Meanwhile in Italy
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>4 wounded
That's unfortunate, but it's not much of a happening.
>someone shot people of colour from an auto
>OY VEY! MUh racism!
> Italy votes left and suicides
I don't watch cuck porn and i can't read spaghetti, what happened?
A shooting is occuring in a city in center Italy
Mamma mia!
ur not much of a happening
Guns fights all over in Macerata, Italy
In the City a few days ago it was founded a corpse of a italian girl in pieces, and for that it was arrested a Nigerian, the drug dealer of the girl.
The police still has to find out why he killed her, but they suspect he used some of her organs for a Nigerian voodo rite
We suspect that the guns fights all over the city and the dead girl are related in some way
Who cares, just terroni being terroni
Based Italia, we racewar now.
getting chopped into pieces is part and parcel of living in europe
Daily reminder
Based reminder
>The Nigerian, identified as 29-year-old Innocent Oseghale
yup, his first name is Inncoent. Can't even make this up.
>The case of Pamela Mastropietro bears some similarity to the case of American nanny Lauren M. who was murdered by a Gambian migrant in the Austrian capital of Vienna in early 2016. The young girl was killed after allowing the young asylum seeker to stay at her apartment in order to escape deportation.
The murder is just the latest in a series of murders by asylum seekers and illegal migrants following the 2015 migrant crisis. One of the most notorious cases occurred in Germany in 2016, when student Maria Ladenburger was raped and killed by “child” asylum seeker Hussein Khavari, who later admitted to being an adult.
>people of colour
ewww anglospeak
the niggerian drug dealer
It's just terroni terroning i think
Alleged shooter has been caught. Is he shitalian or shitskin?
But if this gun happening is an act of revenge at least some Italsbros have still balls
In which column are listed Neapolitans though?
>Earlier this week a group of German women launched a new movement to give women who have become victims of crimes as a result of mass migration policies a voice.
>The #120dB movement, named after the noise intensity of rape alarms, has promised to rally women together and confront politicians and others who have championed mass migration policies.
The best part is that a lot of people would act against the refugees, but only few have the balls to do it.
>people of colour
>A bordo di una 147 nera
Fantastico. Give them hell, piccola alfa.
>German Women Launch Campaign Highlighting Horrific Violence Against Women as a Result of Mass Migration
With the difference that the Italians fight back.
>people of colour
Just say nigger, the thought police isn't going to arrest you
>Italians fight back
Probabilmente è una guerra tra shitskin, non per rompere l'hype.
young italian shot the niggers, it's over shitaly will vote left for muh racism
dio bono, speriamo sia solo una roba di mafia o merda del genere
>fight back
they will send dozens of pedopriests to rape their children and establish missions where large numbers of children will be "fought", including being raped, tortured, killed, and eaten
those italians
always kidding around
BASED Garlics purging the groid horde.
Some news: it appears it was a lone guy who shot while driving around the city. It was just arrested
But the news keep changing
i could not tell the difference
Shooting in Macerata against the immigrants (it is a leftist newspaper), the shooter was screaming "viva l'Italia" and had an italian flag on his shoulder.
news said it was a gang of african migrants
Also the City is one of the most left wing in Italy, so this event is kinda unsual
La polizia conferma che I feriti sono tutti stranieri
Truly Italians are warriors just like us (Arabs), you are the only people in Europe who fight back against multiculturalism. You will be the only european people to survive the invasion.
Race war adesso
>Driving an Alpha Romeo
>Shouting "Viva Italia" while shooting
>Italian guy with shaved head
Italian Chad strikes again!
>Nigerian voodoo rite
And EU officials are perfectly okay with letting people like this in.
The assaulter was caught while wearing an Italian flag as a cape according to the last news, and it was caught after he run at a local monument in honor of the fallen Italian soldiers
more news to come soon
The Italian patriot with the flag arrested by the cops
>The police still has to find out why he killed her, but they suspect he used some of her organs for a Nigerian voodo rite
I hope the cleaning start soon there dude.
>Muslims leaving the mosque
>Drive in wrong direction
>One old fart muslim see the car and get a heart attack
>Driver stops
>Almost lynched by the muslims
>Old fart dies
>Get Life sentence
Britbongs, everybody.
