That's it?

LOL that was the memo? You mean the thing that everyone saw through and had been saying for weeks was a plainly biased interpretation of a legitimate criminal investigation?

Wasn't it supposed to come out last week? Then it was earlier this week. Then Thursday. And yesterday it came out... and it was nothing? Lol
Why was everyone freaking out about it so much?
We already knew that the FBI and DOJ were conducting an investigation into Trump campaign ties with Russia. Carter Page had been under investigation since 2014. You all thought this memo was going to implicate Obama and Hillary and they'd all be going to jail.. except it didn't. LOL

Now it's back to the same shit, everyone knows Trump is crooked as fuck, and Mueller's hammer is going to drop on him soon. Now its only a question of whether or not Dumbass-in-Charge actually tries to fire the guy and the country takes to the streets, or the investigation continues and Trump's entire family goes up in flames. Either way you retards lose HAHAHAHAAHHAha

Go back to r/politics shill.


What's that faggot?

Do you get all of your insults from Bill Maher?

I wish every shariablue employee getting gassed

It was much ado about nothing.

Thanks, I do write for Bill Maher's HBO television show

What is shariablue?


jew confirmed THEY ARE HERE!!!

You prefer uncircumcised penis

>FBI, DOJ, Democrats and foreign agents colluded to stop a political campaign
>Used unsubstantiated opposition research to spy on american citizens and political opponents
>Leaked to the press and then the press articles were used to prop up a document that they knew lacked credibility
>Withheld origins of dossier from the FISA court
Wow it's fucking nothing, who cares if USA becomes a banana republic.

Yeah, it's nothing.
And when the Trump admin does the same shit in the 2020 it will be nothing then too.

He said GTFO faggot go cry about your daddy somewhere else

i prefer your moms pussy

You're terrible and should be fired

Haha I'm crying over here, crying laughing at your stupid small brain hahahaah

Nice shill.
Don't hold your breath until Hillary gets locked up LOL

preconceptionfag detected

>criminal investigation
>not a shill

Pick one faggot, the only charge levied was against popopdopoplopodoplous for lying about shit that happened years before his addition to the campaign.

What is a preconceptionfag?

The damage control is hilarious

Forgot about the Flynn, Manafort and Gates indictments I guess. Nice try, kid

>Haha we control top law enforcement and will never be held accountable!

I'm coming here to laugh at you. This was Trump's biggest move. You all bought into it for weeks. And it's nothing HAhahahahah
The investigation will continue. Trump will have to end up pardoning his own son and will be humiliated out of office. I hope he tries firing Rod Rosenstein lol

>The investigation will continue
Which one? I lost track

Checked, leftists on suicide watch

That's interesting Op. Have you ever pretended your butt was a vagina, & that when you were shitting you were giving birth to a baby with your butt-vagina?

Alinsky's Rules for Radicals:
"When damaging information is released, pretend the information is old news/irrelevant."

Your illegal DNC spying ring has been shut down and you will see your heroes being put in jail. Enjoy!

You need your shit pushed in by Jamal

This was simple the first move which is wake people up. Notice when the memo release so many people went to the government web site it crashed.

People are not paying attention, it only gets worse from here for those involved (Corrupt FBI, DOJ people, along with Clinton and Obama.

Just wait till the Inspector General's Report comes out. That is when the real shit starts.

>an investigation begun under false pretenses involving forged evidence brought forward by Obama-appointees to obtain a FISA warrant to illegally spy on an election campaign will be allowed to continue, even though the underlying reason for it was debunked as a lie and the conspirators are now facing a plethora of felonies for abuse of government powers

Nah cunt. Kommunisten ins Gas.

while shareblue retards shill ineffectively on Sup Forums normies around the country are getting pissed off at the obvious treason and transparent + weak attempted coverup

Investigation was started because papadopoulos ran his mouth off to an Australian diplomat tho

The memo is nothing to Sup Forums because we already knew what was in it before it was released. Sup Forums is always ahead of the curve. You should be shilling to normies if you want to have any effect.

Everyone knew what was in it because it's old talking points. They've been trotting out this conspiracy for some time. The question is whether something new or damning would be included and the answer was nah, not really.

keeping dreaming faggot its as close as youre ever going to get

>since 2013*

Haha yeah except the Superbowl is happening tomorrow and nobody will give a shit about your phony "memo" by Monday. Yeah we're all waiting for the "real shit" to start LOL faggot

Oh no my illegal DNC ring!

The investigation being conducted by Robert Mueller into Trump Russian money laundering efforts. Everyone knows this already

More charges for laws broken that were several years before trump. Lol.
Keep trying faggot soyboy cuckmeister

>He typed all that shit and expects a Sup Forums user to read it
This isn't your fucking blog gramps

Besides the fact that there'd been an ongoing investigation into Carter Page and his ties to a Russian spy ring since 2014

Flynn admitted to lying to the FBI about meeting with Russians during campaign

do you really expect trump supporters to admit they've been out smarted by the jew?

Horowitz is going to destroy Obama and his cronies

>I-i-its nothing guys. N-nothing to see here!

>I-i-it's so much nothing that I typed up all this bullshit

>an investigation begun under false pretenses

Care to explain why you think that?

just proof of multiple felonies(misleading and outright lying to the fisa court) as well as arguably treason

Care to explore why you hide behind a meme flag?

And they just postponed his sentencing. Because they know it will be thrown out. Manafort's charges will be thrown out too.

