What does Sup Forums think about the Afrocentric attempts to appropriate literally every other culture in the world?
What does Sup Forums think about the Afrocentric attempts to appropriate literally every other culture in the world?
I think leftists won't touch it for fear of being called racist even though it is way more racist to let it happen
It's entertaining, it also breeds some people with a crooked worldview - which is always a good thing.
I do agree that it is a good thing for lefitists to have to defend raving lunatics because they don't want to be called racist. On the other hand it is really sad
>blacks are telling other blacks to stop stealing their culture
This is so hilarious.
>niggers steal
story at 11.
>Social workers feared being branded (((homophobic)))
>Last update 2007
This pc shit has been going way back. Why hasn't death by fire been legalized yet.
Does this mean African Americans can only wear slave clothes and have shaved heads as dreads are African? Niggers BTFO by niggers
It's been going on since 1965 you just didn't have Sup Forums to make you aware of it
We really need to do more to turn real Africans against American niggers because there would be so much comedy gold
It started long ago. Most Africans don't like African-Americans. I was in NYC in 2000, and whilst walking around 8th and 23rd, I happened upon some Black Panthers having a podium speech. There werent many people listening, but among those that were, there were several Dashiki wearing, bean pie eating nogs from Nairobi. They kept calling the Blank Panthers stupid and telling them that they didn't know what they were talking about when slavery was brought up, insisting that tribal blacks sold other blacks to the (((merchants))) etc. They really had disdain for their pleb ideas.
And seeing has how most African blacks that are allowed to move to America are highly educated (or used to be back in the day) that just multiplies the disdain for the dipshit American blacks
Indeed, I cut up with the Africans for about 30 minutes or so before continuing on my way, they were alright. NYU students so yes they were pretty smart lads.
I am convinced blacks are the biggest hypocrites in the world because they are too stupid to realize their own hypocrisy
That and the are controlled by (((evil)))
>It's been going on since 1965
This whole identity politics crap has at least been going scene then. I've heard about the gay agenda being pushed from my grandparents and parents but i didn't think everything now was happening then.
This goes for leftists, too.
Most African expats and immigrants are what immigrants used to be. Brain drain and all that. We get their best and brightest as well as the ones who can afford to move from their shitholes or semi-developed nations. The mass importation of their proles is rather new and many original migrants voice their displeasure about it because the proles are the people they tried to move away from. I've met some older Syrian migrants in Europe who were fully naturalized Swedes, spoke Swedish and openly lambasted the importation of the worst of their people.
Yeah I've met Hispanics like that too
Sister's husband is a black SA and he doesn't like the layabout blacks in USA. Super hardworking.
It's incredibly funny.
Have't blacks in SA turned into animals under black rule?
>Sister's husband is a black SA
It’s Sign of desperation and a huge inferiority complex the negros are suffering from.
Their music, gangsta culture is a reactionary movement birthed by the insight about how far underdeveloped their race is compared to anyone on the planet
Your sister is going to pay the toll
BAsed Nazibro!
Eh, to each their own. Haven't met a more hard working guy. Also has a masters degree from US institution.
It's pitiful and desperate. Reminds me of these fake veteran compulsive liar types.
why don't you suck his dick cuck
except it is an entire culture from the top down
Yes, it's so embarrassing to witness. Niggers are not human by white people standards.
Is it the most pathetic mindset ever, it is going to fall flat on its face when democracy fails and the negro no longer has his legions of whiteknight cucks to care for him and defend him.
Is the DR majority negro?
No, we are majority euro/indian/african mix.
The full blacks here all Haitians, the fact they were born here does not make them Dominican.
Half the population is of Haitian descent.
We need to go full parsley on their asses but we have wait until the USA collapses so they won't invade us again.
I don't think Trump would invade you for killing Haitians
I can't count on that.
Trump does what Kushner tells him to.
well then apparently so does the DR