Italy Shooting Migrants
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nice work lads
Who cares. Non whites shooting other nonwhites.
>black on black crime
Solid work lads.
Lmao. Worse than i thought.
la creatura ...
Grande Giuseppe!
HERO of the imperium
Italy, also known as the first country to man the fuck up. Proud of you Italy.
I keked really hard when I saw this on the news
Why are Italians so based?
One of the few continentals I admire alongside the Dutch and Danes
OH no! lol. Nadia brings the heat.
The Italian government is absolutely worthless and barely functioning. It has let in more migrants than any other country. Even Spain saw fewer migrant crossings than Italy, and Spain has a city in the North of Africa.
Austrians aren't too bad either
This is just the beginning. Europeans start to take matters in their own hands. Kebab & banana removal is imminent!
I mean the people generally. I’ve met loads of Italians and I’ve only ever seen one left wing one. The rest have been very conservative. Even the leftist was still religious.
I wish I could move to Italy, it's beautiful, the food is great and it has some of the best looking women I have ever seen, and I have met quite a bunch of women from foreign countries.
what a fucker.
fascist scum kills more people than islamic terrorists in Italy, they truly are scum, friends of the cops and bootlickers of the elites since 1922.
these fascists are always so retarded looking, it can't be a coincidence
Fascism is supreme ideology. Thank God for every marxist killed by fascists.
Make me a sanguich, Tony.
Yes, the opposite side of the spectrum is so much more well adjusted.
kill yourself commie
>The shootings took place just days after the body of an 18-year-old Italian woman was discovered cut up and hidden in two suitcases.
is the singer of Disturbed
>damantins whore is looking for a nigger toniggggght
>with a 9mm and a rightful desire
hope it was niggers and not civilised blacks
say hello to your leader, you fashy scum
>B..Bu...But what about t..the other side!?!?
well he had a good enough run
What people have they killed?
Police in Italy is 100% fash and they are constantly killing family members and the such.
The same exact thing that happened today in Macerata happened in 2011 in Firenze: a fascist started shooting against africans, killing two people.
>driving around in your alfa romeo with your berretta, listening to some Andrea Borcelli after you just had an al dente pasta meal
based italy shooting rapists and murderers
in my opinion the shooter looks more like this guy
Apparently he had a Glock.
>The shootings took place just days after the body of an 18-year-old Italian woman was discovered cut up and hidden in two suitcases.
A Nigerian migrant was arrested in connection with her death.
they diserved it obviously
They've got great taste.
ok we get it negro.
homo di mierda stronzo !
number plate placement always felt weird
on one hand it's seem so out of place shoved to the side, but on the other hand, they were like "fuck the number plate, it's only here because it absolutely needs to"
They should kill more africans.
Instead of berating the man Italy needs to have a conversation about the factors in society that drove him over the edge.
Affricans are not people you fag, unless they are the boer
Too bad he didn't attack the source and shoot his politicians that voted to bring these people in.
A nigger raped and killed a girl, then he ate her earth and cut her into pieces.
And Macerata is a fort of Nigerian Mafia.
Alfa Romeo here is cheaper than Ford or Renault.(Used)
la pizza e finita ragazzi
>a fascist started shooting against africans, killing two people
He didn't kill any people, only africans
Grazi regazzi
fucking based
I love Italy now
Dios mio...
El atrocidad
Because of this brave Italian, I'm going to order pizza (papa johns) for lunch.
This, THIS is why we are different from nordcucks.
>el tiburon de zion
She was a coal burning slut that liked syringes, she deserved it.
>teleports behind you.
>Comments are unavailable.
Imagine my shock.
>She was a coal burning
she was just a drug addicted
The amazing thing is that even if you look at comments in lefty cucked news outlets half of them are defending the guy, I think it was a false flag but it backfired.
A nigger literally carved out organs of an 18 yo girl and ate them in a voodoo rite, people are angry af even normies I talked to today they don't care if niggers get mauled down as of now.
Come guys, step it up, it's just another day in Italy.
Also I read from the news web site.
>Former prime minister Berlusconi says irregular migrants are driving up crime and should be deported, even though official data shows crime rates fell last year
Why are brits such virtue signalling cucks?
she did not coal burn user she just wanted to buy drugs, unfortunately she asked a nigerian and not a white person.
She was cock sucking whore that met daily with her senegalese dealer. There are rumors he wasn't even alone. She deserved it.
Cuck meanwhile you shitpost, real man do the job in Italy.
And you think she didn't do anything? Let's not be white knights, she was drugged, nothing would stop her from being a coal burning slut.
I watched quarto grado and there was this dude that literally pointed out the hypocrisy of Boldracca whining about sexist italians while she didn't say a thing about these immigrants doing such deeds. We Italians are redpilled enough.
Italy is a cesspool of niggers living in bushes and gypsies stealing everything that they can
>Sources in Macerata describe the salute that he did as a ‘Roman salute’ but it is essentially the same as a Nazi salute and frequently used by thuggish right-wing football supporters in Italy.
Holy fuck, you brits are so cucked when it comes to media.
Go sell your wife to Amsterdam.
t. Ahmed
no more brotherwars
What part of it isn’t true?
the nethercuck is right please stop guys we are all on the same side
>implying we consider ourselves white
You are NEET. You do nothing.
It is used by alot of people in Italia, not just right wing thugs that like football. And this source makes it seem like fascists and nazis are the same thing, which are not.
Well duh, there's nothing wrong here. Meanwhile you're some cuck, probably from Germany that ran away to nippon land instead of doing something and are that assblasted over people doing something that you have to project your own incapability of acting in your country's interest.
>There are rumors
Nobody confirmed that she fucked him.
Stay away from Europe, shitskins.
Last thing the need is your tranny ass bringing AIDS and Zika.