Can you link me to an article about the dead girl and Nigerian nigger? In Italian would be good to want to send it to my Italian friend
Wow minchia
Total untermensch. Also he just lost the elections for the right, congratulations shithead.
He only removed the vagina to hide traces from the rape.
He also has a rune tattooed on his head.
oh ffs
We will hear of this shit until the end of the election now
>Lega is rising
that's to scare wolves away and nigger apparently
when are your next elections? could this be a (((false flag))) to give the left sympsthy votes ?
>he just lost the elections for the right
Nah mate, enough is enough. people can no longer stand immigrants and pogroms will become more and more frequent..
Against what race?
Inb4 purge the land from muzzies, comkies and niggers
The rest maybe can stay
>Also he just lost the elections for the right, congratulations shithead
At worst it will just counter the effects of the nigger killing and dismembering that girl a couple of days ago
Hopefully the doctors will save the immigrants.
>see the news
>run to laptop
> / p o l
>drug dealer of the girl
my brain
it hurts
girl was a drug addict
guy was a drug dealer
girl got out of rehab and this happened
under circumstances yet to be discovered, he killed her and cut her to pieces, washed the body to hide his traces and put it in two bags.
NO VOODOO SHIT WENT ON. user is repeating fake news from some really low tier gossip scandal "newspapers".
If I had to put my 2 cents into this, girl had some issues with the local drug dealing idiots, and something went really wrong, the guy went ape mode, maybe he hit her too hard, she died and he tried to get rid of the body Africa-style.
Literally in 30 days
Really bad error from istat
we'll have them every day on tv.
>2 days to show the news about the girl killed by a Nigerian
>1 guy shots a bunch of cunts without even killing anyone and it's already all over the news because he is Italian.
Boy nothing suspicious here guys, carry on.
>Nah mate, enough is enough. people can no longer stand immigrants and pogroms will become more and more frequent..
Lol shut up retard. Italy isn't all filled with bloodthirsty animals like yourself or the retard from today. You lot are a dying breed thrashing about in your death spasms. You're pathetic, and going extinct soon.
If you think idiots like are even one step above niggers on the food chain, you're a deluded fool. If you want to do drive-by's you can go to Africa.
People like Salvini will exist and survive only as long as immigration helps them.
t. PiDuino subhuman
Yea my bad, i was still reading the earliest news about the case a few days ago
Still is a pretty fucked up case
"L'uomo è sceso dall'auto, si è tolto il giubbetto, ha indossato una bandiera tricolore sulle spalle, salendo sui gradini del Monumento. Si è poi girato verso la piazza, ha fatto il saluto fascista."
Romans 13:11
>wrapped in an italian flag
>happened right after the begging of the electoral period
PD false flag confirmed.
At least they could have LARPed a little better, i don't think any nationalist would use the current italian flag as a symbol
>if you don't do drive by shootings, you're voting for PD
People can not take it anymore stupid commie, you, the retarded of the left, have let them in and the poor people pay the consequences. Violence is a simple answer to the state of things.
he is an idiot but people are exhausted and politicians are completely disconnected from reality, expect more pogroms..
>I don't think any nationalist would use the current italian flag as a symbol
Dare I remind you that they're really fucking stupid? Casapound is a thing.
They do
Sapevo che avrebbe detto qualcosa del genere
>i don't think any nationalist would use the current italian flag as a symbol
Quanto odio sto figlio di puttana, come fanno i Sardi a non sputargli in faccia ogni volta che esce di casa?
Bhè sulla questione di GTA ha ragione, ma penso volesse farsi catturare
if you think people will not think (both openly and secretly) he did good by shooting some niggers then you are deluded
>The police still has to find out why he killed her, but they suspect he used some of her organs for a Nigerian voodo rite
She probably didn't pay or pay enough?
Look like Italy is the least cucked European country in Western Europe CONGRATS ITALIA. Meanwhile pol losers will go and say ' haha Italy not white '
It was one of the earlier news, still they have no idea because the dude is not talking in prison. Could have been what you say or a rape gone even more horribly wrong
soyboys were a mistake
In the end, nigs gonna nig
>Be illegal immigrant in Italy
>Get shot
Are Italians finally waking up?
Gesto eclatante quanto stupido, solo propaganda per la sinistra e non è nemmeno riuscito a fare una vittima
Yes this is the only way. Let's shoot all traitors and invaders.
But wtf? Who will pay the pensions then?