FBI agents have verified that the 302 was altered and which will only end up in charges against McCabe and Strzok

Damn you don't like to read? Might've guessed


Not that vomit you call a post faggot.
When you've been here as long as me you can spot the masterbaiters


back to Sup Forumseddit

Uh huh
They postponed his (and papadop's) sentencing, but the rest is wishful thinking. Only means the investigation isn't wrapping up soon and Mueller still has work to do.

I can’t wait until Trump orders the FBI to spy on his opponent in 2020 because apparently it’s no big deal now.

Here's the "evidence of COLLUSSSSSSION!!!! (boo!)" that the now discredited Peter Sztrok (a Jew) started the sham-investigation over:

>Several weeks after Donald Trump secured the Republican presidential nomination, his national campaign co-chairman urged a foreign policy adviser to meet with Russian officials to foster ties with that country's government.
>The newly released documents show that while senior Trump officials at times rebuffed or ignored Papadopoulos, they were well aware of his efforts, which went on for months.

So a private citizen in a private capacity runs his mouth about something which isn't actually illegal, and then gets charged with perjury for lying about his abilities and pull while being interviewed by the now-outted as heavily partisan FBI. Hard-hitting stuff, let me tell you.

If there was any actual substance to the Papadopoulos argument, why would the Obama-appointed FBI officials forge documents and lie to the FISA courts to obtain spying warrants? Did they forget those are felonies?

because they lied to the fisa court to get a wiretap

Oy vey he spends his money on video games and isn't fucking white women who are the most degenerate shit on the planet.Go rub your hands elsewhere you fucking kike. You fucking normies are on the wrong fucking site

Your wife aon

Because the investigation was started by Peter Sztrok.
Peter Sztrok threw the Hillary investigation and was outted as an anti-Trump shill.
And the FBI's leadership knowingly forged evidence to support a partisan investigation.

They'll all face jail-time.

LOL look at you dumbasses arguing over your own FOXNEWS bret baier/ sean hannity talking points. YEah one of you is right Flynn and Manafort's indictments will be thrown out for no reason, also Flynn lied to the FBI about Russian contacts. LOL figure that one out you doofuses

>spy on
>not assassinate
Why not? Democrats opened the door to using government intelligence apparatuses for partisan gain.

>legitimate criminal investigation

>implying ANYTHING would let you fuck it
2/10 made me reply


where did you learn to speak english?

The Australian called the FBI because Papadopoulos was bragging about the dirt on Hillary that the Russians promised him.

>McCabe was fired oops I mean 'retired' for no apparent reason and the FBI saying the memo was factually accurate is a lie now, because I want it to be

>hard evidence if treason is a nothingburger

Look, look everyone. Look at how big and disgusting this fucking nose is. The sniffer is afraid.


>OH yeah Hillary and Obamama and Comey and Mueller and Yates and Podesta will be locked up any day now.... heh, any day.... heh

>Trump Russian
You probably just trolling but you know this is isn't going anywhere.
The whole russia conspiracy thing is absolutely ridiculous and embarrassing.
I mean Trump strengthen the us military and economy. How russians exactly profit from him?

They don't want a Pence administration.


Are you implying that I'm of Hebrew descent?

A private citizen in a private capacity can say whatever the fuck they want. It dead-ends with them unless you can provide EVIDENCE that such material existed, EVIDENCE that he obtained said material, EVIDENCE it was passed on to his superiors, and EVIDENCE such material was acted upon.

You haaaaaave.... Exactly none of that. But you have a perjury charge. Good job I guess?

Meanwhile, basically the entire Obama-appointed FBI leadership are facing multiple felony charges for forging evidence and lying to the FISA courts for an explicitly partisan reason.

Investigation was started because of papadoupolos not mike flynn, try agynn.

Wiretap granted due to dossier AND OTHER EVIDENCE that Nunes didn't mention (he didn't even read the FISA applications), only way it could be renewed multiple times (as it was) was if they were gathering convincing evidence to bring to a judge

>guy gets fired from being a FBI informant for being uncredible
>still feeds faulty info to agent
>agent runs with it and creates fake dossier
Holy shit how fucking stupid are you? LMAO

"Mueller, please hurry!"

Wishful thinking

>I mean Trump strengthen the us military and economy.
He hasn't done either of these things.

How is russians.. duh.. strengthening us economy and military... duhhhh profiting

Why don't you shut the fuck up about shit you don't know about or learn how to type in decipherable sentences

Other evidence
Proceeds to offer zero evidence.

Nice kiddo.

>Meanwhile, basically the entire Obama-appointed FBI leadership are facing multiple felony charges for forging evidence and lying to the FISA courts for an explicitly partisan reason.

Thats cute

you're a roleplaying faggot is what you are

Also a a judge that had to recuse himself

>it cant help but reply when you call it a jew

The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.

>facing multiple felony charges

Thanks for the laugh, my good friend

Yeah, if you weren't a tard, you wouldn't know any of that.

You sure know a lot of dang smart words for how to make fun of them Jewish folk.

Such as?

You do realize when your "investigators" got caught committing felonies in lying to the FISA court to obtain spying warrants, your other "evidence" no longer matters, correct?

>The FBI's Andrew McCabe confirmed to the committee that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

There's a narrative conflict here you're not smart enough to grasp.

Maybe because the bullshit half-truth memo didn't bother mentioning the other evidence because (even though the memo itself admits the investigation started because of papadop and not Flynn) Nunes wants suckers like you to think the dossier is the only underpinning. If it were, why didn't he say so explicitly?

It will be thrown out.
No judge would accept the verdict due to compromised evidence. FBI agents have already verified that their statements in the interview were altered. Which is illegal

>You sure know a lot of dang smart words for how to make fun of my big nose.


Caught by Nunes and his memo? Lol, ok. Call me when the trials start.

Enjoy the show.