Varg says europeans are 99,97% neanderthal, is he right?

Varg says europeans are 99,97% neanderthal, is he right?

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No, blue eyed/blonde hair people came from the regions of iran/georgia/turkey (black sea are) 8 thousand years ago
Neanderthals died out much longer ago
There is not much neanderthal dna in them

>There is not much neanderthal dna in them

if humans are 70% genetically similar to flatworms, yeast and cabbage, I'm fairly certain that most "neanderthal genes" are identical to human ones anyway.

Bollocks. Megalithic civilization was invented and spread by whites but was all wiped out by flooding and shit.

I know, but we dont talk about that
Of course a banana shares dna with us, but i want to explain, that nordics are not like the "children" of neanderthals
When the first "germans" came to europe, there where still neanderthals in europe
When nordics came, the neanderthals already died out a long time ago
Your common ancestor, the first few people with blue eyes, were born 8k years ago, and you all are related to them
So if a person has blue eyes and blonde hair he cant be related to a neanderthal, only if 1 parent was related to a neanderthal, but that would mean that you probably would not have blue eyes, because brown eyes are more dominant than the corrupted nucleotide base
which gives humans the lack of melanin in the eyes

Varg lives off government gibs, is a murderer and never finished high school. Stop posting that idiot pls.

>Varg says europeans are 99,97% neanderthal, is he right?

no one cares, this isn't politics.

If Neanderthal is whatever isnt a nigger, yeah thats me.

Is varg right ?

I mean, yeah.. partly... it probably makes more sense to do your own research though... Varg isn't a geneticist and is just loosley quoting information he has learned himself


thats just inbreeding lol

>Varg says
Stopped reading right there

oh fug the second one is cute

Varg would trigger me too if I was mongrel from 3 continents

Stop replying too this retarded bait thread, where OP doesn't supply the source.
Jesus christ, sage this thread.

Varg says a lot of things and most of the stuff he says is retarded nonsense

Varg is a murderer like brazilians
I don't get your point

He's a retarded welfare queen

The cult here against the Askhenazim jews here is fascinating, if not useless.

Does anyone care what meme flags have to say? No

>neanderthals had blue eyes and blonde hair
>also lived in the middle east

New evidence (pic related) could further the debate ITT.
Since we share DNA with Canis Funkius Walkus it is logical to say that some of us are descended from dogs.
Ancient fossilised dog eggs found on the coast of Europe leads us to believe that thats where the French hatched from.

I think its something like 2%

But if im 2% Neanderthal and you are 2% Neanderthal we still migth not have the same type if Neanderthal dna
For example I migth have A and B and you migth have C and D

Bullshit, he's just a retard with no scientifical knowledge whatsoever

this is false
i am a scientist i know


what the fuck

Varg is a nutjob, terrorist, murderer, cult leader, edgelord; he has the worldview of a sixteen year old backed up by the intellect of an old man. He is really fucking weird.

Just like Jordan Peterstein


I'm a genetecist and statistician this is the most fucking annoying bullshit and makes you people appear flat earth creationist tier intelligence.

I thought Sup Forums was supposed to be a high IQ board?


The humans that have the highest of any neanderthal species dna are the Oceanians i.e. aboriginals from australia and such.

They also have the highest denisovan dna.




Sup Forums doesn't do that, Varg does. Maybe you'd like to have a chat with him. He most likely will call you a kike shill though

>blue eyed/blonde hair people came from the regions of iran/georgia/turkey (black sea are) 8 thousand years ago
nonsense, oldest blue eyes are in Italy at 14k years ago, all of the oldest are either in Europe or in the balkans among WHG people

blue eyes likely originated among the common ancestor of post ice age European hunter gatherers

*west Europe

No Sup Forums fucking does this.

See here:

I see this image spread every day. Its probably not as annoying for someone that doesn't study this shit but it drives me insane!

I also see flath earth shit on here, too, and DA MOON LANDING WUZ FAKED. Doesn't mean this bullshit is kind of a "pol ideology". It's annoying, but if I got upset about all garbage here, I'd never stop raging.


But speaking of neanderthals: what DID happen to them?

oi me can't flag bully, fock meme flags (yellow teeth smile)

inbred, too much genetic load, too few in numbers, ice age, homos* arriving in a bad moment

*perhaps already hybridized with near east neanderthals, the same ones who likely taught Mousterian culture to the first sapiens in the area

Europeans have significantly more Neanderthal admixture than any other race, and some races particularly in African have virtually zero.

Homo sapiens sapiens were superior.

It's generally accepted in anthropology that for a long period of time several hominid species, including homo sapiens sapiens (us), co-existed. In the end, homo sapiens sapiens prevailed because we were just better. We outcompeted the other hominids for food, we outbred them, and we probably also outright slaughtered them, as well as assimilated them into our race through interbreeding, which did happen fairly often. At the end of the day it's survival of the fittest and homo sapiens sapiens was the fittest.

