What the hell is her problem. 5 times in 2017 and now in 2018 she does it again. Bush hasn't been POTUS for 9 years.
Confused nancy pelosi calls trump bush for the 6th time
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Alzheimer is very sad thing.
not much difference
>not much difference
too much alcohol. brain is fried.
hello shareblue
Well i have to say, that she doesn't look very healthy currently. Also when she's being interviewed or such things, constantly fumbling with her teeth idk what that's about but the more concerning thing for the democrats is that she can misname the POTUS 6 times in basically just 1 year. As she is essentially representative of the democrats. She really looks like someone who desperately needs a vacation to sort out whatever it is she is dealing with. Be it her teeth whatever is going on there but also to regain her focus. I mean she looks completely stressed out.
her eyes are losing life
During stressful times one needs to increase the stress medication.
cocaine is a vitamin that lets you drink more
Do you think that's what's going on? I mean she definitely must have enough money to fix her teeth and whatever else is going on. It's really bizarre behaviour that's going on. It's like watching a trainwreck, it's so odd that democrats aren't doing anything about it.
>Bush hasn't been POTUS for 9 years.
or OR maybe he never stopped being president. just hear me out. maybe he watched the prequel star wars movies a lot and thought that was a good idea. and regardless of elections he would give orders from behind the scenes after the election of 2008
obama didnt even get rid of bernanke or try to force pelosi out despite the fact dems wouldnt shut up about those 2 under bush. fuck he kept the white house press secretary from the bush administration for like the first year
Why do they keep trotting out this old incoherent cunt to speak to cameras?
missing with your teeth like that is a symptom of some mental disorders, i forgt what its called exactly.
>Why do they keep trotting out this old incoherent cunt to speak to cameras?
This is essentially what i'm asking too. They are not doing themselves any favours at this point. Do they really not have any better? It's horrible horrible optics and messaging at this point.
>missing with your teeth like that is a symptom of some mental disorders, i forgt what its called exactly.
Really? I just assumed she had some horrible horrible dental work done, or perhaps needs to have her teeth aligned and is too embarrased to do so.
You hardly ever see her in front of a camera without doing that a little bit for quite a while now.
Women start to dp this in their 30's.
They're on auto pilot accessing the "solve my problem name folder" in their brain.
Never heard some mom go "Stephen! Carl.... DON!... Come here Don!"
It doesn't look good.
I say they should keep wheeling her out for entertainment lulz. But seriously if this is the best they have to speak for them it says alot about the shitty state of dem party. I have a feeling the midterm elections wont be kind to them
>Never heard some mom go "Stephen! Carl.... DON!... Come here Don!"
But they're not a representative of an entire party on camera when they do that. I'm sorry but that's a terrible excuse for that behaviour, plenty of women politicians who don't do that thing at all. I'm sorry but i don't buy it.
Trip of toothiness
>I say they should keep wheeling her out for entertainment lulz. But seriously if this is the best they have to speak for them it says alot about the shitty state of dem party. I have a feeling the midterm elections wont be kind to them
I'd tend to agree.
They think their opinions and views are in majority across the country but the last election said otherwise so in response they triple down on the same old shit...fuck laws, fuck borders, forced diversity, race pimping, sexism everywhere etc these are their political strategies. They trot out old, rich, and crooked political whores like Pelosi and Schumer to spout the same old shit over and over and over. Its fucking amazing
yeah, she has kuru though.
Really makes one question her mental state.
jesus christ, is something literally eating her from the inside?
Like, wearing her as a suit?
>What the hell is her problem
she's almost 80 and whatever brains she has left obviously aren't functioning properly anymore
She's nostalgic for the days when the republican leader was a punching bag she could walk all over.
She is a fucking liar. I hope that she lives long enough to swing from her neck on the day of the rope.
>yeah, she has kuru though.
The cannibal disease, nah that manifests in shaking and spontaneous laughter as it literally eats your brain.
>Kuru is a very rare, incurable neurodegenerative disorder that was formerly common among the Fore people of Papua New Guinea. Kuru is caused by the transmission of abnormally folded prion proteins, which leads to symptoms such as tremors, loss of coordination, and neurodegeneration.
>The term kuru derives from the Fore word kuria or guria ("to shake"),[1] due to the body tremors that are a classic symptom of the disease and kúru itself means "trembling".[2] It is also known as the "laughing sickness" due to the pathologic bursts of laughter which are a symptom of the disease. It is now widely accepted that kuru was transmitted among members of the Fore tribe of Papua New Guinea via funerary cannibalism. Deceased family members were traditionally cooked and eaten, which was thought to help free the spirit of the dead.[3] Females and children usually consumed the brain, the organ in which infectious prions were most concentrated, thus allowing for transmission of kuru. The disease was therefore more prevalent among women and children.
That's clearly not what's going on here hehe.
