Is America the most insane country in the world?

Is America the most insane country in the world?

>this is what capitalism does to your country

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Yeah, Americans are retarded.

lol shut upf ag
ima kiss ur gf

A dyke and a tranny arguing about white privilege. No wonder whites are dying out, such a pathetic race

Tfw your insane capitalist country is 1/3rd of the entire world economy

Not the most insane, but we are a dying country. As much as I like Trump, not even he has the balls to save it

>le money is all that matters

Americans are the master race

Even at our worst, we’re still the best

>As much as I like Trump, not even he has the balls to save it
Watch out these t_d faggots might call you a demoralizing shill

American's aren't a race considering literally anyone from anywhere in the globe can come here and call themselves American. It's a meaningless title.

Your antimarxist ideology will kill eventually your own country. Feels great man. Nothing better than see how degenerate ideas are spammed in American unis and mass media and how Americans promote racism, sexism, islamophilia, etc. Enjoy it :)

Suck her dick you transphobic mysoginist!

Not wasting my time watching the video give me a quick rundown.

You are mutts, that’s for sure.

Here is one more.

le 1/38 irish

Yes, and the Alt Right is retarded for ignoring this. The Alt Right will defend American principles and ignore reality. America was insane from the beginning. The Alt Right are just as bad as Sargon et al.

>le 56% female = woman

Genetic mutt = sexual identity mutt amirite?

It's a tie between USA and UK

Unlimited debt spending is not capitalism. Its debt - which is the complete opposite

and all our currencies are printed in central banks, which have nothing to do with capitalism and everything to do with communism

Insane tranny (redundant) screams at feminist about sexual assault on transpeople. Feminist calls him "sister" and says they're in this together. Tranny keeps going on about this being the "anti-Christ", is eventually escorted out. Feminist starts screaming into the microphone.

I want out of this country.

Yes. And also the highest accomplishing.

Those things are promoted by Marxist ideology you fucking retard.

The absolute state


>teach Bible instead of History
>believe in flat earth
>think the LHC can destroy the world with black holes or demon portals
>most US citizens can barely speak their own language, let alone others. Still better than full nogs
>live in a hurricane prone region, still construct their housing with cardboard
>most citizens are unable to learn math beyond basic arithmetic
>entire normie population has 3rd world tier geographical knowledge, geography is considered an autistic nerd subject
>most easily persuaded and deceived population
>significant part of population engages in reality denying, from trannies to non binary gender movements to race denial, historic revisionism and coverup of rape and murder. People go missing, drop dead suddenly, shoot 50 people with no prior history of violence, nobody questions anything
>significant part of the population are blind to the smear campaign that Trump faced whereas it is blatantly obvious to the rest of the world that the MSM is under DNC control
>highest external debt in the world, 17 trillion, more than the second, third and fourth owe combined
Yeah, I'd wager the average American is considerably dumber than the average citizen of any other 1st world country


Elon Musk Sells 15,000 Gun Shaped Propane Torches in 48 Hours*

I don't give a shit what those faggot redditors say, if you can't even criticize the President when he makes stupid decisions then you're no better then a libfag. President isn't a monarch. Either way, when Obama got elected in 2007 our nation officially marked the beginning of our downfall and nothing can change it now

>1976323000000 pounds debt
>80% of your GDP
>31742 pounds per citizen
>54596 pounds per taxpayer
But some how you are still better than Amerimutts.

>When the left starts to fight among itself

Cause they can afford it.
Will you mind nuking yourselves at some point?

Too bad for you commiecuck, the oldest central bank was Bank of Sweden, established in 1668.

LOL. This is unnecessarily touchy!

Did I say "UK is better than America"?
Please show me where I said that.
I did say:
>ALL our currencies are printed in central banks
which included UK.
Every country operates in the same way and are equally fucked. If one fails they all fail. Its a system of international communism.

Please read and understand before sperging. Snowflakes need to fuck off.

Spain has 46 millions inhabitants while in USA live over 300 million people, also USA's area is almost 20 times bigger than Spain, are you fucking retarded?

I'm completely against communism. You failed to understand a single thing in my post


Yes - Im aware Sweden has the oldest central bank.
Your point?

Democracy was a mistake

so spain would need 900 million people to match our gdp
no wonder they were an islamic caliphate for like 500 years

>american race
Sure mutt, whatever you say


This is the American's favorite claim to fame - muh gdp

>Tranny sounds like Trey Parker doing a female character
>Asks what Rose McGowan has done to help trans 'women' who are in men's prisons
>Instead of Rose saying "What the fuck has that got to do with me or anything?" she instead says "Lot's of things"
>Rose now asks tranny "What have you done for women"
>Tranny replies "Lot's of things"
>Neither actually give any examples of what they have done but are just trying to out virtue signal each other over made up insignificant issues

Racism, sexism, and Islamophobia are the opposite of degenerate.

thats what the mednigger was criticizing you fucking cryptoleaf

the race war will cleanse us all

Kek you are seriously dumber than an American if you believe all of that.

I love you America but this shit with emotional support animals has to stop. Was on a flight last week with a person and their pot-bellied pig at their feet. WTF?

It's a country founded by people who sold their lives away and sometimes signed indentured servitude contracts so they could take a shitty two month boat ride to uncharted territory filled with savage natives. All this so they could go to church without being hassled.

Of course we are nuts. We are only relevant because we managed to attract equally insane Chinese and German immigrants who were here for profit rather than religion.

idk man, in Spain you can't have a political discussion because people simply disregard reality in favor of their wishful thinking, and so does 100% of the media. desu, I don't think anyone in Spain has any right to criticize other countries. Get this fucking mess cleaned up first.

Get me some

You truly are a special kind of retarded if you think insanity implies low intelligence.

You are also ignorant if you think that Americans have a lower average IQ than Ireland, Portugal or Greece, even with a massive brown underclass.

Worst of all, you call the US easily deceived while all the Euro nations you fawn over have been duped into installing socialism and importing a replacement population.

McGowan. Irish. 92 average IQ on that island today and even worse from the early immigrants to the US. It's not surprising.

The USA is propped up by sons of Germans, Scandinavians and Chinese. Despite being dragged down by the Irish and the brown, we still achieve globally.

>all these retards taking the bait like newfags
remember to sage and report bait and non political threads

Why are you celebrating losing? Are you too insecure to admit America is better? US has 6X the population and 18X the GDP. Europeans are fragile