Haruna a SHIT
She's literally the best girl.
Maelstrom is best.
Haruna is shit in the anime but great in the LN
No, you piece of shit
That's gay
Haruna is industrial waste, worst girl.
It's true. She's the cutest girl by far and is a ball of fun.
How an adorable and awesomely bro bratty genius loli like Haruna can attract attention from certain high-end residential autists who lives to shitpost her is beyond me.
Haruna is easily second best, but bestest is reserved for Eu.
>Having 24 different voice actresses means she's best
It's the opposite for me. Haruna is bested and Eu is a close second. Great taste either way though.
That's just a gag and obviously isn't the sole reason. Watch the show and you'll see. Eu is extremely cute herself.
Haruna a shit. A SHIT.
It's the same old tune with THK. He suffers from genuine asperger syndrome and can't help himself, unfortunately.
>muh boogeyman
Fuck off Harunigger
You know the drill, Sup Forums.
but I hugged my sister last weekend.
No, I don't
Haruna is fucking shit.
Fuck, THK. Haruna is best girl by far. Everyone knows vampire ninja Houki clone is objectively worst girl anyways
My imouto doesn't like me and thinks I'm a creep ;_;
tfw imouto passed away ;_;
Are you sure she isn't tsundere, user?
Wrong. Shit on both the anime and the LN. Don't fool yourself
Haruniggers != everyone
Shit taste.
Yes, pretty sure she isn't. Real life is nothing as rosy and wishful as anime is.
>S3 never
Thanks, DEEN.
Sera ruins the picture.