Chicano Park
San Diego, California 92113
911 + 23
(((Bordertown Patriots Inc.)))
Chicano Park
San Diego, California 92113
911 + 23
(((Bordertown Patriots Inc.)))
Other urls found in this thread:
They're gonna try and pin it on Sup Forums
"far right" so CIA agents larping as alt right while fighting against "antifa"
Yea im pretty sure Trump would know about this
No. This is a deep state false flag.
They are trying to start a civil war in order to stop Trump from draining the swamp.
He prob has agents reporting on shit like this. I doubt hes in the dark
No you fucking moron. The deep state just tried to kill 200 congressmen on a fucking train by derailing it. Israel is trying to stop trump from exposing their hands in everything. This has Israeli false flag all over it.
That's the park below Coronado Bridge isn't it? Fucking shit hole.
Nigga what?
No idea. All I know is that this has false flag written all over it. If it's by coronado bridge that means that it's by a military base. If that's the case and the other user in this thread is saying Trump knows about this staged false flag, then that means that they're gonna try to pin this operation on Trump.
The fucking WHITE TRASH TRUCK on the railroad right next to charlottesville that a train collided with the day after the state of the union?
Ok dude. Im not a faggot who calls everything a LARP. Its obvious you seen some patterns which lead to the occult world.
Who created this meet up or whatever it is?
And if there is a shooting and its a (((liberal))) (((defending))) (((themselves))) we need to write a notice to all local and federal government stating that because we are a free people we will open and concealed carry as we please. And we will issue police a statement saying to no infringe on our rights as a free people any longer. We can not afford to have only the police force armed to protect the public. We can do much better with a faithful implementation of the second amendment and self regulation.
Cops obviously need our help to change the bullshit orders and laws they will get fired for not obeying.... Is /pol big enough to get the police themselves to see the truth that they are the strong arm of a domestic enemy of the people when they arrest people for marijuana or building without a permit on your own land, or walking around with a sword or sidearm..... We have natural born rights that allow all of these things to happen freely, just get cops to see that, if they choose to ignore once again then there is no excuse for their violence to go unopposed
Did you write this in google translate?
Yes, I was stationed there. It's in between two bases. The main base (dry side and wet side) and across the bridge is Coronado base where the carriers are. This park is literally under the bridge, and covered in graffiti. We were told to stay away because of spic gangs. Both bases are within walking distance.
no wrote it in 30 seconds
You think god emperor isnt 10steps ahead. 88d chess my nigga
What a cohencidence. Im so sick of these false flags. This has Charlottesville 2.0 written all over it.
Nothing will happen... Trump has shit on lockdown, insider user confirmed
Correction, Coronado base WOULD be in walking distance if you could walk across the base. Anyway, here's a picture. Like I said, literally under the bridge. Probably 10-15 minute walk from the main base.
walk across the bridge*
Jesus Christ Ray Slaughter is either HIGHLY autistic or an AI. OR setting Sup Forums up.. (((They))) want this place gone senpai. This is how (((they're))) gunna do it... and by (((THEY))) I mean UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE (the people in charge of demonizing litterally anything threatening) . Shoudnhave ever shown the power level of Sup Forums publicly.. ya dun goofed by making what we did to Shia Le Blown The Fuck out public. SCREEN CAP.. THIS IS A BOARD OF PEACE. THIS LITTLE MEXICAN PICNIC IS NOT AFFILIATED IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM WITH Sup Forums . AND NEITHER IS THAT KIKE GROUP "BORDER TOWN PATRIOTS"
someone forgot to take his meds today...
>meme flag
fuck off shill
ok, schizo
Do your duty, anons. America is a nation of laws.
this thread is pure mental illness
Stop u dumb kike, sperging MUH ISRAEL does ZERO.. Look into who started the page, the group itself.. try to doxx these niggers before something happens. ALL AUTISM should be focused on denouncing and dozing every FB member of that group. And Publicly saying Sup Forums has zero to do with any of this
summoning earthquake and rain for San Diego.
Behold the true power! No false flags for evil.