Varg is a mentally unstable murderer, also you can test yourself for that in your DNA. All Europeans would be like 2% neanderthal.

I see, broadly remembered as much. But I don't really understand why Varg does this anyway. What's the purpose? We shouldn't become Africa, because WE WUZ NEANDERTHALS N ShITE? And then there's his autistic Nordicism. He's probably the only eceleb who think Italians aren't white, but like North-Africans. Autistic.

He has it completely backwards. Varg is literally one of the biggest idiots on youtube,

to be fair though, when Varg talks about "neanderthals" he is hardly referring to a specific archaic specimen
"neanderthal" seems to me more like a diffferent word for what he perceives as "native European"

Nigger lover

Gotta collapse the system somehow. That's one of his stronger points tbqhrn

Do you think, Varg even knows what he is talking about? And he just twists things that they fit his agenda all the time, too. Seems like he is living in his own world.

Still great music though.

eh, not always, I do admit his theories* revolving paganism and Europeans are quite off, but I think he means well

*heavily influenced by his wife as well

varg is incredibly uneducated on almost anything he talks about

hes a cool guy but taking any of his """theories""" seriously is laughable

Ok so every human is 99.9% neanderthal? Chimps are neanderthals? That makes no sense


Why do people care so much about him?

His wife who is actually autistic and he believes it's a super power. And I don't think Varg is well meaning. I read through his old stuff some months ago. He gloated over the teenagers getting butchered by breivik, because they didn't fight back. "the social-darwinist in me applauds". And don't forget that he was arrested for planning to storm an antifa HQ and kill everyone inside, then escaped prison and hijacked a car to escape. He also wants all civilization to collapse so he and his chosen few can repopulate Europe as the new Herrenmenschen. The guy is Jim Jones tier.

I hate it when the communists use fake propaganda against our guys, but Varg really is fucking dangerous.


Now why is Varg free? With all of that plus killing Euronymous. Because maximum prison term in Norway is 16 years and he served it.

Neanderthals inhabited Central Asia too.

What studies does Varg cite in this assertation?

I completely agree with you, Varg is a divide-and-conquer shill seeking to prevent unity among native Europeans, inconsistent in his ideology and a shitty representative of our alt-right movement.


True Europeans (blond hair blue eyes) are descendants of Atlantis


The guy literally said that antifa was a better ally than achieving his goals than the alt-right. Yes he unironically did that.

Running off to the woods isn't going to collapse anything. Plus, it is an unrealistic proposal. They've already transitioned into a servant system. If one nig or spic doesn't go along, the next one will.... cheaper.
All he would accomplish is to speed up the ostracization and eventual demise of the outnumbered.
He might have good intentions but not everyone that feels they are right actually is.

>*heavily influenced by his wife as well
Which is quite embarrassing. Every allegory comes back to the vagina with her. She is kind of a dumb pervert.

well here it boils down to your political ideas really, I'm fairly well aligned with various(not all) of Varg's ideas(not even his ideas in the first place anyway)

Because he is a neo-nazi under a peasant hobo cover

>homeless larper without education

Their relationship with western people is a pretty important topic. It often gets super tinfoil but I think that will clear up.

He's a joke. I don't take anything he says seriously and if all white people ever took what he said seriously, white people would have never achieved civilisation. Varg is anprim scum.

No, genetic testing has shown no such thing

Let him provide the evidence

If Varg were an American he would have established a cult by now. I think Varg may actually be trying to do that. He will probably end up being extremely detrimental to European nationalists.

don't take the genetic stuff too seriously
we only have two high coverage "neanderthals"
on is far in Siberia, away from Europe
the other one is quite young

all the theories about neanderthals suggest they lived in very small separated groups, which means the genetic differentiation between a near east ~100k old neanderthal(the ones with which we may have mixed the most) and late European neanderthals(like the Vindija one) could've been quite huge, and the ~2/3% that is being picked up is only a small share of the whole

Who cares? This guy is an enormous fucking faggot.

also read this

Maybe you are just so used to being the white sheep, that doing things in another way seems that weird to you.
Not everyone are receivers like you, not all like it hard in the ass Hans.

Le edgy 16 year old comment. Le I am so alpha. Le I am le imba terrorist.

I have beaten six "enrichers" that attacked me. Alone. What have you done, keyboard warrior? Not everyone who rejects nutjobs and idiots does it because it's weak. And spoiler alert: blood and honor lost. So did combat 18.

Hands off the keyboard, your are writing a load of crap again.
Who do you think you are? John Wick? for taking down 6 immigrant children that were calling you names.

The absolute state of your reddit reply.

It is funny you keep assuming things you have absolutely no idea about.
Get off the chair it is for the man not for the kid.

Are all Germans this pathetic?

>I thought Sup Forums was supposed to be a high IQ board?


