Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?
Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?
I want to come home to some salmon
Cooked with herbs. Drenched in light lemon juice and warm for my tummy. With some mashed potatoes on the side.
>The candidate said that he hoped his daughters do not grow up to be “career obsessed banshees who forgo home life and children and the happiness of family to become nail-biting manophobic hell-bent feminist she devils who shriek from the top of a thousand tall buildings they are [SIC] think they could have leaped in a single bound — had men not been ‘suppressing them.’ It’s just nuts.”
I do dare say it, does sound like /ourguy/.
Promoting a housewife and home maker role =/= stay in the kitchen, whores.
This kills the thot.
>The candidate said that he hoped his daughters do not grow up to be “career obsessed banshees who forgo home life and children and the happiness of family to become nail-biting manophobic hell-bent feminist she devils who shriek from the top of a thousand tall buildings they are [SIC] think they could have leaped in a single bound — had men not been ‘suppressing them.’ It’s just nuts.”
>>The candidate said that he hoped his daughters do not grow up to be “career obsessed banshees who forgo home life and children and the happiness of family to become nail-biting manophobic hell-bent feminist she devils who shriek from the top of a thousand tall buildings they are [SIC] think they could have leaped in a single bound — had men not been ‘suppressing them.’ It’s just nuts.”
>act like normal men have acted for thousands of years except in the last few decades
>oy vey there is something mentally wrong with him!
>put food in smart oven
>set reminder on phone
>before I leave work I log into my oven and start it up
>monitor it occasionally on the way home
>arrive to perfectly cooked meat
>take it out, enjoy without the nagging of a cheating bitch
>nail-biting manophobic hell-bent feminist she-devils
the literal madman
>you didn't cook it right
>>The candidate said that he hoped his daughters do not grow up to be “career obsessed banshees who forgo home life and children and the happiness of family to become nail-biting manophobic hell-bent feminist she devils who shriek from the top of a thousand tall buildings they are [SIC] think they could have leaped in a single bound — had men not been ‘suppressing them.’ It’s just nuts.”
This is just reactionary rhetoric. His daughters have job opportunities that his own mother lacked. The world has moved on because technology does not stand still.
Women use careers to build up their social circles and find a mate, being stuck at home and a wife to some man on $50k or whatever is not exciting.
>The candidate said that he hoped his daughters do not grow up to be “career obsessed banshees who forgo home life and children and the happiness of family to become nail-biting manophobic hell-bent feminist she devils who shriek from the top of a thousand tall buildings they are [SIC] think they could have leaped in a single bound — had men not been ‘suppressing them.’ It’s just nuts.
And thats why family values have plummeted and your main city is run by a literal muslim, bong. Keep acting cucked like women taking care of kids and the home is a problem
Mohammed al-Britani you're misunderstanding him.
>“career obsessed banshees who forgo home life and children and the happiness of family to become nail-biting manophobic hell-bent feminist
Nowhere does it actually say they shouldn't work, but instead of a career, as nature intended women primarily devote their time to family(family is more important than work). Anything other than that makes them miserable.
Christ I wish we had a single non Mogg politician that was this based
84% of women polled in the UK say they'd prefer not to work and instead look after children full time.
Welcome to America, bro. Stay away from the minorities and you'll generally find the most based white people on the planet
LOL I thought you made this up.
Women’s don’t need careers to find a mate. All a woman has to do to get a mate is being young, not fat, wear feminine clothing and long hair, and be in public. If a 20 year old skipped college and did the above things, including getting a part time job at clothing store or some other business that the general population uses, she’ll find a guy fast.
>"I want to come home to a cooked dinner every night"
Yeah, everyone does.
>job opportunities
don't be stuck at home raising your boring goy kids. go out into the exciting workforce and let your daughters be tutored and raised by immigrants. don't worry about those decreasing wages or the handprints on your childs thighs
The chance to be out in the wide world is too tempting for women, and when they see other women in sophisticated work environments, they want to follow, because it feels aspirational.
What this politician said was akin to someone expressing nostalgia for Nintendo or Indiana Jones. He was signalling discontent with the modern world but he has ideas on how to fix it, or where the problem even comes from.
I don't believe women in 2018 are any different to women in 1918. What changed was their life options. Wealthy women in the early 20th Century also did "feminist things" because the opportunities were there.
Mayuri is bretty gud housewife material. But I dunno I'm conflicted since Kurisu is bestgirl.
you deserve to be colonized by niggers
>don't be stuck at home raising your boring goy kids. go out into the exciting workforce and let your daughters be tutored and raised by immigrants. don't worry about those decreasing wages or the handprints on your childs thighs
Married to a car mechanic at 21 or socialising in an air conditioned office during your sexual prime and earning money to waste on internet shopping, not a tough one
Yes, I don’t think women are going to follow my advice. I work with a woman who is an SJW feminist and is pregnant with her third kid. She has a job that doesn’t much money while her husband is a doctor. She complains all the time about her job. Why the hell is she there? I don’t think she wants to climb up the ladder.
regardez Islam.
>socializing in my air conditioned house while auto mechanic husband works or
>socializing in my air conditioned office with auto mechanic husband works and pay for childcare with the earnings
yeah, this is why you don't let brits or women make decisions
lmao, he's right too
I have no stake in society, so I don't give a fuck. In 10 years I can always move to hopefully by then somewhat advanced shitholes like bulgaria.
The problem here is most men can no longer be the sole breadwinner so the female spouse has to work too.
As long as he can throw down the cash so his wife does not have to work, I see no problems here.
>no stake in society
Mofo you will be eaten alive by gangster wannabes here. We don't want your kind here. I'm not gonna allow us to repeat your mistakes by allowing bad human material in the country.
And if you think you don't matter stab a couple of slimes on the street. pull teeth out. See if they come back again and then tell me you don't matter cuckboy.
Enjoy dying alone.
I just want my son back!
That's a pretty high power level.