Michael Jackson General

Show some love for the King of Sup Forums, he has suffered long enough during his lifetime.

Questions of the day:

>Who killed him?

>How much do his children really know?

>MJ about the Jews:

>MJ collected Nazi memorabilia

>MJ talks about conspiracy:

>MJ about the Media and Tabloids:

>Complete Rebuttal of the Allegations

>Evan Chandler (the accuser in the 1993 allegations) is Jewish

>Paris Jackson claims MJ was murdered:

>"(((They))) are going to kill me"

Other urls found in this thread:


>Who killed him?

Himself, he was a junkie with lifelong multiple mental health disorders as a result of childhood abuse from his father

>How much do his children really know?

About as much as the average, filthy rich spoilt Hollywood spawn knows about the real world. In other words, nothing.


>How much do his children really know?

>he killed himself
Even the common narrative says that he was murdered, the question is, who did it?

Also, I don't think that Paris is completely clueless. Pic related.

He was a muslim.

((((They)))))) killed him

Is there any proof for that claim?

his ass

He was too pure for this world.

lol fuck off dude this guy was a freak and his music wasnt even that great

He was literally the greatest entertainer to ever walk the earth, you fuck off


and literally one of the creepiest freaks to ever walk the earth too

Even your id glows in the dark cianigger

what happened to this board

Wacko Jacko was a junkie nigger pedophile. Most junkies don't get to his age,he had it lucky.



We meet again kike.

Same filthy jew posting anti Mike shit in another MJ thread. so blatantly jewish i can smell his fishy breath through the computer.

Perhaps is you posted your fawning adulation of a pedophile nigger on Sup Forums our paths wouldn't cross at all, pedo?

Whatever you say oven fuel,whatever you say. get on letting more of your pet niggers into what used to be britain Shecklstein.

Dead pedophile is dead

What you smell is the puddle of decomposing sperm you are writhing in, all over a dead pedo junkie, m8

The black people killed him because he stood up for white people.

He even wrote a song about it. They don't care about us....


No, the lyrics actually refer to the multitude of sex abuse cases he was embroiled in

>can't even get the echos right

MJ was murdered because he kept spreading his message of peace.
His whole new album was going to be focused on that, which THEY didn't like.
Notice the second he spoke out against the music industry, all these child molester accusations started.

He OD'd, just like any other junkie. Nobody twisted his arm and forced him to take drugs.

>poltards believe the pedophile false flag

Talk about blue pilled. Is it also a coincidence that these pedo claims started to come out after MJ made songs shitting on Jews?

First off, not a single one of those implicates he had CP.
If you read rather than jump to conclusions, it vaguely words everything to make you ASSUME they were.
Teenage is 18 or 19, which is legal, which if they found anything, it most likely was.
Look how they included "adoptable kids" in there to make you think it was CP, when in reality everyone knows he was trying to be a father at the time.
Second, he didn't OD.
His doctor decided to pump up his dosage that night.

>Mr. Black

God jews are tiresome.

No, the sex abuse cases came first, in 1993, two years before the song you are presumably referring to
Yeah, it was "art". He didn't need porn much as he always had someone to keep his bed warm

Fuck this pedo nigger

You do know songs are recorded years before they're released sometimes, right?
Anyway, there's no point to arguing with you. You're clearly just here to cut everyone off with news stories, which is hilarious if you're that brain dead to believe them.
Oh by the way, the brother of the original accuser came out and publicly said they just said it to get money.
Oops, that hurts your narrative.

Maybe he did do it for money, I won't deny that. I would wager he got he got a very sore anus from the whole ordeal though.

>wasnt even that great
Hi gen z retard.
Careful what narrative you consume.



a lot of musicians are removed when their fame exposes them to things that most other people in a similar situation handle differently. many people seek one thing and fame is a route to it. however, talented musicians become famous in spite of themselves. they are not playing the political game of fame and therefore they react differently to certain knowledges. when a good person reacts poorly to a bad situation, the artist in question must be shown that there could be consequences for opposition. when a non compliant artist becomes too much of a threat, they disappear. many musicians have gone on to obtain a voice more powerful than the world and its leaders so any dissension in the ranks must be squashed to keep the rest of them inline. look at your chris cornells and jimi hendrixes and morrisons, lennons, tupacs, etc. topzog is always involved with anyone who molds cultures. esp when they are molding it in the wrong direciton

>the library was promptly transferred to podesta estate for safe keeping


Bump. Miko did nothing wrong

I would need an estimate on how often they literally had veils placed over their faces. It's hard to guess how much they know without first gauging how often they were allowed to see.


He was a pedo. He ended up tapping into multi-million multi-billion dollar pedophile rings, which are all connected to child trafficking, child breeding, and child torture & snuff.

He thought he could help the kids who have their faces smashed into the ground; and learned the consequences.

It's a wonder he found time to record songs at all

are they really censoring Michael fucking Jackson now?

Pretty sure Michael was robbed of his childhood by his abusive father. Once he became rich enough he built his own theme park and invited all kinds of kids over because he was rich enough to relive a childhood that he never had. Media, as always, saw an opportunity to exploit a situation and they did, do you remember the first woman who approached the police? probably not, you are more obsessed with boy fucking apparently.

Tell me user, what sort of things come to mind when describing your mother?

MJ was a modern day castratto. He was chemically castrated at a young age by his parents so that he would be able to hit such high notes.
The crazy plastic surgery is typical of people that have been molested as children. People who get plastic surgery and were molested as children do it so that they don't have to look at themselves in the mirror, so that they look like someone else.
MJ deserved better.

He was probably fucked by his dad and he wouldn't be the first person who was abused to turn into an abuser himself. This happens quite a lot.
>Tell me user, what sort of things come to mind when describing your mother?

What happened to Michael Jackson, is what gang stalkers do to regular people. It's the system lashing out at dissidents with smear campaigns and harassment.


Pedos WOULD say "Leave me alone" though. He should kept himself to himself and avoided kiddy-fiddling if that's what he wanted. The guy was a pedo.