I know they looked at what person visited what board the most but how did they get those IQ numbers did they ask people or did they do an IQ test? Or did they guess their IQ based on their arguments because if they did then that is a very biased way of looking for IQ

>By studying compound haplotype systems within these genes, an attempt has been made to calculate the age of the alleles associated with lightening of European skin color. It is proposed that changes within KITLG appeared 30,000 years ago, and within TYRP1, SLC24A5 and SLC45A2 at 11,000-19,000 years ago, respective

This derived KITLG allele is associated with blond hair. The derived HERC2 allele is associated with blue eyes, and it's frequency was the same in ancient Europe as in modern Europe;

>We also find evidence of selection for the derived allele of rs12913832 at HERC2/OCA2, which appears to be fixed in Mesolithic hunter-gatherers, and is the primary determinant of blue eye color in present-day Europeans28,29. In contrast to the other loci, the range of frequencies in modern populations is within that of ancient populations

>Additional evidence of an early link between west and east comes from the HERC2 locus, where a derived allele that is the primary driver of light eye color in Europeans appears nearly simultaneously in specimens from Italy and the Caucasus ~14,000-13,000 years ago

>starting at /tg/, discussion is possible
You've never been there, I take it.

There used to be special threads in every board to measure the IQ, I remember when this was in 2016

Sup Forums had lower average iq because of the trolls, either they were trolls or they were actually retarded

How did those threads measure IQ?

Considering the majority of conservatives and authoritarians on this board, I don't think it can just be blamed on trolls.

This but it's not even a cover, he genuinely thinks the best way forward for natsoc in the future is to let every civilization that stands today collapse, survive the collapse by forming independent natsoc tribes and then rebuilding civilization anew. He is aware that this whole process might last several generations before the collapse actually happens or for his descendants to be there to start over, but he has thought deeply about what he thinks the future will look like and he's trying to prepare now for the arguably inevitable worldwide collapse of civilizations that's coming in the next few centuries.

He makes a compelling argument when he says humanity is living in a bubble that we call civilization, and it's about to burst relatively soon. He also makes strong arguments about civilization being dysgenic, having a naturally domesticating effect on humans just as dogs or cows were domesticated by humans. The distant ancestors of cows and dogs were fierce beasts, untamed, equipped to survive in the earth's harsh ecosystem without any crutches. In humanity's effort to escape the pressures and restrictions that nature would put on us in the wild we are escaping evolutionary pressures that could make us stronger as a species, thus we become weaker because we don't need to be strong enough to survive in truly harsh conditions anymore. If we make our living conditions easier, we degenerate because it makes it easier for lower quality genes to be passed on.

He's also wrong about a bunch of stuff but I find that he's so spot on with some issues that I can forgive his LARPy bullshit most of the time.

hit me

No, the European admixture with Neanderthal is about 4 percent, on average. My father is English and he's 3 percent, for example.

still salty that you lost, huh?

Every board has its own related questions, Sup Forums questions were mostly about psychology and philosophy and political problems, most of the people in here were proven to be brainlets

>blue eyes are 10k years old meme

literally a myth manufactured by the media. Genes for blue eyes are pre-human

How were the psychology, philosophy, and politics questions asked because those all can be biased against those who do not have the right ideas according to mainstream ideology like homosexually is a mental illness or people with disabilities should be killed because they don’t give anything

My post was meant for you

>Thus, WHG split first, with CHG and EF separating only at a later stage
>G-Phocs dates the split between WHG and the population ancestral to CHG and EF at ∼40–50kya
>The split between CHG and EF is dated at ∼20–30kya emerging from a common basal Eurasian lineage1 (Supplementary Fig. 2
>Like EF, but in contrast to WHG, CHG carry a variant of the SLC24A5 gene17 associated with light skin colour (rs1426654

If EF and CHG split 30Kya, and EF-CHG and WHG split 50-40Kya, that means light pigmentation could be 50,000 years old.

This is roughly 20,000 years after we supposedly left Africa 70,000 years ago. However, the MCPH1 gene shows introgression dated to 37Kya, which came from a hominid that diverged from sub-Saharan Africans 1.1Mya;


The researchers suggest a Eurasian origin because the derived MCPH1 allele is almost non-existant in sub-Saharan Africans. Neanderthals, who split from humans 765Kya, also had the ancestral MCPH1 allele;


If non-Africans have neanderthal DNA and Africans don't, and humans and neanderthals split 765Kya, and both neanderthals and sub-Saharan Africans have the ancestral MCPH1 allele, then the population ancestral to non-neanderthals and non-sub-Saharan Africans had to split from both over 765Kya.

Since the date of the emergence of the derived MCPH1 allele and the other introgressions into Africans are 1.1Mya+ years old, this means that the population ancestral to whites and Asians had to emerge over 1.1Mya.

Also, all white-European Y-haplogroups descend from F, which emerged in Melanesia;

>Like haplogroup C, haplogroup F therefore appears to have an origin in the south—in particular, in Melanesia

Look at this map -

Red drop = R1b
Blue drop = A type blood
White star = I

the top guy is Vin Diesel in person.
Here you go, living Neanderthal !