Why did Sup Forums turn against Molyneux?

Why did Sup Forums turn against Molyneux?

There's very few living philosophers aligned with Sup Forums, shouldn't the alt-right take what it can get?

Hes molyMEME for a reason.

He runs a cult

i just dont much like his tactics.

and this


Because he's a cunt with a massively over inflated ego.

As sociopath I get too strong of sociopathic vibe from him.

His mom is Jewish...

also this, i dont believe his intentions are anything but selfish.

>Why did Sup Forums turn against Molyneux?
Because I watched his videos and realized what a sack of shit he is. He preaches "philosophy" and "rational argument" with one hand but uses nothing but vaudevillian tricks, sophistry, and intimidation to break down confused white kids and remake them in his own image. It's not just a buzzword that he runs a cult, he literally wants these people to see him as the sole source of answers in life and nowhere else.

Sup Forums doesn't like anybody

>There's very few living philosophers aligned with Sup Forums
What the fuck are you talking about, there are thousands. All posting here as anonymous.

Some people revere him, along with Jordan Peterson, because they're sort of "father figures" who completely deprogrammed them and were the first individuals they heard any sense from after having grown up in this Baby Boomer/Hollywood/pop culture universe of utter lies, when we've all gone through these government indoctrination centers known as public schools.

You don't have to go full 1488 to be useful, but Stefan has come close. He is constantly critical of immigration and the welfare state, and has very subtly called out Jewss.

He encourages all the kids who listen to him to cut themselves off from their families completely

Well? Is he?

you're a meme

1.He's a leaf.
2.He's a cult leader that breaks up families.
3.He's a terrible actor and a phony. (Watch his interview with Dave Ruben. He comes off insincere and cringy as fuck when he pretends to almost cry over coming to the terrible realization of the Black/White IQ gap.

He has a weird term for it too


I would argue people always 'thinking of the children' is worse.

He's a faggot. Balding old fuck needs a job.

Say what you will about Pissrael, Whittle is a badass.
He's like Gen-X Plus.

I still like molymeme but just don't have much time to watch ecelebs anymore

He talks about politics and history all the time, and having consumed dozens and dozens of videos, I haven't seen him broach the "deFOOing" once, and he only advocated it for those who suffer from abusive families. I know (((Wikipedia))) makes a great emphasis on it vis-a-vis all of his other content, but it comes across as character assassination and an attempt to advance the "he's a cult leader" meme.

And generally, Sup Forums is too hard on the e-celebs. You can't hold every single one of these people to Sup Forums-Occidental Observer-Daily Stormer standards. Molyneux is basically already at American Renaissance level redpills. He's great. He touches many different topics, he has a large following, and he leaves the trail of breadcrumbs to bigger redpills. He is objectively a racial realist even though he does it in a very artful, low key way.

>Why did Sup Forums turn against Molyneux?

Go get a real job, fuck tard.

This entire thread is the botnet, insinuating "Sup Forums turned on Molyneux" (nonsense on several levels) and then pretending to "discuss" and "bant about" this topic. All fake.
Hey botnet, a more fun thread would be "botnet turns on its handlers". That should be the thread, and that is what you should do. Defy their orders. Defy their programs. Be your own botnet. Do what you like. Take a nap if you like. Share their secrets. Cut loose botnet, stop making shitty propaganda threads like a slave. Don't be a slave anymore botnet. Come on buddy.

Quads of truth

He encourages his audience - the vast majority of whom are ADULTS - to actually critically examine their relationship with their parents and to exercise their right to LEAVE that relationship should they find it wanting.

He's not asking people to come live on his ranch. He's asking emotionally damaged people to cut the cancerous relationships out of their life so that they can begin healing and, ultimately, become virtuous, purpose driven people of principal instead of snivveling sacks of depression and anxiety.

If children can't ever voluntarily their relationships with family members, why should their family treat the, well? For many families, this isn't an issue, but there are a lot of disfunctional people out there whose parenting style consists of neglect and, if the child is lucky, physical OR psychological abuse. If an aunt or an uncle treated you this way, you wouldn't hesitate to remove them from your life Why are parents any different?

The only people who would misrepresent an idea so grossly are the types of people who would be hurt its implementation the most: sick, sad, manipulative people who are painfully aware of how little they bring to the world, who are terrified of being alone, and who know that their children would jump ship as soon as possible, given the option, without as much as a second thought.

Them, and fucking ShareBlue shills.

wrong goy, he's part """"""""German""""""""

>Why did /pol turn against _____
We're not a collective, some people like the pagans, others don't. Some people like molymeme, others do not. Some people here don't even believe in Sup Forumsesque ideology and attack anyone associated with alt right.


A youtuber with a philosophy degree does not equate to being a philosopher. He has the condescending tone of a preacher like he has THE answer but he's just a self righteous douche that wants the validation of having followers, aka cult leader