Smiting is on.
Honestly, how hard would it be to get a bunch of Military to LARP in a park and have the media cover it as a melee?
you realize doxing is against the rules on this site right? no personal army requests? fucking moron.
You mean MOSSAD
You post like a KIKE. 25 MUH ISRAEL posts.. lol stfu
Are white people not allowed in the park, or something?
Half of the replies in this thread are just this faggot spamming "false flag", actually more then half
Nobody's "Requesting" anything.. KIKE. And I'm my own "army". All I'm saying is IF Sup Forums is so worried about who these "Actors" might be, go check who they are, they're right in FB. For all you know every FB poster in that group could be AI talking back n forth
Is our back-stabbing friend and treacherous ally Israel going 2 do another 9/11 False Flag against the USA?
As someone who lives in san diego people get stabbed there and shit and homeless are rampant. Mexicans consider it to be a "La Raza" type center for "culture" and if that's true then it's hilariously ironic because it's simply empty and depraved, full of abandoned lots, and hideous graffiti.
So what else is new?
Don't people know we're a board of peace ?
I'm not a kike you fucking lunatic. Do you call everyone who disagrees with you a kike? Motherfucker I bleed aryan blood
So some Mexicans get beat up, killed or deported, and some fat slob FBI militia goys go to jail. So what
They only have 108 followers
I'll show u ARYAN blood nigger. My birthday is 1488...
pic related
Wtf is a false flag?
Sounds like a shit place to hold a picnic desu. Even though they're civnats I hope nothing bad happens to them, it's astounding to me that people are mobilizing against it in the media etc. California sure ain't what it was when I lived there a lifetime ago. Being an Encinitas teen in the 80s was great.
This reminds me of the time some CIA nigger plowed into a crowd of antifa at Charlottesvile
The Dodge Charger(car he was driving manufacturer had twitter with something strange on it just before it happened.
Roadkill nights
predictive programming.
All this proves is how dumb you are for posting that kind of shit. Lay off the meth.
A flag that exists in your mind
Why do you think all the threads about civil war were all over Sup Forums today?
>Why do you think all the threads about civil war were all over Sup Forums today?
Ah, so if they shoot themselves in the foot they could just claim we we're housing extremists all along because we had like a gazillion threads spammed?
This is incredibly jewish
they need a distraction to stop trump from being able to drain the swamp. The media will waste all their oxygen on this story. MSNBC had someone calling for a revolution yesterday ON AIR.
This is all predictive programming.
A liberals last resort at hurting feelings.. awwwwwwwwww
Atleast I can post occultism numerical proof I am THE NEXT Hitler none of you have ever heard about yet. I've appeared online a few times only in person... I am the next great leader. Narcissistic, CHARISMATIC, and SOCIOPATHIC... NOW POST PROOF YOUR ARYAN KIKE BOY SHILOCK
hahahahaha holy shit
Oyyyvey ANUDDAH SANDY HOOK FB group kek
Does it look like I'm laughing?
You're just a retarded mossad shill
No, I'm a NewEnglander laying in bed with one hand on my dick and one hand trying to save Sup Forumss life from REAL MOSSAD
No. You're Mossad. kys faggot. You won't be able to pin this on Sup Forums now.
Just admit it, you're CIA and that FB page is probably yours
He's not CIA. He's Mossad. This is an ISRAELI false flag.
They'll all hang the same
Oh Jesus Christ.
I really wanna stop this from even happening
Nigger, I'm literally trying to help by pointing out weird shit about the group. now I made the group. Kinda hard to make a group on FB when your banned from a platform.
The false flag or hanging traitors?
Cuz hanging traitors sounds like almost as good a time as election night
The false flag.
holy fuck is that rabbi actually defending the whites?!?!?!
Navy SEALs are nearby as well.
aye senpai
i wish we could stop them all
It's always in a jew's interest to fund both sides of a conflict.
They've done this "Picnic" thing before
Perfectly timed too.
>>Top Kek
Nothing will happen
hopefully only a soy bomb
>we are civic nationalists
wtf no we're not