Ffs dont respond to shills

Why dont you guys learn, dont respond to shill threads! I see threads that has 50 to 200 replies. Obvious Shill threads. Not even sage them just let them die and dont take the bait.

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There is really no such thing as Shareblue. Doubt theyre fuxking posting on 4chane.


shit the fuck up shill

saved. 10 redpills for every slide thread.

I have been lurking here for about a year. I like the mindset here. I have read a few of the spot a shill threads. My question is are the shills responding to themselves more often than not? Some of these threads are super obvious.

Pic not related.


>No such thing
>They don't post here

It's like when the mafia denied that the mafia existed. How the fuck would you know for certain that it didn't exist unless you were part of it, and thus proving it does indeed exist.

Cant say i believe theres some master scheme behind it all but there is clearly people doing this regularly.

The end result of shill threads are me feeling embattled and much more right wing. Also more galvanized to take it off pol and get into it with leftists elsewhere.

So if shilling makes me more right wing, does that mean really dumb leftists are doing it to "fight nazis" and it's backfiring in their face?

I was thinking another theory - the shilling is actually really smart right wing polsters, trying to recruit more allies.

all our newfriends, boomers and summerfags have to learn all the rules