ask? Because pregnant mammals protected their young in their wombs, and the babies were able to crawl out after they fell back to earth. Dinos on the other hand laid eggs... what happens to eggs when you drop them?... they crack and break.

If you believe the earth is flat, you are dumb

The earth is flat if you believe its not flat your just another sheep




Wooooooah! Halfway there! Wooa-oooah! Living on a pear!

because that breaks the roman gregorian star graffiti and causes the heavens to fall with judgement on fat Mars1 candidate deluded about the futures reality.

Say it with me and Jesus:

A Cross the Earth
A Round the globe

Maps are 2d. The Earth is flat when it comes to practical applications like geo political risk games. To divide and conquer starts with 1d dot cities, star triangulated azimuth grids to calculate position based on X, Y, Z shift at set times (sunset, sunrise) between observation charts at two cities turned into 2d road via calculus derivatives Then comes 3d topography which is surveyor work using basic 3d cone geometry for hills and peaks using the sun to gauge height by extrapolating time to distance yet again.

The earth is flat for all imaginative intents and creative purposes

took a pic of you and your round earthers. Why so mad that flat earthers are right? Its pretty much proven the earth is flat

>'took a pic of you'
>'so mad'
>'pretty much proven'
>meme flag
you're trying just a little too hard there friendo

>whats that saying?
never go full retard
>once you go down you cant go back
>eggs crack

FE serves a purpose to those with the power level to wield it but what you spewed is math and scientifically illiterate


FML Proofreading

Isn't some dude gonna launch himself into space today? To prove that the earth is flat