>she's almost 80 and whatever brains she has left obviously aren't functioning properly anymore
Well whatever it is, this fiddling with her teeth and general incoherence and getting basic things wrong, doesn't look very good for her. When she was on CNN with chris cuomo, almost at any point where she was not speaking she was doing this, it was really so obvious it was like, come on stop this interview this is really bad. What the hell is going on here, it was like she was trying to make weird grimaces at chris cuomo. Almost anytime you see here on camera when she's not speaking she's doing that sort of thing.
And similar thing at trumps SOTU speech. Whenever the camera was at her almost, she would be doing that sort of thing, really weird stuff if she doesn't have dental issues. But i think actually that's probably what it is, her general incoherence with a lot of things i think is probably something else though.
Nancy will have a stroke in the next 90 days.
I've noticed that when she talks it's like she is fighting her teeth, so she ends mid syllable or says something incorrectly and corrects herself so it turns into a garbled mess and how can the dems not see how bad that looks, and then not speaking, fiddling the fuck out of her teeth with her tongue. Especially the left side.
Why is this used up hole even allowed into politics?
there is something called bruxism that can be caused by medication for mental patients, but i remember reading something about dementia pateints also doing this
because she refuses to give up the position and removing her by force due to incompetence would be sexist
>Why is this used up hole even allowed into politics?
I guess you have to ask the democrats. It's like they are on a suicide mission. Neither side has a monopoly on the truth and what is best, and neither values should rule completely over the other, but each dependent on the pragmatic situation wins the way forward. Or maybe they dislike the old hag so much that they just let her trainwreck like this. I guess i'd have to say it's a really good question.
Except the fact that Bush was a neocon war criminal globalist shill and the Don can't be accused of being any of those things just yet.
Would you?
She gets to hit you in bed with a gavel too.
>Except the fact that Bush was a neocon war criminal globalist shill and the Don can't be accused of being any of those things just yet.
And i don't think she misspoke this as some kind of a statement, it's obviously an error she quickly corrects every time she has done it. And there's all kinds of different things going on with her about this.
>They think their opinions and views are in majority across the country but the last election said otherwise so in response they triple down on the same old shit...fuck laws, fuck borders, forced diversity, race pimping, sexism everywhere etc these are their political strategies. They trot out old, rich, and crooked political whores like Pelosi and Schumer to spout the same old shit over and over and over. Its fucking amazing
This so much. The US democrats have turned into the not moderate left with those kinds of values which might be misplaced but well intentioned. but have instead veered from that, and turned deliberately and very clearly into the anti american party in no uncertain ways, in almost every single way, and if they keep this up it's going to destroy them. It's either going to destroy them or it's going to destroy the US.
Why don't these people retire in time before they start to lose it completely? It's not like she can't afford to retire. Greed etc. I guess.
Literally the rural and suburban retards’ answer to shareblue
>Trump haters getting annihilated in public
>Jimmy Kimmel literally just got hospitalized in a head on collision
It's like why are they dying on this hill, it's not fair to anyone. You need other oppinions than the right to be in politics. But they are choosing to die on this hill performing essentially seppuku, it's not fair. The right needs to retain its honesty and sharpness and pragmatism by being balanced by more soft ideas that are little to the left of them so they remain true to do going good things, and so does the left need the right for similar ways. All depending on the situation ofcourse. Instead they keep doing this.
>Literally the rural and suburban retards’ answer to shareblue
It doesn't really matter about that because the article really just links to a youtube video of her saying that. But if you want to nitpick go ahead.
I think actually what is happening is that the left have become so dishonest that their words and arguments are nonsensical, and this is why they are being destroyed so bad. And how do they help themselves, by double and trippling down on it. And who do they use, first hillary almost had a full health breakdown during the campaign, and now nancy is losing her shit. Not really doing themselves any favours but it's probably how it should be that they have become so dishonest that they are not a tempering factor in politics but a total fraud, so they need their 'face' kicked in so badly that they go back to being honest again in the future as the only way to save themselves, and then come to the table based on that. And it's happening to leftist parties in general in the west who have done similar things. overton window too far to the left, now snapping back like a spring.
it goes to show the mindset that the ossified left are stuck in.
>ossified left
I like that it's very true, they keep this up this constant insincerity and anti western attitude whilst being politicians in western nations, they're going to politically turn into a full blown ossuary. Ossuaries for those who don't know is when they ran out of grave space, they made bone cathedrals and catacombs out of them. Not as some morbid obsession just like a way to make something 'nice' out of the excess bones to deal with the mortality and pragmatically deal with the situation. And several of the ossuaries also had inscriptions like, you will be among us soon enough. A realistic perspective to that everyone their body is going to end eventually. It's going to wear out.
So they made these ossuary 'cathedrals' because the bones await the ressurection of the body, promised in christianity.