Let's take Sweden as an example. Refugees and immigrants commit crimes. These are often gang related crime. Stop spreading hate. Ethnic swedes kill more people than immigrants. Crime is not a race issue, all races commit crimes. Muslims are the biggest victims in the world, stop with the racist propaganda. Not all Muslims or refugees are like this.
Stop making crime a race issue
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all these men would be considered white in the US.
errrrrrrrrrr how about
You've obviously realised by now that you're not going to out-breed us, and there IS going to be a war for a Ethno-Europe very soon.
what are you going to do to stop us?
What are you going to do when the already alienated police forces openly join us.
What are you going to do when our agents inside your Militaries go rogue.
What are you going to do when Europe shakes under the weight of our men marching and the cities become clogged with the blood of a million dead humans.
What are you going to do to stop it from happening ?
You cant stop it. And the clock is ticking.
nigger faggot, shitskins have no place in europe. they either leave or they will die, it's simple.
Just wait for the day of the rope, OP, you and your fellow Mahmouds are going to hang from bridges
Why are you posting some modified racist picture instead of the one from Swedish government news?
lol stop LARPing, you know that day will never come
I'm sorry reality is racist.
> Ethnic cleansing doesn't happen
You're in for a rude awakening.
>These are often gang related crime.
Yes. Like Paki rape gangs in UK. Somali hand grenade gangs in Sweden etc
>Muslims are the biggest victims in the world,
No. Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world.
>These men are not considered white in yurocuckistan
No wonder you yurocucks need black bulls to breed
Ethnic cleansing commenced by a bunch of anime watching incels won't happen
Imagine not realizing the last grenade attack was gang related. I'm sure you never read beyond what you see on Sup Forums
>Refugees and immigrants commit crimes.
If they hadn't been there, those crimes wouldn't have been committed. I care about my people, not theirs. I'm not trading one of ours for 1,000 or even 1M of theirs. fuck off.
Says the nigger using a memeflag
some of the weakest bait l have seen in awhile. sage
What about the new changes to the Swedish constitution? The one that makes revealing the race and identity of criminals illegal, with exceptions for "approved" media companies.
Doesn't sound suspicious at all, does it?
I really hope the ethnic swedes would start the killing soon, before it is too late.
>stop LARPing, you know that day will never come
Sure. From now there will be no wars except these lead by zionist. Hmm. Do you realy think that Europe will just die out? That war is European tradition. We killed each other for our whole history. And now we will stop becouse we have same enemy. All these non whites could be killed in few months. There will be war becouse muslims can't live in peace with us. They will start it or we will start it. Or we will just destroy Israel together and give muslim part of Europe as reward. But thinking that nothing will ever hapen is just foolish. There will allways be another war. It is our nature to kill each other. It may not be this year. But nothing can stop it.
>Refugees and immigrants commit crimes. These are often gang related crime.
Is that supposed to be a positive?
>Ethnic swedes kill more people than immigrants.
Because there are far more of them than minorities. If you adjust crime rates to population sizes, you get the real picture of the criminality of different groups.
>Muslims are the biggest victims in the world
Because of other Muslims. It's the gift of Muhammadanism.
>Not all Muslims or refugees are like this.
No shit, Sherlock. OBVIOUSLY it's not all Muslims. Also, OBVIOUSLY it's not all Muslim men gang-raping in Egypt or as a group sexually harassing women in Europe. But that doesn't mean gang rape and group sexual harassment aren't more prevalent among Muslims than they are among Europeans. Culture and cultural norms matter, you see, and Muslim culture encourages such behavior just as it encourages Muslims to hate and despise non-Muslims. It doesn't mean all Muslims fall for that idiocy, but it's nonetheless part and parcel of Muslim culture.
>97% of the population commit more crime than 3%
Is funny because some people actually think like this.
Gang crimes are committed against other gang members, not innocents.
I agree with you. Please go to Malmo Sweden and visit the ethnic areas. Everyone will love you they just have different ways of expressing it. They get so filled with love they may throw a grenade at you show how their hearts are blowing up with love for westerners.
I read a variety of news sources.
Here's an aggregate link that I have bookmarked:
All news sources have a bias or slant depending upon the narrative they wish to present. I like to read from different sources.
Sup Forums is good for breaking news, and that's the main reason I come here. Also the general threads have some good material.
I try to be open minded, and have had my opinions challenged here on Sup Forums to the extent that I have re-evaluated said opinions.
Sup Forums is a curious beast; there are loads of 'lol drumpftards BTFO', 'how can white bois even compete', 'nigger hate thread', and other peurile shit but there are also gems among the shite.
Here's a pic of my cat, because I wanted to post an image.
The biggest threat to Muslims is actually Christians. Same for gay people. Sup Forums is hilariously wrong on Muslims, just look at this graph as an example, Sup Forums loves graphs, right? Thank God Christians are declining at rapid rates.
But gang activity harms society in general. It contributes to isolating ethnic minorities from society at large and creating so-called no-go zones. So innocents get hurt by gangs one way or another even if it's not direct violence. And it wasn't the Swedes who created these gangs.
American Muslims include a lot of people (including converts) whose beliefs are far from orthodox Muslim beliefs.
By the way, neither believing Muslims nor believing Christians would agree that homosexual relations should be accepted by society.
Also, Muslims who want society to accept homosexuality are apostates by implication, and under Islamic law they can be killed with impunity according to mainstream Sunni jurisprudence.
>The biggest threat to Muslims is actually Christians
Because it's Christians violently persecuting Muslims all over the world. Bombing Muslims left, right, and center for not recognizing Jesus as their savior. Oh, wait, reality called, it's actually Muslims violently persecuting Christians (and other non-Muslims) and murdering Muslims who are not Muslim enough.
She's cute.
And I agree. One really needs to read a news article from multiple sources in order to get closer to the real picture.
Formally one of the safest countries in the world is now a hotbed for gang warfare involving fucking grenades and assault rifles and you think this is fine provided they only harm each other (which they don't)?
Crime is a poverty issue not a race issue.
Eliminate poverty and you're going to eliminate the vast majority of crime.
Minorities tend to be in the lower classes that lack generational wealth.
I like how no one can explain why all refugees should get the boot when only a fraction of them do anything wrong
nice proofs, idiot. Race is everything, notice they don't attack "people" from their own race. I know what to put in the options field
Reveal your real flag, faggot